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About milky1234123

  • Birthday 05/23/1990

Profile Information

  • Interests
    I'm a rather boring person usually not many interest outside of work.

Previous Fields

  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Blazing Sword

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Happy birthday!

  2. Would selling the items also count towards getting rid of them or overwriting?
  3. Question does anyone know how much DLC there will be for this game? Any confirmation on amount or is everything assuming it will be about the same as Awakening? Adding on to my question I have not paid much attention to this game as to avoid spoilers but is there free DLC for this as well like the prior FE? Thank you for your time.
  4. Oh my friend this is the one thing i carry with me each and everyday as she was the perfect woman for me who could deal with my crap. Ah how i miss her i visit her grave a few times a week i try to each day if i can just to say hi. To be honest I havent been with anyone since then but meh a piece of advice i can offer is never wait for something to come to you go for it bud itll make you a better person. You never want to look back at your life and ask yourself "what if"
  5. Today was a terrible day for yugioh

  6. Got married wife died few months later. Went to college still in college. Left country for nearly 5 years came back. Now working as a department head at work and do IT stuff as side job. Pretty much exactly how i expected my life to be sadly
  7. My allergies are the thing I dread each morning.

  8. Its to early for being awake

  9. It okay no big at all you are doing usa favor by putting this up thank you!
  10. Also drop box links down due to download abuse i would suggest using mediafire as more linient on stuff like that
  11. Mega links are down also the drop box link are down as well from my end and someone else from above can confirm that. No idea outside of that the mega links do say they been deleted due to violation of terms.
  12. Hmmm now that is tough one as there isn't just a single one but many top 3 would be Jaffar, Eliwood, and Ninian. Jaffar for being quiet and getting to the point. Eliwood being the overly nice character. Ninian for being the kind one and reminds me of my late wife very goregous.
  13. I am still undecided between nohr or hoshido. Even though i'll be getting both games...

  14. Like another member said getting a console for just a single game is a bad investment. Do some research and find some other games that you would like for the 3DS. Some of my recommendations are Kid icarus uprising, Pokemon, Kirby, Mario, Zelda, and of course Fire Emblem: Awakening. There are many many games that make owning a 3DS worth it you just got to find what you like. There is also a new Fire Emblem game coming out next year for the 3DS as well so another good reason to get one.
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