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Everything posted by aven555

  1. Might be it. I keep them together... Not sure if it makes a difference : the AI is a mystery sometimes.
  2. Sorry I actually didn't explain that piece of the strat. When you give Fred to Robin, you can no longer move Viron NE of fighter to attack. You have to move Robin E of the fighter, swap to Fred and attack. This is feasable only is Fred wasnt beaten badly by previous luna enemies. Then move Virion/Chrom to the right of fred and swap Robin. Use Robin to kill fighter. Keep in mind that you have to tank hammer guy and archer. You probably wont be able if it's the archer that had luna. There is a coulle of moves you can do with sully on the turn you swap fred over robin to soften the fighter too. Bottom line it comes down to check if theres a lot of luna enemies. Archer is particuliarly a problem if he goes right. If you have enough def to survive one luna enemy with Robin, then passing Fred problem no longer occurs. Given the % of time the archer actually goes right I usually have a good success rate with this strat.
  3. If you look only at the 5%, you're right. But vs a speed/skill Robin, that gap goes to 10 %. which takes the average variance to a 0.6, 0.7 def . Still not big but it can make the difference (35 % vs 45 % ) in some cases. **After the following analysis, I did realized that i did now matter much since in both cases the chances of surviving one of them having luna are very high and the chance to be tanky enough to survive 2 luna are very low. Let's see how I got there. Here are the attack of the enemies : Fighter 13 str + 7 iron axe + 1 from mastery = 21 Archer 9 str + 6 iron bow + 2 from mastery = 17 Suppose Robin is lvl 7. With 80 % hp growth , her expected hp is : 19 + (6 * 0.8) = 23.8 (so let's say 24) If she don't get any def lvl up, (6 def + 4 def from Fred) she gets hit for (21 - 10) + (17 - 10 ) = 18 If Archer has luna she gets hit for (21 - 10) + (17 - 5) = 22 If Fighter has luna she gets hit for (21 - 5) + (17 - 10) = 22 At the expected Hp growth, Robin survive even with no def lvl up if one of the enemy has luna. For her to survive the 2 enemies having luna she would need 10 def (+4 from Fred) - (so 4 def lvl up) Getting hit by 2 luna enemies : (21 - 7) + (17 - 7) = 24 .... Dead. But if you equip the sword after hitting with thunder (with trade) : (20 - 7) + (17 - 7) = 23 Very precarious but hey, she could survive. Now to get to 10 def in 6 lvl up that would mean 66 % def lvl up. That is way over the expected def in both cases. (I'll look it up to find both %, but it won't be high that's for sure)
  4. Alright, first of all thanks for trying my variation of C1. All valid points,but yes I do have some solutions to theses problems! Sorry that I forgot to mention them ! For the variation where the archer goes to the right, and the fighter attacks Fred from the bottom, you are right that it can be risky. I found that with a str build I could survive easily one of them having luna. Str as an asset does add a 5 % growth rate to def (up to 45 %) so you would have to be really def screwed not to survive it. Also, if the fighter doesn't have hawkeye, his hit rate is around 35 % if I remember correctly. That being said, you can always check those 2 enemy specifically at the beginning of the map. If your def is really low, or if both have luna, you can simply decide to go with your strat. Very true for Lissa. I redid it and I it was the perfect test since she didn't gain any speed in her 2 level up. I found that you can actually block the archer pathing with Virion (North-West of archer and giving he doesn't have pass) and attack the last fighter with him. Finish with Robin and then you can heal with Lissa safely. This also solve the other issues to make attack on wood tiles since the archer will attack Virion (and he will counter). If I remember correctly, the archer was then on a plain tile and I could finish with Robin paired with Fred (str build). This also prepared the fight against the boss as you can then move downwards with all your team and do 3-4 turns of kiting to kill him. In the case where the archer has pass and Lissa didn't gain any speed, you could Robin/Chrom next to Virion/Fred (who just attack the fighter) transfer Fred in and kill the fighter with him. Lissa can then move safely out of range. Not the ideal xp wise, but it does get you through safely. That's it! If you have any question regarding my explanation, please don't hesitate. I know it's not always easy to be clear without capturing your ds screen :(.
  5. You're right I did forget about that, starting all the way back from E on any weapon rank is not going to be easy!
  6. Hmmm I like the idea of Robin-Cordelia. It gives extra mobility for Robin and she has good starting stats. The upside of using Panne is her really good max stats that are then carried on to Morgan but that's pretty much it. Not sure it's worth basing a strat on max stats when you may never get there. I'll try both and I'll keep you posted.
  7. Good thoughts. Did you look into having more than just Robin-Chrom? I'm actually looking into a 6 man team doing the run for a deathless male Robin. It's not... Still wondering what would be the best partner for Chrom. I am in the middle of a test thought. Going with Sumia-Chrom, Panne-Robin. Robin asset/flaw is Hp/luck. So far resetless at C9. Robin lvl 1 Assassin, Sumia lvl 16 Peg. Then planning to get Morgan, Lucina. The timing for seals is going to be tricky though. I would have liked for Sumia to go dark flyer but that's not going to happen giving the next master seal available. Still pondering if I make her a knight, and say good bye to her mobility. Anyways, the early chapters are certainly doable, it's the mid-late game I'm afraid of.
  8. Nice, gratz on your fourh run! When is a male deathless run coming? :) And I made my calculation with displayed hit so you're right it's actually more around 85%.
  9. Well merc just got hit by Fred, so he has 1 hp left. A single blow from Chrom would do it. Here is the detail for the number : 0.66 (hit % by Robin) + ( 0.34 ( % you don't hit enemy with Robin) * 0.34 (% Chrom DS) * 0.75 % (Chrom % hit chance with rapier) = 0.75
  10. On a side note I took on the hype of the resetless challenge and I went as far as completing C8 using my str/luck build (wans't a deathless run though!). Thing is, I was my worst enemy : I accidentally remove the cartridge from my 3DS... And I didn't save the run. Fml.
  11. Alright, I finally found time to write the tactic I used in C1. Running as STR/Luck asset/flaw Robin. The first 2 turns are almost identical to your start Kuroi. These are the only differences: Turn 1 Move Lissa one tile left of where she starts. Turn 2 Have Sully pair up with Lissa (should at the exact reachable range). Move Lissa 4 tiles left, 1 tile up. Drop Sully 1 north of Lissa. Now this is where it gets different. Multiples scenarios can happen from here. Major difference is the direct the archer will go. Either he will go right (A scenario) or he will go up (B scenario) I wont go into all the variables as this is take forever. As far as I know, Scenario B seems to happen more often. On 6 of my tries in my test, 5 of them were B. Fortunately, its the more easier and safest one. Turn 3A Move Robin 2 tiles up the injured merc, attack with thunder. This move is the major break point, if merc has patience this can be pretty risky. In my test, I had 10 skill (lvl 7) with a hit rate of 66 %. With Chrom as support this has an estimated 75 % chance of succeed (0.66 + (0.34 * 0.34 * 0.75)). If this succeed it potentially puts you in range of 2 enemy attacks (verify their skills to make sure you survive). Move Frederic 1 tile up Robin, consider giving Fred to Robin if he cant survive. If badly injured (less than 12 hp Id say) give him a vulnerary. Have Lissa pair with Sully again and move all the way back to 1 tile up Fred. Swap to Lissa and heal Fred. Archer should attack Robin and Robin should retaliate with thunder. Barb should attack Robin and Robin should retaliate and kill him. (This only happens if he was in range in some less frequent cases he attack Fred from the left side making him unable to reach Robin this turn. No big deal.) Turn 4A There is a couple of things you can do here. If you have 10 Str or more and the barb doesnt have +5 Hp, you can move Fred 4 tiles up, 1 tile left swap to Virion and attack the barb. Move Robin to the right of the barb and swap Chrom for Fred. Attack with bronze sword for the kill (care if the barb has vantage). Have Lissa 1 tile left of Robin if she can survive an archer hit and heal Robin. Otherwise, move her left to Virion. Otherwise, if you have enough hp with a Lissa heal to sustain both the archer and hammer guy. Move Fred 3 tiles up 1 tile left and attack Barb. Move Robin 4 tiles up, (swap Virion if you need the extra def to survive) and attack Barb for the kill. Have Lissa move 1 tile up of Robin to heal. Turn 5A From there its pretty much: use what you must to kill both of the enemies in range to attack, or to keep only the archer without a killing target. Boss should still be out of range. I could start naming some of the strats I used, but it varies so much from one time to another that it wouldnt matter much. Just keep in mind that the boss will be in range to attack next turn, plan weak units moves accordingly. Turn 6A Kill last enemy, or/and move to border attack range of the boss with Robin, heal with Lissa. Turn 3B Exactly the same as Turn 3A except that the archer cant reach you. You should therefore have Fred trade with Robin the trade thunder with bronze sword. Turn 4B Same as Turn 4B except that once again the archer cant reach you (are you beginning to understand how this one is easier J ) Turn 5B Move 2 tiles right of hammer guy and finish with Robin thunder, use Virion if to soften if necessary. Move Lissa right to Robin and have her Trade him Robin, swap Sword for Thunder. And heal if necessary. Boss still not in range will be next turn. Turn 6B Kill archer and have Robin stand in the range of the boss or not, depends if she/he is healthy. In any cases, you should be able to finish archer easily here. Turn 7 and up. Kite the boss around the map with Robin and have Lissa heal all the way. This will get some free hits/exp on the boss. Well, this took longer than expected. This is what I use every time I use a STR asset Robin. Im fairly sure it works with other builds just dont use a HP or DEF flaw J. Let me know if you see any flaws that I havent seen. I ran this quite a few times, and I have a fairly good success rate. When I fails its usually that I do a stupid mistake like taking a vulnerary instead of attacking!
  12. I'll try sniper for my next run. Biggest con I had found in my other run vs assasin was the lack of options vs aegis enemies. At least with an assassin class Robin you can switch to a sword vs aegis. By the way, I think found a strat that let constantly Robin land the killing blow on the boss in C1. Let me know if you guys are interested in hearing it.
  13. Oops my bad, forged iron sword in C6 then forged steel for C8. Ran your usual run with Morgan so Hero - Warrior. Although I didn't get any problems in my playthrough (no reset after c23) I can imagine mass luna/hawkeye enemies being a problem. Maybe going for a sniper endgame? I'm also looking at str/skill , str/luck build to mitigate some of the early game /dark flyer problems. Anyways. Food for thought.
  14. All valid points for sure. As for exp I was under the impression thay I was actuallt ahead of the usual curve as I had to hit one more attacks of some of the enemies in prologue. I had no trouble landing the final hit in C1. I could explain in detail my strat if you're interested. I had more trouble with C2 but it's still manageable. Going after C5 you'll need a forged steel sword to handle enemies in C6. C6 is mainly the problem due to cavaliers. C7 is quite easy and C8 requires a bit more work using cordelia as your transport. As for the late game Assassin, it's not as bad as you'd think. His poor def is diminished by vantage and high proc skill of sol. Beside as this point he will be using mainly a bow, negating damage taking by counter. That and Morgan does the heavy lifting. I'm mostly seeing a way to improve playthrough time by using this. I did it in 11:45, without trying for this and I was rusty. I'm sure it could be improve in a tons of ways but just wanted to share.
  15. Fair point, but you don't really need it much. Beside the knights is C4 and some occurences is C5, C6 you can cope with having no range until C8. Indeed pavise/counter is the biggest problem, althought you can manage 1 of them at the time. But aegis/counter is equally a problem in the current strat.
  16. Hey guys, I've been working on a strat for some time now to make C5 easier. It actually involve taking a Str asset/Mag flaw avatar. Then instead of going dark mage at P1, you would change into a myrmidon at C4. This build is aimed at 1HKO every enemy in C5. Wyverns with counter being the biggest problem, you can actually acquire enough power by then to one shot them. Here are the details : 34hp , 10 def , axe user. Therefore, being a sword user, you need a total of 43 atk to kill him. You start at 8 str. With being expected to reach lvl 19 entering C4 and lvl 8 Myrm entering C5. Here is your expected str : 8 (starting str) + 0.70 (Growth rate as Tact) x 18 (nb of lvl gained as Tact) +0.75 (Growth rate as Myrm) x 7 (nb of lvl gained as Myrm) = 25.85 str. Equipping killing edge : + 9 atk Paring with C or B support lvl Fred : + 5 atk Having B mastery with sword : atk + 2 Drinking str tonic : + 2 str Expected total atk : 25.85 + 9 + 5 + 2 + 2 = 43.85. You might think that this is too tight, but remember that you can also forge your killing edge for up to + 3 power which gives a bit of room for slow str growth. Tried it once and it was the easiest C5 I ever did. You would then continue your class path as Assassin - Dark flyer - Hero - Assassin. Works quite well, but it does have some cons vs your usual run. Notably C1 and C2 are harder. Let me know what you guys think, I still have tons of details, but I wanted to keep this relatively short.
  17. I was wondering if someone ever completed lunatic + without spotpass and dlc... This is even more awesome:). Great job! I'm on my way of completing my first playthrough at lunatic + without spotpass/dlc/renown...but tons of reset. Looking foward seeing you stream another attempt.
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