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Everything posted by Terra

  1. Marth wins! *buys Ike some beer*
  2. Rules: post an item. The Next person posts another item. Third person posts last item. Fourth person must eat sandwhich. They can then post next item if they survived. Ex: Bun/nails/tomato eat....dies create next sandwhich. Borito....etc START: Bread
  3. HELLO!? *echo* oh well....maybe I'll leave...
  4. I'll be a counter clerk. *also joins bank. buys card for $1. Makes $500 deposit*
  5. lol, I like you. But yah.... I DID have a PC....but it got destroyed by my baby nephew. I've HAD my SNES since I was in 1st grade, and I didn't buy the wii...my brother did! *claps* It's also cool to know someone else who's played FF Legend....it hurts my eyes! I don't know how many times I adjust the colors when I play GB games on Super Gameboy....but the big screen is cool. You're also right about the gameguide for the weapons.....what's with the extra menu when you click an equipment?
  6. that makes me sound like such a newb! *and is* Oh well! We're all new once in awhile, so I might as well endulge in your superior knowledge of master conquest! *will get all those master seals*
  7. lol! well...his updated appearance in SD looks more manly....such as his coronet no longer looks like a girl's headband...,
  8. cool. thanks guys! Ialso found another way...instead of seizing when you beat a boss, kill all the other enemies & let them respawn from forts. Also level up clerics/sages by healing allies after the battle. I found this out myself. I'll have to try the arena next.... I didn't go to it in my first file.
  9. Hi Kirby! *gives him a present* open it! It's a surprise gift! I hope you're a Marth fan! what other prince has such good looks and never loses his coronet?
  10. What is the best wifi team and how can I take advantage during in game chapters to reach the unit's highest level/equip the best weapons? I seem to suck in wifi battles. Maybe ppl are cheating with hack devices?
  11. I like burnt cookies and burnt pizza.
  12. cool! Did they do the Archie comics version Sonic the Hedgehog show also?

  13. Nice try! But I'll definately play it! there's just one game I bought recently at a flea market that's extremely confusing with equipment/menues.....Final Fantasy Legend III for original GB. I got it for a steal at $8.....but yah.....I need to print a gamefaq of the armor/weapons/accessories. I play it on my SNES.
  14. cool retro Nintendo cartoon pics! I loved those when I was a kid!

  15. doesn't know anything about magical/alchemical symbols like the one in the avatar.
  16. Hi Briggid! You must be a forest veteran, eh? Will you stay around or leave again?
  17. seems to be nice. *watches avatar just incase* lol! <3
  18. ok so PoR is around 30-35 bucks on Amazon. Then I'll buy it from there! Also, my Gamestop has the GBA one with Eliwood for 9.00....so I might get that one next. *hugs Banana girl*
  19. sure! I like peach tea too.... You must like bananas! *gives banana smoothie*
  20. the above person was first to comment on my profile! *claps*
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