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Posts posted by Eltoshen

  1. 3 hours ago, Jotari said:

    You want to S support Byleth, WITH Byleth!? Can you imagine the support?

      Hide contents

    M!Byleth: .....


    M!Byleth: .....


    M!Byleth: .....


    M!Byleth: .....


    M!Byleth: *Option* Yes.


    M!Byleth: .....


    M!Byleth: .....


    M!Byleth: *walks away*


    Or better yet, have them both have option choices so you're speaking for both characters.

  2. I never got to do this originally, but..

    Admittedly, there are some characters who I haven't fully explored through every single support, but then there's characters like Ignatz where I've seen all his story and he's got a distinct personality but I'm just not vibing with him at all (unlocked everything I could for him so I can replay this game in the future without touching him at all). Also, I think I would swap Marianne to S actually, but I'm too lazy to edit the image. BE really does have the best characters by far. They're all distinctly interesting and serve a purpose in the story, even Caspar, who I wanted to like based off character design but ended up generally underwhelming and barely served a purpose outside of being a crestless second son of a noble family. Matter of fact, I'd probably drop him to C.

    If I had to rank the houses, Empire > Alliance > Kingdom


  3. Claude's role is to bring the Almyrans into the fold, as well as other outlying territories, which has always been the purpose of his route anyways.

    But I'm happy with the current routes and the only thing that felt off is Edelgard never dealing with TWSITD in her route. I could see them calming down a bit after their main purpose (to kill the god's children) is no longer a huge concern, though. However, in Edelgard route ending, I believe it mentioned her dealing with them in passing before abdicating the throne to a proper ruler.

    So maybe story wise, they were trying to illustrate that following Edelgard's method of making use of evil to accomplish her goal meant it would take years before she was able to remove them from power since all other opposition is gone.

  4. On 8/30/2019 at 8:19 PM, Sire said:

    I didn't realize the Title Screen changed until after I cleared my 3rd route. Maybe it changed then or I was just blind and didn't notice beforehand.

    The main reason I picked it up was because I was watching Claude's English VA stream Three Houses and the title screen was different to what I had.

    The title screen changes randomly after your first finish. It reverts back and forth from both versions when I soft reset the game.

  5. On 9/3/2019 at 10:33 PM, ApocaLips said:

    His shield also makes him exceptionally durable. I don’t think anyone has cracked the numbers, but in my experience it has about a 50% chance to proc on any attack and halves damage, on top of what I think is the highest stat total of any shield (6 def 3 res). The weight isn’t hard to offset with weight skills and his high str. Don’t need a second character to trigger the paralogue, and it’s available somewhat into part 1.

    Great unit. Also pretty easy to recruit for any Byleth running swords. 

    His shield does seem to proc quite often. Wonder if it has anything to do with his major Crest or if I'm just experiencing confirmation bias.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Hardric62 said:


    See the other answer to that problem in the post just before yours. The students are Fodlan's people, both from its elite and in some cases its lower classes. Strangely enough, approbation to Rhea's behavior is... scarce,  when indeed, you'd expect more acceptance of it in a medieval scenario. It does seem to hint that the way Rhea is going with this problem isn't that 'standard' if the students are disturbed by it.

    That, and also, I just don't find that to be a good argument to begin with. There's a difference between questioning if it was acceptable at the time and thinking that it's justifiable as a normal human being playing the game.

    Like sure, you can argue that it is a common trope for executions to occur in a medieval game but another to act like it's a justifiably moral thing for a character to do.

  7. 10 minutes ago, omegaxis1 said:

    Personally, I think Three Houses blows every other Fire Emblem out of the water. Even FE4 or the other Kaga games don't come close in my opinion. The amount of thought and effort put into this, despite some issues it did have, really make it feel it in a way that surpasses every predecessor.

    This is just my opinion, of course. 

    Totally valid, I'm biased but I can admit that Three Houses is probably the best of the series by far if I put aside my nostalgia and replayed FE4 considering I last played it around 6 years ago.

  8. You can run whatever you want, this game is really not that difficult. I did a 6 mage run my second playthrough, with 4 gremorys and Byleth and Dimitri essentially soloing every map as they had higher movement than my other units. In your fourth run, just have fun with it if you have no other goals like LTC or efficiency runs.

    One thing I will mention in regards to mages is that they have ridiculously low movement and survivability so if you do plan on using them, they'll still fall behind your other characters. Therefore I'd recommend healers with Physic, but that's true for any run, mounted or infantry only.

  9. 5 hours ago, dragonlordsd said:

    For me, the biggest issue with wyvern lord's balance is the amount of skills they have access to.

    First, they have flying, which, in terms of raw balance, is an ability unto itself. If it just gave them special movement, that would be fine, but it also completely negates terrain damage and other negative effects as well. This is huge, because nearly all of the late game levels rely heavily on negative terrain effects, whether it's fire, spikes, or what-have-you. Fliers completely negate this difficulty.

    Second, they have canto, which... whatever. Most things have canto, so I'll let that go.

    Then they have axefaire, which is where things start getting a little busted. Now that the weapon triangle has been removed, there really isn't any penalty for being locked to a single weapon type, as long as that weapon type is axes or lances. While axes don't give you an advantage over lances anymore, from a balance perspective, that's not nearly as important as axes being at a DISADVANTAGE to swords. Due to how fire emblem math works, the difference between 80% hit and 100% hit is negligible. The difference between 80% and 60% is enormous. So while, say, great knight gets axe and lance faire, who cares? They're just wasting a skill slot. You don't really need to use both.

    Finally, because IS has no idea how to balance classes apparently, they also get avoid +10. Great.

    Also, on the path to training for Wyvern Lord, you get the ability to unlock the best class skills - Darting AND Death Blow. That's just...overkill.

  10. No, you don't. You carry over renown and can unlock previously unlocked skills/supports using Byleth's journal while exploring the monastery (so nothing you haven't trained in your prior game) for characters you recruited in your GD run (aka Sylvain, for example). You also carry over any statue bonuses you unlocked with Renown on your first playthrough.

  11. 17 minutes ago, Chaotix said:

    This is not necessarily true. She's certainly the best at killing the Death Knight, but you don't need her. The Sword of the Creator, Lance of Ruin, or even just the Knightkneeler combat art can all get the job done. I've even done it with a Frozen Lance from Hubert.

    Hubert has dark spikes also and I used him to kill the DK in Edelgard route. However, I don't think we should be bringing him up when this topic is talking about recruiting from other classes. Your other points still stand, though.

  12. 2 hours ago, charcoalswift said:

    Imagine having to grind from E to E+, then D, D+, C, C+, B, B+ and finally A while having a disadvantage in Authority?

    It will be tedious without statues and NG+ battalions that are already lvl 5 and carried over from another run

    I already did the paralogues and rare beast sightings aren't worth my time with my already "invincible" Dimitri and Lysithea (NosTank with 61 MAG)

    Hard classic btw

    That means 3 or 4 times Explore then Instruct every month, S+ rank is no big deal

    You don't even have to train Felix in Authority so idk why you're even using that argument...you can just slap an E rank battalion on him that is better than his personal without any penalties. You can focus sword all you want for his goals, putting a batallion on him doesn't prevent him from earning sword skill or am I wrong? You gain skills in both when he fights. Eventually, he'll get to D+ if not C, where he can equip batallions that obliterate his personal.


    And battalions are only used on monsters 9 out of 10 times. (I do use them on bosses lol)

    This is just...not even up for debate. The stat boosts are there regardless of if you actually use their Gambits. I feel like you have a fundamental misunderstanding of how batallions actually work. Am I right in assuming that you thought the stat bonuses only activate when you use a gambit? Because I don't think anybody can be this obtuse by mentioning this specific point about only using battalions on monsters..

  13. Oh god, FE4 is literally one of the best Fire Emblem games in terms of story, but this game really does come close. I've never seen a video game so well thought out. Obviously you can see places where time constraints might have hindered the cohesiveness of some routes (Edelgard's seems cut short compared to the rest) but overall, it was really well done.

    FE1 and 2 don't even compare lol. You shouldn't feel bad about playing them out of order tbh. They're all standalones, bar FE6/7 and FE9/10. Oh and FE5 is like a distant cousin/branch-off of FE4.

  14. 1 hour ago, daisy jane said:

    youtube comments, other message boards. it's not like i was keeping a tally or anything. its basically like i said. 
    there are some people who feel it's easy to do it.
    there are obviously a lot of people who can do it quite easily. that's why i'm asking. 

    S itself is reasonable but S+ is just ridiculous unless you're a filthy casual doing nonstop auxiliary battles in normal mode tbh lol.

  15. 6 hours ago, Sid Starkiller said:

    He was probably trying to distract them so they wouldn't think about it too hard. He knew Byleth and Jeralt wouldn't put 2 and 2 together. Plus, Dedue and Hilda do the same thing on their paths.

    In addition when you're on the mission to rescue Flayn, all three main lords are unavailable.

    Regarding Bernadetta, her father is being held captive in all routes IIRC, and her mother is supporting Edelgard.

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