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Posts posted by claire

  1. 1. What would you say is your greatest strength? my face

    2. What are your greatest weaknesses? my actual physical weakness
    3. What's a game series you've always wanted to try, but never have? uhh. n/a
    4. If your life was a video game, what genre would it be? action/adventure
    5. What would the difficulty be set at? impossible
    6. Favorite fe game? fates...lol
    7. What constitutes a good day for you. when i go shopping
    8. If you could learn any instrument overnight. what would it be? i need to pick up the harp so the harp
    9. What FE character do you relate to most? lucina
    10. Black or white? black
    11. Happiness without knowledge, or knowledge without happiness? happiness?
    12. Why gharnef? what
    13. If your life was a book, what would the title be? idk
    14. What historical figure do you admire the most? alexander the great
    15. How are you different in real life than on the internet, if there is any difference at all? theres really not
    16. Do you prefer small groups of friends you know very well, or larger groups of friends whom you have less understanding with? small
    17. Favorite piece of music? anything i can play on the piano honestly. i rly do enjoy playing agithas castle so maybe that one
    18. How good are you at following your goals? terrible
    19. Which can have a more positive affect on a person, introversion or extraversion? extroversion
    20. Do you think you'll be attempting any more normal mode runs in the future? wat no
    21. What does it mean to be successful in life? $$$$$$
    22. If you had to relive the previous year, what would you do differently? kms
    23. Fondest memory? i guess in general when i was little
    24. What type of weather represents your mind? autumn/windy
    25. What type of musical instrument represents your personality? piano and violin
    26. What personality traits do you admire in other people? self decency
    27. Do you tend to be drawn to people with similar personalities as yourself, or different? idk as long as u play video games lol
    28. If you could go back 2 years and give your past self advice, what would you say? DO UR HOMEWORK
    29. Only allowed to glimpse one, would you rather see heaven or hell? heaven since im def not going to hell
    30. Favorite quote from my sig? what
    31. How good are you in a crisis? very
    32. Sci-fi, fantasy, or a mix? fantasy
    33. Favorite thread on this forum? ive only been on like 2 thtreads on this site
    34. How adaptable would you say you are? when it comes to change of plans, not very
    35. Favorite number? 0, 14, or 17
    36. If you were a final boss, what would your theme be? something death metal
    37. Favorite trope? a what
    38. If you could spend 15 minutes with anyone, living or dead, who would it be? my grandfather
    39. What are the top 2 compliments you hear from people about yourself? smart and good at drawing
    40. Top 2 insults? BITCH and U RUINED MY LIFE
    41. Pancakes or waffles? waffles
    42. Do you think it could be a children's book? Barring the eating part. wat
    43. At the cost of any of your 5 senses, what super power would you grant anybody you knew, which sense would you sacrifice and why? i would give my mom the ability to make money without disturbing the balance of the economy and then she would be blind
    44. When all is said and done, will you have said more than you have done? yes
    45. Favorite place to visit - i ihad a lot of fun in cancun but i guess new york is more convenient so new york
    46. Do you think it's possible to actually have one, at length without childish responses? (Including, but not limited to the use of internet memes and snark.) idk what this means
    47. What are 3 foreign dishes you would like to try? ive had like every foreign dish that ive heard of so
    48. Do you have a favorite myth? If so, what is it? i like artemis
    49. If you had a mystic animal as a pet/partner, what would it be and what would you name it? a dragon and i would name it nugget
    50. What do you like about yourself? im good at a lot of stuff
    51. What historical event would you like to witness? wwii
    52. Who's the person in your avatar? it was lucina
    53. Opinion of sudokus? boring
    54. Favorite pokemon? disgusting terrible series, but garchomp
    55. Have you got any amiibo? yes. lucina, inkling girl, link, yoshi, and DK
    56. Favorite seafood? seafood pasta. if that doesnt count, crab legs
    57. Opinion of the Tales series? lmao weebs
    58. Favourite kind of meat? chicken
    59. What's the worst gimmick you've seen in a video game? i dont notice stuff
    60. Have you played Mafia before? im about to, on sunday
    61. How do you feel about the Zelda series? LLOVE
    62. Favorite music genre? instrumental
    63. Do you have any phobias? bees
    64. Least favorite pokemon? the bee ones
    65. Have you played any Super Smash Bros. games? yes all of them
    66. ^If so, thoughts on them? If no, did you want to? worship
    67. Do you speak anything beside English? yea. arabic, spanish, and used to be fluent in french. will b picking up jp and latin soon
    68. ^Are they languages you want to speak? yup i love languages
    69. What consoles do you have? a wii, a wii u, and a gamecube
    70. ^What was your first? my first played was n64 bu the first owned was gamecube
    71. Opinion of Blackjack? what
    72. Any hobbies? i draw
    73. What is the best thing you've tasted? sour patch kids
    74. Favorite mode of transportation? car or plane
    75. Bread ot toast? i dont rly like either
    76. Favourite form of bread? bread
    77. Do you like chocolate? eh
    78. Salt or sugar? sugar
    79. Would you rather sleep without a pillow or without a cover? without a cover i already dont use one
    80. Would you rather drive a car or have it drive itself? drive
    81. Opinion of Xenoblade Chronicles? idk
    82. Least favourite game you've played and why? pokemon
    83. Do people normally get hit with so many questions? yes
    84. ^Is the amount you're receiving overwhelming? no
    85. Least favourite part of school? hw
    86. Opinion of shopping? love
    87. Favourite Pokemon type and why? fairy/dragon
    88. ^Least favourite and why? the ones i did not list above
    89. Favorite day of the week? thursday
    90. Favorite shade of blue? all of them except for the default one in mspaint
    91. What one mythological item would you bring into existence? magic
    92. You have one chance to use alchemy, what do you create with it? a yoshi
    93. What do you enjoy doing most? Have you done it lately, why or why not? playing video games. yes i have
    94. Preferred accessory? i like rings
    95. Are you the type of person who sees things in black and white, or do you acknowledge gray areas? um im not sure so that would mean grey areas
    96. What are your dreams? i dont remember them
    97. If your life was a movie, would you watch it and what you have to say about it? no fuck that
    98. Favorite subject in school? art
    99. Least favorite? all of them
    100. Opinion on ama threads? fun

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