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Posts posted by Integrity

  1. There. A magical Integrity fact, right there on Post 1!

    To address Sonata, I typically create an account specifically to make a certain post, and thus my first post tends to be in "Balance Discussions" or the particular board's srs discussions part. Once that's done, my first post won't be in the introductions forum, and I ...tend to forget about them until a year later. I just pretend I've been there all along?

    Plus, I'm not an interesting fellow. :D

  2. Aight, my new peeps. I NEVER, in over ten years of reading forums and seven of active posting, have make an introduction post on a forum. Seriously, honestly, truly, madly, deeply. You guys made me do it with your insidious welcoming comments. "Oh hello Integrity!" "Enjoy your stay, Integrity!" "I love you, Integrity!"

    So, uh, please excuse me if I have absolutely no idea what to say. What are you supposed to put in these? I don't even read them, typically. These introductory boards are practically invisible to me and oh dear I'm rambling.




    Hello. That's all I got.

    EDIT: I seem to have a bee to the left there. I'll mark that as notable for some reason unless it's actually a pencil. No, I call it a bee.

    EDIT2: Something about me, eh? I've gone by Ike IRL since the SNES days, what's that count for?

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