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    The Otaku of Serenes

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    Anime, RPG's, Fire Emblem(duh), Volleyball, League of Legends, smash bros
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    British Columbia, Canada

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  1. are there any skills that weren't in awakening that are good?
  2. from the dlc which means in one playthrough you can only get one great lord correct? Edit: or is it the hero king emblem that you can only get one of?
  3. would galeforce still be a viable even though it was nerfed also a skill like aether is from amiibo's right Edit: do you get seals from amiibo to turn into their class?
  4. As the title says i'm looking for the list of good skills in the game and what side they belong to also please don't just give me an answer with just one skill on it. also i don't have the time to look through threads to find what skills are good so sorry if this is common knowledge by now. also i'm wondering if the -strike skills are good
  5. Ha who needs them Olivia #1! But as for my actual favourites Hoshido: in order 10.Kagerou 9.Kinu 8.Nishiki 7.Subaki 6.Felicia 5.Oboro 4.Midoriko 3.Aqua 2.Sakura 1.Matoi (this was really hard) Nohr: in order 10.Lazwald 9,.Flora 8.Luna 7.Soleil 6.Nyx 5.Camilla 4.Velour 3.Eponine 2.Elise 1.Ophelia (easiest thing I ever did) Invisible: in order 10. Soleil 9.Nyx 8.Aqua 7.Camilla 6.Velour 5.Eponine 4.Elise 3.Sakura 2.Matoi 1.Ophelia (by looking at this list you don't even need to see my profile to know I'm a guy)
  6. So previously I asked If you had 2 physical copies of the game would you get the bonus of the dread fighter and dark falcon and if the game would recognize the two as the two games and would give you the bonus. The answer was no. Now I will ask If you have 2 physical copies of the game will it make you buy double the DLC, the reason is because I like to have physical copies rather than one digital and one physical so I'm asking just in case the special edition doesn't come out in the U.S.
  7. I love how I didn't see the results and I picked what the majority picked
  8. Can you only use the buddy seal with certain people because for felicia on the wikia it says her buddy seals are for pieri and hana, is this true or can you buddy seal with anyone on the characters support list
  9. damn they look awesome can't wait till i can get my hands on them
  10. If you are or will play all paths then pick the one you prefer for me it's Nohr even though I like hoshidos design in everything better than Nohr, the characters in Nohr feel better to me
  11. Also, for some reason it doesn't say who the quote was by, it is by nordopolica
  12. thank you for clearing that up Edit:if the special edition comes to the U.S. or if I buy the physical copies of both games will I still get the dread fighter and dark falcon because the 3ds knows that the special edition game is actually 2 games/ the 3ds will also find the opposites game data (if i get two physical copies) and it will give me the bonus, or do I have to buy one physical or digital copy and then buy the dlc of the second and third paths?
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