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Posts posted by TanatatKnight

  1. This spreadsheet is awesome! Great Job! You put a lot of effort into this and I have to commend you for this.

    I have one suggestion. Would you mind creating a maximum stat modifier spreadsheet? The one that can add up the classes maximum stats with the character's mods. It would be really great to add the pair up stats as well, but that might be stretching it too much.

    Anyway, Thank you so much for this spreadsheet. :)

  2. Well I am grateful that the Hoshido Matsuri has unique conversations for all parents and children. (Or at least that is what I heard).

    Tch...I really wanted a Valentine DLC where they have unique conversations for all the pairings of the game (RIP,any sort of improvement to my OTP LaslowXHana), but this will do. It also nice to know that characters that don't really support one another can talk here. Kinda like Awakening, it is all there for us to feel sad about the lost potential for supports.

    I like the idea of the failed revolution. Yeah the children were shoe-horned into this game, so having a DLC dedicated to them was obvious. I am interested in what they come up with.

    Although....really IS..I think you would do us a big flavor if you can just find someway to fix or update the game like Smash Bros does, so that Revelations doesn't miss out on a lot of plot points. (Like having Odin, Laslow and Selena join us earlier because of Lilith of something.)

  3. While I can't deny that there is definitely some problems with how the cultural of Hoshido and Nohr is viewed and treated but for a while I always thought the game was less about siding with your Birthright and more about "doing the right thing". If you think it from the moral perspective, there is almost no point to side with your birthright family unless the family who adopted you was doing some unjustified actions against them. I always felt like it was loyalty vs moral, to give in to the darkness out of loyalty or reach out for the light to stand for morality.

    However has proven in this thread, I think it more of the bad writing and people forgetting to give Hoshido some more questionable traits. I also feel like Nohr shouldn't really be so much of a barren land. There is just a lot lost potential with the writing of the story, but hey, no game is perfect.

  4. For me, the dual attack stance seems like a more defensive option in order to set up for the enemy phrase. Unless, I placed my units correctly, it is very uncommon to use it on player phrase. Think of it like a roman formation, where the spears are lined up together to deal with oncoming cavalry units. The best defense is offense.

    Dual Guard stance being able to negate Dual Attack stance seems a little unfair. Considering that dual attack don't really get the buff from their partner, plus they are always negated by anyone in Pair Up. It is better to go in a dual attack stance when you are either facing tough but alone unit, or units in attack stances (even that is quite risky), other wise Dual Guard Stance gives much better bonus.

  5. The supports that I tend to favor mostly get overlooked, but they deserved it. The writing is sub-par in comparison to other supports. So here the supports that I really liked.

    Lazward X Kazahana: Their C-A support is just like Chrom X Sumia except replace pie with lipstick. It is not a bad support per say but both of them had better ones. However I cannot stop shipping them since their S support is just so damn sweet that I wished their entire focus wasn't on lipstick. (I will stop there, since I can go on for hours about this.)

    Hisame X Velour: They are so cute when they bonded over finding stones and loving their father.

    Male MU X Flora: Not as good as the female one, but never the less I still find it quite sweet.

  6. Everything that happened has been extremely salty.

    Fates is surrounded by a huge amount of controversy with huge raging debates on both sides. This will leave a mark that won't be going away anytime soon. While I do look forward to playing the game, my hype and excitement has been disappointed. I felt like the localization team took a step back, despite making some great progress.

    I am personally disappointed with the whole dual audio thing. I can give skinship a past simply because of specific reasons, but dual audio played a major part of my excitement. I enjoy watching anime and I liked their voices since most of them fit their character. Having that option to choose which voice we want makes me happy. I know a lot of you don't care about it since you don't understand it, but that's okay. It might be because I was raised in Japan.

    I will still buy the game, only because I could learn about it before I buy the Japanese version later. I am still excited to a certain degree..but the entire thing has just been so disappointing.

  7. This is a huge bummer for me, I honestly preferred the Japanese voice acting in Awakening, it not like the dub did anything wrong but the Japanese voice just sounds more appealing. I don't understand if it's because of translation problems or file problems but I think it is a downgrade from having no dual audio. They did with a Awakening and a lot people were okay with it. (the glitches were a bit strange but I lived with it).

    My best hope right now is DLC or added content later, or maybe the option just wasn't in what polygon shown. Maybe it's locked until release date, maybe it will be there....maybe....maybe...maybe.

    I'm going to go cry and save up my money for both the English and the Japanese version of Fates, now if you excuse me..

  8. It is a slight shame that some dialogue might be missing. (Most of them comes from their reaction to your petting, things like "Ah!, my hair?" etc.)

    But to be honest, there are some good changes to this. For one, it's not very time-consuming so for people who don't really like to spend time rubbing every single unit like myself, don't find it very boring. Granted, this also feels like a voiced barrack conversation instead of a feature like in the Japanese version. It is played very safe but never the less, nothing too important is missing and I think I can be happy with that.

  9. Personally, I am slightly disappointed that I don't get to fulfill some sort of deep fantasy concerning skinship but I also agree that it would get creepy as well as unneeded. I can feel it becoming a chore after 5-10 uses of the system in which I would completely not care about it anymore. What I am worried about is the lost of character and dialogue.

    So far, from what I heard about is that the whole petting thing is taken out and you are just cut right into the dialogue (A little confusing here) before fade to black and boom, you get your bonus. I REALLY hope that is what they are going for and not just cutting the entire thing out and replacing it with small "barrack" conversations.

    Still going to buy the game anyway, regardless. Might as well buy the japanese version too, in order to give skinship a try.

  10. Everyone wants Charlotte's support bonuses, but sadly his lord wants them more. Lazwald is solid as is, because he joins with solid enough bases and well rounded growths. But the thing is he can get speed screwed sometimes and his defense is lack luster. He's best to sticking as a Brave Hero for convenience sake, and for sol. No point going to ninja when you just got Kaze.

    He'd fit right in as a myrmidon he can get from Hana and get a fast support from her. In Nohr, his pair up bonuses aren't tremendously great so he'll be infront of pair ups. While Camilla is a great mom, she doesn't have much use of Laz outside of Bow Knight support for extra movement, and you definitely don't want to stick her to pair up fodder. Charlotte always has monster pair up, but her class shares Brave Hero so that's a con. Azura has the bad situation of being a dancer, and thus shouldn't be in pair ups at all unless needed (which is a shame because she's got great speed). Same goes with Luna, which is very safe and gives a nice combo of speed and def. If you're having trouble deciding a wife, she's your choice. Both her and Azura give pegasus which is useful.

    As a samurai, Lazward is essentially just a slower version of Ryoma (without his thunder katana) and Silas (If he becomes one). While marrying him with Hana will result in great benefits for both partners, but Soleil will come off as very glassy. (No thanks to Lazward's -1 defense max stats)

    If you really want to utilize him, then it better to have him marry Luna for a flying class and a no stat drop Soleil, giving him mobility, and just give him a bunch of Rally skills. His personal skill is already a weak Rally skill to begin with, so just go full Rally support.

  11. Which pair would make a better Kinu? Hinoka or Hana?


    Class inheritance: Pegasus Warrior, Falcon Warrior, Golden-Kite Warrior

    Max Stats: 3+ Str, -3 Skl, +4 Spd, +2 Lck, -2 Def, +5 Res


    Class inheritance: Samurai, Swordmaster, Weapon Master

    Max Stats: 3+ Str, 1+ Mag, -1 Skl, +5 Spd, +1 Lck, -4 Def, +4 Res


    Personally, I would rather let you judge depending on your playstyle and preference, but if you ask me, I would prefer Hana. She has a great class and her mods makes Kinu super pretty fast. Now she makes Kinu's defense look pretty terrible but her samurai class gives out Vantage where Kinu can specialize in. Hinoka is a decent choice for a mother as well, if you make Kinu a supporting mage-killer.

  12. Personally I use the game's many saves to split my pairings, One for full optimized competitive team based on the internet suggestions and calculations while another one is completely based on who I thought would be cute together. Every children and pairing are usable in their own way, it how you bring them out. I'm pretty sure there are many ways to bring even the worst children or pairing up to a decent usable. In other words, don't let it bother you too much. If you want to pair up based on their support then that's great, if you want to pair up based on their stats and that is okay too.

  13. I also wish for advices on my pairing choices for the Revelation Path. Like member MonkeyCheez3K, most of these pairings are based on personal preference. I already have an optimized team planned out for the fully competitive side so I was hoping if these pairings have any uses for the multiplayer section.

    Also apologies to MonkeyCheez3K for stealing your format but I really like the way you organize them.

    These are the pairings that I am going to use. (Both parent and children)
    MU!Lancer (Speed+/Luck-)/Azura - Shigure,Kanna
    Ryoma/Camilla - Shinonome
    Leo/Sakura - Foleo
    Silas/Oboro - Sophie
    Kaze/Felicia - Midoriko
    Lazward/Kazahana - Soleil
    Saizou/Belka - Gurei
    Hinata/Pieri - Hisame
    Zero/Setsuna - Eponne
    Flannel/Effie - Velour
    Thank you for reading! I will be waiting for your opinion and advice. :)
  14. Sakura's mature sounding voice should be swapped with Azura's soft voice but ehh whatever, they both sound pretty good.

    Takumi's voice actor actually makes him sound a lot more hateful than his Japanese counterpart, I think that is a step up. His dialogue pretty much more antagonistic here.

    Corrin's voice is not too my liking, I felt like it was way too bland and lacked the emotion. (given his character and story maybe that can shape up to something.)

    Can't comment on Mikoto, Rinkah, Kaze, Garon, and Yukimura.

    I'm sorry but Raijinto? Seriously? Can't they go with Raijinken or just went with Raijin Katana? weird sword name aside, Ryoma's voice is fantastic.

    Honestly, Marx's voice sound okay but I can't take him seriously with this dialogue. "Come home, little prince. We can live as a family once more!"

    Camilla sounds pretty sweet while Hinoka's is tomboyish deep. They bound fit their character and voice.


  15. Sounds like fun, let try this.

    Need Help: If the lead unit is under half health, rarely/alway trigger Dual Strike. (Reason: I have a tendency to try and help people but only when they need it the most.)

    Realized Truth: If the user receive a Dual Guard, all stats except movement +1 (Reason: When I realize people do care about me, I try to do better; I also have a strange obsession with the word "truth".)

    And if I were to borrow a personal skill from a unit then it would either be Odin's Blood-Tingling or Joker's Absolute Protection(Except mine doesn't apply to only Kamui but everyone else)

  16. Nice thank you for sharing! Only thing I find strange about this poll is how high the Avatar got, given how much I've been hearing about them. Otherwise I'm not surprised with the results (especially Leon, he dethroned Takumi O.o)

    I think it quite different with the Japanese fanbase, especially with Kamui. While on the western fanbase, the reception for Kamui has been mixed to downright disappointed (which is justified in regards to how they handle the story and how other characters view Kamui to near perfection.) For the japanese fanbase, I guess people just embrace Kamui as an avatar and just rolled with it. I haven't heard of opinions but that seems to be the case.

  17. Some of the top 3 was already a forgone conclusion but congratulation on winning Leo and F!MU!!!

    Yeah, kinda surprised that Lazward actually made it up to the top ten.Too bad that he will never beat Odin in polls, but I am glad he made it up that far.

    (It is a shame that I won't be able to have DLC conversations with Azura or Lazward)

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