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Everything posted by Praedyth

  1. Does this also include any of the supports or the My Castle dialogue?
  2. Your video was perfect! It was simple and easy to follow, even if you did ramble just a teeny tiny bit :P But the patch is all working and stuff. Just to clarify, this patch only has the menus and stuff in English right? Not all of the dialogue and whatnot right? Because otherwise I messed up somewhere :O EDIT: Oops. used the wrong patch :D
  3. If you could that would be amazing. Its my first time really messing around with stuff like this and I would hate to mess something up along the way.
  4. Do we have an update on the tutorial video for using it with HANS yet? I managed to get it braindumped but I don't totally get how to use romfs extractor and how to replace the .lz files. Any help would be welcome!
  5. So I thought I could wait for Fates to come out in the US but i definitely cant. I have been slowly dying without it XD But I am having a lot of trouble deciding the way I should get it. I don't want to pirate it at all, never been a fan of it. I know there is a wonderful team that is working on a patch but it only works on firmware 9.2 and im on 9.9 D: I'm actually okay at reading japanese, its a bit of a struggle but I would prefer to not to if I can help it. So I'm wondering if I should wait for the game to come out in the US, get a japanese 3DS with 9.2 firmware to get the translation, or just punch through with the japanese. Any ideas? Thanks in advance guys :)
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