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About Elieson

  • Birthday 02/08/1988


  • Member Title
    Dadmin. Obligatory Parent of SF. Also, actually a parent, on SF.

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  • Interests
    Finally getting around to my backlog of gaming! Click the link below for my streams thread that I might update occasionally!
  • Location
    North Houston, TX

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Blazing Sword

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  1. YEA WELL You slipped up with your grammar and style of speech when speaking about Cam in thread, which was hella sus and You knew Cam was scum all along, just that Cam was in the other faction, which was the information so my logic was correct, just correct in a way that's like 1 + 2 = 3, vs the actual case of 3 - 1 = 2. Same results, different process. Sensible, but not as direct as you think it was!
  2. Actually this @BBM How exactly did the Neighbors work? Did they know each other by name? Anonymous chat? Faction?
  3. I'm still not sure I follow. Aster claimed to target DF, which would result in a fail. Cam claimed to track Ast OOOOOOOOO OK i see it now
  4. yes. please do. I welcome them with open arms!
  5. Why is it a slip to target a person that your action fails on? That's like saying that if a Vig shoots someone and that someone is doc'd, the Vig would not show up on a track report as visiting anyone.
  6. oh yea i'm never doubting my reads on eury again. even if you all can't comprehend the genius that is my methods, they were more correct than incorrect, and that's all that counts. my ego is inflated!
  7. hurry up i want my postgame and i want it now gg thank you for running the game BBM, and welcome to SF @JamieIsBored @DefyingFates and @Aster
  8. Why does 'Announcer' have to exist in any form, especially the currently unverifiable form?Ugh. Such a waste of a role. What's it gonna do, say "I GOT A GUN" on the off chance that the same person gets one of my guns and the announce? scumhunting sucks. cardflip sucks. mafia sucks.
  9. ##Vote @CT075 This ties votes but I think as far as non-disruptable plans go, lynching Cam today and attempting a shot on Fates is more logical, specifically because of the BPV and Aesthetic claims respectively (so I'm parrotting Boron totally but it's also my own genius idea). If neither of them are scum, and scum pulls a shot off today, it'd probably be on Boron, leaving a pretty shitty situation on the table for tomorrow IMO. I'm also just feeling like Fates' flailing is more townie than scum. I was wrong on my Marth feel but I was right on my Eury feel, and I don't feel confident enough in a vote anywhere else today. I'll be here until phase end and can flip to Fates just to break a tie, but I'd rather see a Cam lynch today over a Fates lynch today, in part for the mission and in part because I just don't think Fates is scum since Boron is scum and on her path to an epic solo victory in final LYLO.
  10. What are/were your thoughts on Weapons' idea of today's lynch on Fates, and Weapons Omniguarding Cam so Cam can get a track off?
  11. I think you mean D1. We didn't have much of a Back n Forth on D2
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