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Everything posted by Dr0zz

  1. Yeah, that was my fault. This one should work. https://www.dropbox.com/s/brvv5qq2oitsfte/Female%20Soldier.zip?dl=0
  2. So, circleseverywhere, that works (the enemy pallete looks more like orange than red though)
  3. Thanks for the help. I'm pretty sure there is a NDS style female soldier in Dream of Five.
  4. Everything about palettes seems confusing... Anyway... Female Soldier Credit: Dr0zz Description: Simple edit. Has a different crit than the male counterpart. Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4pntmuuzrwxp3fq/Female%20Soldier.zip?dl=0 Edit: Removed the photo since it wasn't loading.
  5. Yes. When I import an animation it always has the same pallete, I want to change that.
  6. Hey, I'd like to share some animations but I have a question: How do I make an animation display different palettes (red for enemies, blue fo allies...)?
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