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About TheBraveGallade

  • Birthday November 23

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    Pokemon,mario,fire emblem,fanfics,vocoloids,lego, robots, SPACE (no joke)
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  1. To symbolise The desperation but also faith and will of the DB against an overwhelming foe
  2. oh believe me i would especially with miccy, going from 1 to 2(finding pellias) to 3(at promo) to 10(3-13) to 5(part 4) but i havent found a way....yet at least.
  3. I wish i could rework them like how they are in FE4, but its hardcoded. The most important change is that miccy has 3,which fixes a lot of DB accuracy issues. Lots of bosses also have higher stars to compensate. You'll also find more chars have them for flavor (titania and soren have 2 and mist 1)
  4. Ok ish. Id be more active if i wasnt conscripted lol, basically on a hiatus untill next year with some updates on leave. Very well too, since the more things more well versed RD modders like dunal or sal reveal, the more i can do based on ther own findings.
  5. TBF the hack also has sonic swords as well as the runesword, the latter being a SS reapon with nos effect and the sonic sword being a bit weaker but wind magic based
  6. Probably, though that basically makes physical swords irrelevemt for mist and also means she completly eviserates mages harder then before.
  7. The funny part is, as my hack shows, and even just anyone who's able to do basic cheat codes can tell you, simply making florette magic makes mist stupidly strong at times, she fucking obliterates a lot of things casue florette's stats on paper is actually busted to the point that its one of the few weapons i'd had to NERF stat wise in my hack after turning it into a magic sword...
  8. *several* More like most, as ive found while making my hack, lol. Mages being the worst off with cavs not too far behind (poor mist in particular)
  9. Ive done this in my hack, but making laura be able to use fire makes sense for her stat build as an offensive mage and allows the DB to better deal with hordes of laguz. Just fix some of her caps. Thematically, clensing fire is a thing, and laura was always a bit quirky. Id actually suggest letting miccy pick up dark magic to represent the darker path she's being forced to take plus the psralells to sephiran's own dark/light abilities. It would also give you much more room to play with dark magic in general
  10. glad we agree here. Like we can have all the wish fufilment/selfish/self insert romance fuel we want and still be minimally affecting the plot. Like, i mean, how important is chrom's wife in the grand sceme of awakening? only the fact she exists and gives birth to lucina, really. same concept here. just give them more base convos then other people casue MU and we'll be golden. maybe a few extra boss convos here or there depending on background (i can imagine a somewhat more detailed convo with petrine for example, and maybe ena,in my MU's case, in PoR.)
  11. Honestly, I want any FE MUs to be as unimpactful to the grand sceme of things as possible. They should be just a memeber of the respective army they join with additonal quips and dialogue inserted here or there. though you can still go wild in the endings (AKA MU/Elincia is a ship that would be somewhat pushed in my theoretical remake), really. and you could add in a extra base convos since it is an MU. But in the grand plot? just teat them as another GM/DB/CK member, basically.
  12. well not everything needs to be perfectly balance, fun is more important.
  13. The EXP rate is a problem, and so is untransformed states being pitifully weak. honestly transforming should boost stats by 50% of stats, and we balance from there. which is what my RD hack is trying to emulate...
  14. If anything, I feel like a non-royal survivor of the serenes massicre would be interesting. As for a new idea, I've had an idea for a MU in tellius for a while. the idea is that the MU is a dain conscript and one of the few survivors of the clash between the dain army and elincia's escort. the MU bascially decides, fuck this, when him/her and a few others find elincia and decides to protect her instead, and then you get intergrated into the GM. Being former dain would make for interesting supports and dialogue (with bosses as well as commentary on the situation) as well as insight into daein as a whole. In PoR's epilogue, you'd have a choice to where you'll go, somewhat pending on your supports, which will determine where you are in RD: Daein(the defualt option): you go back to daein, your home. you join the DB early part 1. GM: have an A support with any of the original members of the GM+mia(I find it funny that she's the only permanent join from PoR if what we see in RD is correct) you'll join ike's party from the start Gallia: have an A support with a laguz, and act as a beorc representitve in gallia. You'll join with lethe and mordy in part 2. Crimea: have an A support with any crimean knight or charecter. if its Brom or nephnee, you'll start on 2-1 with them. otherwise, you'll join with geoffery in 2-2. Tormod: A support tormod or muraim and you'll join with his crew in part 1. you won't bail the DB though as daein is still your home country. Begnion: support tanith and you'll join when she does.
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