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About Wulfgar85

  • Birthday 12/14/1985

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Radiant Dawn

Wulfgar85's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. castle name ft Wulfgar revalations rice milk Dimonds topaz castle address 17663-54026-93155-23445 please come visit I don't get many visitors
  2. hey everyone, I'm looking for Vantage For my Benny I was wondering if anyone could help me out.
  3. Balls stupid dollar. I guess I can try to wait to see if the dollar recovers or just suck it up a pay the extra
  4. So last week I check the prices and the packs were all between $6.00-$6.50 when I went back today the prices have all jump up. The packs now range from $7.50 - $8,19. I had planed on buying some DLC but not at those prices For example golden pack is now $7,50
  5. Happy Birthday!!! (again)

  6. so how hard will in be to do the last 3 end parts without a Heron. Reyson can taken out in part 2 of the final end game, should i re do the lvl and makes sure he lives or will i be ok without him.
  7. Finally beat the damn lvl today. Luck was on my side for once as the ememy didn't land one critical hit the whole fight and every one lived except for Muarim who i don't care about. Now time to go kick a lot of Laguz but with Edward and Nolan.
  8. Figuring this one out as i'm having a hell of a time with 4-4. No matter what i do, some one i need gets kill, usually by a critical hit. I try going all out in a attack mode and that didn't work and i tried to sit back at let the ememy come to me and that also didn't work. If i fail any more i'm just going to bring Ike and Nailah to the lvl and just run through it with them.
  9. I'm using Nolan right now and haven't given him any stat boasters. I gave him a bit of BEXP but i didn't really need to do it.
  10. Jill went from lvl 14 to lvl 6 in 4-p so i won't be putting any bonus exp into her at the moment. My end game team seems to be changing with every fight as Kieran bit the dust in 4-p. But Oscar can pretty much take his place. if any thing i add other royal to end game.
  11. I am taking Jill Nolan and Edward to end game. so no master crown until lvl 20. Nolan and Edward might get some Bonus exp depend on what stats they have maxed.
  12. Jill is staying on Micaih's team because of the desert lvl. Nolan and Edward when to Tibarn's team. Right now i having a few issue with 4-p but i think i know how to fix my problem. I'm learning that on hard mode i'll need to actually use Naesala, and Skrimir and that Sothe is useless atleast in my game. anyways heading to bed i'll try this lvl again in the morning.
  13. I can't remember can you switch skill around while your making your 3 teams before part 4.
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