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Everything posted by Hydrohs

  1. The story is one of the best stories I've ever played through. It's just really good. I've played both games, I completely agree with the generic battle system. I didn't mind it, what I did mind was getting into SO MANY battles.
  2. You and me both. I still can't believe it's Platinum, not Opal. Wtf is D/P/P? Stupid, I think so >.>
  3. I can do it with Ike pretty easily, and I only managed to do the reverse with Meta Knight O_o
  4. One of my friends downloaded it a while ago, she said it wasn't very good, it was really weird and not following the story completely. The idea seemed rather foolish to me. Although we could be talking about different things XD But I think it's the same thing.
  5. Oh...I definitely heard Laguz Orb, well I know what a gem is. Thanks though. And it was around here. And a few other people I've talked to around the internet O_o From the last thread I made.
  6. So, I've heard a lot of talk that Reyson owns with this Laguz Orb, but i haven't the faintest clue what it is. I made it to the final chapter without ever hearing about it, so could someone tell me what it is, what it does, and where you get it?
  7. Probably died because they forgot about him. =D Or they executed him secretly soon after he was taken prisoner. Usually treason is punishable by death. But it is Elincia.
  8. I played both GBA games released in NA, and I have beaten Sacred Stones, so I think I've had enough experience O_o
  9. Well, unless it's 100, you can always miss. And unless it's 0, you can always get a Crit. FE games have become more realistic like that, in the two GBA games (in my experience) if you had at least an 80 or higher you would always hit. And I've missed with 88s before, never anything in the 90s.
  10. We try not to think of losers who fail at rebellions.
  11. Alright, thanks for your help. I just started Ike's story a few minutes ago so it's good to have this info now XD
  12. So, I posted a while ago about Micaiah's team, and the suggestions I got turned out well, but now I have a few questions regarding which units I should use when I get farther in the game. So right now, here's what I'm not sure about: Rolf vs. Shinon Gatrie vs. Brom Aran vs. Nephenee Nolan vs. Boyd And which Heron is most useful. I'd like to know these so I can focus on just those characters, so that I don't underlevel one that turns out better.
  13. I always thought you always got Weapon Exp O_o But since you don't give Brom a Slim Sword. That's how I got his Sword level up, and I guess those weapons are coded to give Weapon Exp...but they obviously can't O_o
  14. I think I used Vanessa, but I don't remember, I'm pretty sure Tana just kept dying for me O_o
  15. Making a poll with all the members would have been tedious. Because I forget some of the ones you get later on O_o
  16. Alright, thanks guys. Most of you agreed with each other so it made it a lot easier for me XD
  17. Which characters, from Micaiah's group should I spend the most time on. I restarted and this time I'm hoping to do better and be able to beat the final chapter. So I'd like to know which ones are best.
  18. I took out Deghinsea in one turn, just surronded him with Kurth, Rolf, Caineghis and Tibarn and finished him off. The rest of the chapter is what I meant was easy/soloed with Kurth. XD
  19. Deghinsea was easy as hell, I just had Kurth and Ena fight them all, because none of the Dragons would fight back XD
  20. I just killed everyone with the Black Knight that level O_o
  21. I never even considered having Sothe steal things... I never used thieves in the other games much other than for chests XD
  22. I'm playing on normal =/ And I spent too much time with Edward, that was like all, and he still stinks anyway >.> I wish they had of made Micaiah's team better.
  23. I don't count playing every one as virgin... Unless after four times it's still your first. =/ And I stated in the first post the ground doesn't help. I also never even considered rescuing her, which was also already suggested. And I'll give it a shot. @Redfoxoffire That's part ofthe reasn I always ad trouble using her. I think Igot nlucky, her speed wpuld never increase for me, she has around 20 or so now...
  24. This is my fourth FE game O_o I've played every one released in NA, only beaten SS and PoR though.
  25. I believe she was like level....umm...15 or so when she became a Light Sage...and I think 18 or so when she became a Priestess, I realized she can't level for crap so gave her Paragon =/ Otherwise she wouldn't be nearly that level. And now she's level 4 or something. And I don't have any more bonus Exp. >.< I guess rescuing her is going to be the best idea....Still wish the chapter was easier though. Hopefully it will work though. Wouldn't be a problem if she didn't suck so much...
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