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Everything posted by Amerininja

  1. I'm a loser who loves wasting hours on character creation. So any game that gives me even a small amount of it is fine by me. So yeah I kinda want one
  2. Okay can you give me a good asset flaw as well? And I am not quite sure if I actually need the "two Morgan's" thing. But I thank you for the observation.
  3. Okay so I have played several playthroughs of Awakening and am about ready to just put it away for a bit. However I want to do one final play through. Now I am undecided on my Asset Flaw but, after getting all the male avatar supports in the support log, I do have 7 favorite 'waifus'. Who Should I marry: Tiki Emmeryn Aversa Sumia ?!Cynthia ?!Kjelle (aka hidden gem and one true waifu) ?!Severa I know some of these aren't really great but eh this will be a Hard Casual run just to beat the Future Past series and Apotheosis (the stuff I haven't done...) I will be going all out later by myself but please only give advice on these 7 lovely ladies.
  4. So I was planning my final awakening play through before Fates comes out when I realized I had paired up all of my possible mothers, on paper. So I decided to do a 3rd Gen Morgan. I also decided that my Male Robin is going to be a full support, back of pair up, unit. So I ask of you all what should his Asset/Flaw, skill set, and final class be if he marries Donnel!Kjelle (General) or Lon'qu!Severa (Sorcerer)? Thank ye!
  5. Who should a Male MU marry (+Def,-Luck) in a Lunatic Classic no dlc run? I'll probably abuse Rescues for healers tbh.
  6. I wound up marrying Panne and beat the Seacomers chapter before leaving for blood work this morning. I hap put my 2ds on sleep. I got home to find that my little sibling started a file over that file...yay. So yeah since I only beat Lunatic Casual thanks to DLC grinding I've decided to do a Lunatic No DLC run. Could I post a new topic for a play by play of my run so I can have help as I go?
  7. Could Olivia also be useful? I am curious if that could aide Morgan any...if at all.
  8. Yes. Yes it is. He is now a swordmaster. (He does have Ignis too) and he rarely doubles stuff in the chapter where they attempt to kill Emmeryn the first time.
  9. Yeah I figure it won't be too difficult but I do want this as my main file. Because despite playing multiple playthroughs I haven't kept one nor have I done all the dlc I bought (bar exponential growth). Is Morgan as a Taguel good? And does Yarne need the extra classes from Avatar?
  10. So I started my latest Fire Emblem Awakening run through. I am doing Hard Classic because beating Lunatic once was enough for me. I chose to use a make avatar but I may have screwed him over in the growths and stay cap area. I gave him Asset: Skill and Flaw: Speed. I'm not one to quit just because it may get tricky but I think I need help in other departments. So here are my questions: 1.Which female should I marry? I prefer having two Morgan like characters as opposed to one. 2.What class would be good to end on for my avatar and what skills? I never keep my avatar aa tactician-grandmaster.
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