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Posts posted by Gwyn

  1. 11 minutes ago, CyberNinja said:

    Given thread topic, a gold ending in the truest sense is kind of impossible because Edelgard and church elements will never work together. That there is some character death and tears already. I guess you could make an independent route where Byleth sets all his students in timeout but I've only gone halfway through GD and completed CF so I can't comment much beyond that.

    I dunno what you mean with in the truest sense. But from everything I know Edelgard and Rhea wouldn't fundamentally be opposed in ways that would make teamwork impossible.


    Rhea wants the destruction of those who slither and wants the revival of her mother, in the end she doesn't actually really care that much about keeping the institution she created alive if she gets those two fulfilled.(In certain endings she has no issue relinquishing her position for Byleth and withdrawing as an important figure)

    Edelgard wants to destroy the status quo of this society that aggrieved her and countless others, she believes was put in place solely by Rhea. Which isn't true since a big part of how this class society of crest bearers and non crest bearers came to be is what the agarthans/those who slither did. Rhea and Edelgard have a common enemy in that.

    Really the main contention would be about how she'd feel about bringing back sothis and what she thinks the repercussions of that would be. At the very least it's on a level of being open to discussion unlike say those who slither would never be able to work with the church cause fundamentally their goals are ACTUALLY opposed.


  2. I think a common consensus currently is that the class progression is very unsmooth for a lot of characters and while that could also be solved just by patching the requirements I think most people are looking forward to having more master class options in general.

    So I'm curious what class niches does everyone feel we're lacking? What classes would fill those niches? Or do you think everything is fine and people just need to disregard the tiering system for final classes. 😉

    Personally the two things that hurt me the most are just gendered classing and the odd class requirements otherwise I'm coming around to feeling the classes we have are fine even if it doesn't feel as awesome to stay as a warlock and not have that master tier prestige feeling.

    Other than that if there is a niche I would like to be filled is an archer class that can also cast a limited amount of spells. If you unlock stuff through ng+ and such you can get that by giving a dark knight a bow but it just doesn't feel quite right. Also in general I really don't like how low the penalties for dismounting seems to be.

  3. Team yes but make it tragic and full of sacrifices instead of 100% everyone survives happy. I just don't like how only Claude seems to have a thinking head on his shoulders. Blue Lion conflict is incredibly contrived and from what I hear BE route as well. The justification for why these people can't ever work together is paper thin to non existent(given how claude quasi allies with dimitri anyway on BL) because all their goals align to varying degrees a decent amount(the result for fodlan on GD and BL ultimately was really similar as well which is another sign how goddamn similar their goals are, we already have a true ending it's fodlan is united at the end). What makes them not work together is the lack of information about the whole picture.

    Basically I want a united route where I don't feel Edelgard and Dimitri have blinders on(Dimitri just going full kill Edelgard mode despite receiving information that should make him halt makes his respective turn to normal again even more questionable) just to force certain events, also those who slither could really use more material.

    I feel like a lot of the pessimism around a united route is people thinking of fates but the base material of fates story wise was already kind of trashy. What is set up in three houses is just already miles ahead of that.

    That said there is also many other things that I'd prefer DLC wise to this. I'm just not opposed to it. Currently I'm way more interested in what the fodlan neighbor regions have been up to while all that stuff was going down.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Cor Leonis said:

    I'm getting conflicting reports here. Do you or do you not start NG+ with additional bonus Renown for clearing your previous playthrough? This is important since I need to know if I should hoard my Renown for NG+ or if I can continue spending it on status bonuses safely in my first playthrough. It would be awful to start NG+ with like 200 Renown just because I tried to reach for a third EXP+10%.

    As far as we can discern if you played on normal and load a finished game file you get a one time bonus of 3000 renown at the start of the game once you have access to the activity board. If you finished on hard it's a 6000 renown bonus. These bonuses renew again if you finish your ng+ file and carry over that to ng++ and so on.

  5. I don't know man Technoweirdo. Something about this still feels unreliable. 😂


    Jokes aside I've clearly laid out my framework of why I think the way I do. It just seems incredibly odd to be met with this much rejection that doesn't even consider some assumptions I laid out on what I think lunatic might be like.

    It's like yo I already have given room to the possibility to be wrong and dodge being irrelevant depending on what lunatic balance looks like but then being met with some incredibly self assured stances that don't seem to consider lunatic to be even a factor seems really odd and not worth my time to argue about since we can just wait for lunatic and see how this idea turns out. Really the only thing I'm sure about is that a lot of the popular picks in this thread will be devalued in some way because you won't be able to coast on just offensive power alone which most people in here currently overvalue in my opinion.

  6. 23 minutes ago, Garlyle said:

    I am going to test Marianne with swords in this run, as she's my dancer as well. Magic Swords with Sword Dance sounds like a powerful combination. The effective damage from Beast Fang is also something I consider to test. I am giving more appretiation to magic weapons lately, as Annette wreck things with Lightning Axe + Training Axe combination alone (and she can get something much more powerful).

    This got me curious. If I can recruit Ferdinand, I'll try to turn him into a dodgy flier. With Alert Stance+, Avoid +10, Evasion Ring, Batallion and his personal skill he might be the guy who can get the highest avoid rating, plus he has good base speed and growth. Further Evasion might be gained from Prowess, Breaker skill and supports too. I think there's a Crest Weapon he could use to recover some Hp too. It's just people currently find Sylvain to be better because he's easy to recruit.

    Report back how it goes. 🙂

  7. 7 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Because you're actively going out of your way to ensure he is topped off. Duh! Again, why the hell should I go out of my way to do that when others are more important overall???

    If that qualifies as making sure he is topped off any unit I use is getting topped off? In lunatic I always try to optimize units. Like what kind of qualifier is that? Are you like saying only if your unit isn't garbage with iron weapons and no accessory then it's worth considering as a top tier? That just seems weird. Equipping your best units with your best stuff that they can utilize the best seems like just part of the game. *shrug*

    I looked at ferdinand in a possible lunatic setting where you optimized him for it, hope that was clear. And given that he could be a 100% or close to 100% avoidance unit that's going to be always something interesting to consider having in your army repertoire but as I said before it all hinges on certain expectations I have of what the higher difficulties turn out to be.

    If they fuck the balancing up the meme meta of just having mass wyvern classes might come to pass and in that case it's not really going to matter.


    Also the main reason why I brought Ferdinand up when I look at all the units proposed so far people are just clearly looking at the game with the current difficulties where glass cannons have 0 draw backs because even glass cannons are survivable as heck, it doesn't matter that they might have low movement or whatever. Within the current difficulties tiers don't even really matter in my opinion nothing really pushes them.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

    AKA, overcompensating. Why in the seven hells should I give that attention to Ferdinand when just about anyone else can be better with the special treatment you're willing to give him???

    How is equipping him with an accessory/relic overcompensating lol. If you're speaking about slotting in more avoidance abilities that's more on my guess on what lunatic/infernal balance might be like where normal mitigation might become worthless so better have a good dodge tank and I can see ferdinand as the best in that role.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Funny you say that, because as far as I'm concerned, Raphael requires me to actively go out of my way just to use. Not to the extent of Sophia, of course, but still! Either he's being doubled by damn near everything because axes are so heavy and he's so slow, or he's struggling to kill because gauntlets have shit for might. Last I checked, both of those are Really. Bad. Things.

    I dunno, but honestly, Ferdinand's personal is one I consider terrible, because only working at full HP is a negative, no matter which way you slice it.

    I don't see that given the myriad ways of how you can keep hp full(I already cited them). Also with 15% base avoidance and the myriad ways of gaining extra avoidance(and avoidance is additive?) I wouldn't be surprised 100%  avoidance or close to it ferdinand is possible. And if your avoidance is that high your hp is going to be full anyway.

    Depending on how the higher difficulties are balanced it's going to be even more of a non factor if dmg outscales normal mitigation so you're units can only die from a hit or dodge it.

  10. Curious no one looking at Ferdinand. He has decent growths. But most importantly he gets a personal ability that's a free 15% hit and avoidance at full hp(and there are so many tools to keep him at fool hp from skills, to weapons that regen life, he comes with a minor crest of cichol too which you can acquire a easy paralogue silver relic for) that also means he is one of the few units having a combat relevant talent giving him an edge once you build them up.

    If you prepare some skills for him to purchase for a ng+ run dude should be able to hit incredibly high avoidance. On paper he seems like he could be a real top tier unit once having someone that can tank matters.

  11. I think you should be patient and wait until some more dlc news is out as they might make dancer certification farmable and other stuff. Also while you can master Dancer on a character you won't even be able to purchase the mastery skill if that character doesn't have the certification on the current playthrough(I tested this). The one thing that is safe to do without regrets later is probably preparing a high start renown file.

    But stuff like supports and class certification is probably going to receive grind maps for skills, possibly extra certification grind maps and I think everyone expects at least 1-2 classes to be added in the future so probably premature to start on that.

  12. 14 hours ago, Timlugia said:

    NG+ gives you options to switch outfits

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    And there are more than three paths.


    Pretty sure the outfits are only for in the monastery. For battle they still get overwritten by a different class if that class isn't the characters "canon" class. Also no outfit changes for Byleth or any of the teachers as far as I saw. I couldn't make Catherine just stay in her armor no matter the class.

  13. Writing again I replied in another similar thread.

    The only thing that needs to be verified if you get locked out of supports with Byleth post timeskip if you don't have at least B. Currently I doubt that to be the case because Caspar and Ferdinand can't get past C on Blue Lion and Golden Deer before the timeskip. So my guess is still if you have a C support at least you are generally safe from being locked out.

    I can 100% confirm bar exceptions I haven't encountered yet during my Golden Deer and my close to finished Blue Lion run that you can initiate C ranks between students of the same house no problem post time skip, so Felix/Sylvain don't need to have a support at all and can start post timeskip.
    You can also initiate C supports post timeskip between any student and any faculty member without problems, so Hanneman/Linhardt won't be locked post timeskip.
    You DO tend to need at least C support between students of previously different houses to progress further. So for example Claude/Ingrid might be locked if you didn't initiate C before the timeskip.

  14. 1 hour ago, timon said:



    45 minutes ago, HeartTranquil said:

    this is so sad... omg.. so sad..

    Not quite maybe there are exception but the way it works as far as I could ascertain through 1,5 playthroughs.

    You can still initiate C supports between students of the same house, between students and faculty members post time skip. I'm not sure about Byleth since I maxed out all supports pre time skip with all students on them.

    But my assumption is you would still be able to initiate a C support between students of your chosen house post time skip but not with a student you recruited off another house.(needs to be verified though)

    You cannot initiate post time a C support between students of different houses.

    You can progress to B and past post time skip though if the C support has been watched. <- actually I'm unsure about this one I feel like I did that but I don't remember 100% with whom. In any I can confirm 100% that you can start supports between students and faculty post timeskip as well students of the same house, they don't need to be maxed to progress further.

  15. Can someone verify in what cases you do not get renown anymore after maxing the professor rank?

    I started a ng+ file and tested around a bit and have not been able to get renown points for having dinner or ranking up naturally in professor rank.

    Beyond that it would be also good to know if you really do get renown as stated by the thread creator how much it is and if it really outweighs the renown you can get having access to 3 battles and making it a lot easier to open up the extra paralogue maps fulfilling recruiting requirements faster.

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