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Posts posted by Namarid

  1. I definitely prefer VW to SS. Claude makes the story more interesting than a route where Byleth is on his own, even though I like Flayn and Seteth they can't carry like Claude does. 

    In addition, having the Golden Deer, a group of misfits with no real history with each other, apart from Ignatz and Raphael, slowly turn into this cohesive group of friends was heartwarming. I think the BE having two routes actually hurts them since it shows the only motivation they have for picking a side is because of Byleth.

    The lore 'dump' makes sense since Claude is the only person actively seeking out the truth amongst the whole cast. The truth about Byleth in SS very easily could have said in VW.

  2. Church route was by far the worst route, echoing a previous comment, the best parts of the route were Seteth's and Flayn's screen time and the final map theme. 

    The truth of Byleth's past while cool to finally figure out could've easily been mentioned in the GD path. While the path can only be chosen by picking the Black Eagles, the characters that stick with you lack presence in comparison to the other routes.

  3. 57 minutes ago, timon said:

    Nope, and it's confirmed that we can't customize him/her.


    No weaknesses, strong in Sword, Lance (yup), Bow, Brawling and Authority, hidden talent in Faith. Starts with D+ Sword, D Authority and E+ Brawling.

    So he's basically OP lol, also RIP axe Byleth.

    F*ck sake. Would it really have been too much to give him a strength in reason? I'll take the bow strength though and just try to raise reason as much as possible.

  4. 2 hours ago, timon said:

    I'm more curious about the amount of customization we get on that aspect, seems that sword strength is a given, but what else can we do? Can we choose which stats are going to be good? Can we choose some weapons he/she's good in and some that he's bad with? I really want to make my Byleth a dedicated lance user, I hope it's possible.

    I share this worry as well since we've constantly seen Byleth have the same strengths and hidden talent (Faith)

  5. Replayability ,for me, depends on how fun the game is. Conquest and awakening have taken up many hours of my time, while echoes was only worth 2 playthroughs for me.

    I agree with the OP that class switching and avatars add a lot of replayability but that means nothing if the gameplay is horrible. The best example of this is revelations which has a huge cast and class switching potential but I never want to play it again. 

    Not too sure on the whole double avatar idea. Split armies are cool though.


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