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Everything posted by Shina

  1. Bless the fact that I work graveyard shift at my job so I don't have to worry about taking off. I could finish work, relax for a few hours, and then take the bus to the Gamestop at my mall to pick up my copy.
  2. Shina

    Hey hey!

    Guess we'll get introductions out of the way. Nice to meet everyone, the name's Shina! I'm a college graduate who is just trying to make a living while drowning myself in all things video games and anime. My start into the Fire Emblem series was when I got my hands on Awakening a while back, and have been a steady fan of it since. Really excited to see Fates come out in the west of next year. Some of my other favorite series I play on the side include Pokemon, Danganronpa, Final Fantasy, among others. If I'm not doing that, I am also an avid collector of figurines and art books, but am also starting to side eye the Fire Emblem Cipher TCG. As if I need to lose more money as it is... Anyways, that's about all I can think of for now. Hope to get along with everyone here at Serenes!
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