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Caliban of Sycorax

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Posts posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. one thing I play with them so of course I wouldn't say gannondorf, bowser, or dk sucks more than them

    and another thing toon link is just a replacement of young like or more like a copy they just changed his move set a bit.

    Lugi is still the same as always

    I main Toon Link and he does not suck. The only thing I have complaints about him is that he gets launched early at times (~125%).

  2. You suck against Olimar because his Final Smash is bad?

    Because it's cheap.

    I also officially suck against tag-teaming Ike, Link, and ZSS.

    Today online I faced 3 people in Basic Brawl. They overwhoredly spammed attacks all on me. I lost every time. And they spammed Final Destination, my worst stage.

  3. I've gotten a lot of zero level ups recently. Jill's had one, Zihark had ~3, Boyd and Oscar had 2, and Mia had one. It's irritating because, well, why is it so common? I was lucky to get one in most other games!

    Is this more prevalent in FE9?

  4. No particular order.

    With Milla's Divine Protection

    Power-Hungry Fool

    Dragon Roost Island

    Gourmet Race

    Fountain of Dreams (Melee)

    The Legendary Air Ride Machine

    Final Destination (Brawl)


    Big Blue (Melee)

    Corneria (Melee)

    Unfounded Revenge/Smashing Song of Praise

    MGS4 Theme of Love

    Flat Zone (Brawl)

    Luigi's Mansion

    Tetris A

    Airship Theme

    Ike's Theme (Eternal Bond)

    Against the Black Knight

    Victory Road

    Dialga/Palkia Battle

    Pokemon Main Theme (Brawl)

  5. My mother DESTROYS at Mario Party and the Sega Genesis games. Since I was ~7 when I played 'em, she was better. She beat Zombies Ate My Neighbors. I'm 16 now and I still can't beat it. The only game I'm better at is Clue for the Sega.

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