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Posts posted by Raccoon844

  1. On 7/18/2017 at 9:37 PM, Fire Emblem is cool said:

    Over a long period of mix and matching I think I have finally come up with a decent fire emblem fates pairing list. This list will be based on solely competitive optimization of the children's stat mods and their end classes.  I will  explain each pairing and state the class I plan on ending the child as. The chosen parent with be on the right while the child's name will be on the left, i.e Kaze!Shigure. Any advice and suggestions are greatly appreciated as I am not 100% sure of these pairings and would like to hear some of your input.

    Kaze!Shigure - Kaze has been chosen as the father of shigure because of the insane +7 spd and +4 skill mods that Shigure ends with. He does have -1 str and -3 def but the strength isn't that significant and the defense is covered by the insane speed that Shigure will cap at. I will probably end him as either a master ninja or a falcon knight if I find the need for an extra healer.

    Azura!Midori - Midori is pretty much an identical twin to Shigure stat wise and has pretty much the same reasoning as Shigure, but she will probably be ended as a master ninja since her speed stat amazingly complements the class's naturally high speed stat. She'll also be a possible candidate of the Awakening skill but i'm not sure of which female child I should give it to as of yet.

    on my Revelations playthrough, I had a Midori!Selena alongside Azama!Shigure. for the former Selena gave her alot of good choices for skill inherentance (Air Superioity, Shurikenbreaker, friggin Countermagic if you know where to look which is what i gave her) Plus the choice of Bow Knight which fits her just fine even if i have her on hero for the moment. Granted, the -2 Str is a damn shame (which leaves her maxed strength at 32 if you can get it that high) but i feel it's a good trade. 

    The latter pairing choice however, gives Shigure a very impressive +3 strength boost (47 max strength if you are wondering) alongside the accessibility of Rally Luck & Magic added to his choices of rally skills with Resistance and Speed with the options of Countermagic and Renewal. That gives me a very useful and tanky (on the magic side) Great Master. My Azama gave him Rend heaven as his inheritance skill and Azura's was Lancefaire.

  2. He's just gives you the bare-bones support bonuses. that being said however Haitaka is a great damaging unit (had him and Chapter 23's Rallyman on my final party) and he's your only choice for a spearfighter in conquest unless you decided to give your corrin the spear fighter secondary class trait via character customization. Really, just get both whenever you can and have Haitaka as your glass cannon with Rally Defense on standby whilst having Rallyman on standby for that sweet buffs and attack stance.

  3. Haitaka has unique stat growths so downright he's better then any generic spearfighter, alongside with edging out Oboro except for Magic/Luck/Defense. He's a great damage dealer that can actually prove his worth if you want to use him as an attack unit, while still having utility as a rallyunit with Rally Defense until Chapter 23's Rallymen come. Quick disclaimer: In lunatic he gets Seal Defense early alongside with Strong Riposte which is...okay i guess.

    Now Kumagera on the other hand, he's great for being a tank in lunatic concidering he gets Darting Blow and Countermagic. But if you want to get his fullest potential, you're going to have to put some time into him so that he can get Death Blow and Counter.

    Both units are great and if you have units that are lacking or need help on, i'd say go for them alongside Guzak from Forrest's Paralogue if you can swing it.

  4. Alright, starting me some Hard!Revelation! I need a few skills that i shall put down below.

    I need: Aegis and Pavise (either works if you only have one) for M!Corrin, Lancefaire for Azura, and Bowflaire, Counter and Pavise for Anna. Message me whenever you can.

    EDIT: I just need bowfaire for Anna now.

  5. alright as i start i just want to give Gunter a quick 3.5 for Revelation concidering he actually stays the same as he did back the end of C3. He's good for literally the chapter that you get him back and the one after that but otherwise is your usual Jaegan. For the Prologue section he's a good durable unit so that your avatar can get some good level ups.

    Now Conquest on the other hand, He is much more serviceable...despite having the same problems as he did previously. Even though he has added stats and Luna, he's only good for helping out getting through Chapter 15. I had Azura as Great Lord at that point due to the needed stats and abilities so she was able to get some kills and if i recall correctly three level ups. Still, after Chapter 15 he's only good for benchwarming and maybe, maybe, getting some work done in the boat chapter but by that point you have Xander. I'm giving Conquest!Gunter a 4.5.

  6. My Rating for Felicia: 6.5

    Felicia can be a good unit, i have her as a secondary healer incase elise gets taken down but she is dangerously frail for her own good. Her usefulness in the long term comes down to 2 things: 1. Are you playing with a Male Avatar or a Female Avatar? 2. Are you going to pair up her with someone that has a magical class? Flora and Odin can give her Dark Mage which is nice but the former is the route's "secret" character (By secret i mean you have to max out a turret around chapter 22) so her availability is scarce for supporting and Odin can benefit more with pairing up someone else such as Elise (which is what i did) or Orochi who can give Ophelia the Basara class which is just friggin amazing. But if you have a female Avatar, her usefulness is very limited, due to her most likely having lacking starting stats compared to the rest of the cast especially since she rejoins at the halfway point of the game in Chapter 16. However, she is an excellent Magekiller that can work very well if you reclass her to Strategist or into a different magical class if you have S+ ranked her with a Male Avatar. She also has four eternal seals slapped onto her for a maximum level cap of 40+! But i can't stress this enough: If you are going to use Felicia, play as a Male Avatar so that you can get the most out of her 40+ total level cap.

  7. Greetings, I'm almost done with my Conquest run yet i want to get some skills for some asssurance.

    I need a Xander with Pasive, Selena with either Counter or Astra, Azura with either Pasive or Aegis (just reclassed her out of greatlord back to songstress, so she's a bit on the weakside) and an Odin with either Sol or Vengeance.

    My address is 10090-05918-83954-25566 . PM if you want to talk.

  8. I'm nearly at the halfway point of conquest (i'm at the cheve chapter) and i'm actually wondering who to use my great lord seal (either camilla or azura, leaning more towards azura since she needs some stats) and that actually got me thinking: What classes did you guys go for when reclassing characters? (Avatars, units, etc)

  9. 10 hours ago, shadowofchaos said:

    In context, having the same map because of story events is an excuse. Not a good one, but it is a justification.

    As for the final map, if you compare it to others, such as Binding Blade, Radiant Dawn, Awakening, Sacred Stones, and Blazing Sword... you'll find that all of them have relatively open "floor" maps.

    I'm just playing devil's advocate here in regards to what you're roasting Rev for in map design that older games do as well.

    Also, while I understand that you do not value, Rev... the OP clearly hasn't played the game. It would be courteous to spoiler those images.

    Yeah, being spoilered on the final boss itself would be a bit of a pain even if it is on the 3rd route's final boss (from what i know, every route has a "different" final boss).

    I'm going in expecting the plot to be not the best, concidering this is a game that had three stories shoved into one game. I'm going to buy Conquest once i get enough cash and if i like it or if i just have cash to use, i might buy revelations.

  10. 6 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

    Buy Conquest/Birthright and skip Revelation. Even with its rubbish story, Fates has a lot to offer in gameplay, presentation and music. I can't comment on Echoes' quality but it is a remake and from what I've heard, quite faithful to the original, warts and all. Fates is a modern game that has improved a lot of mechanics that the series has been developing over time.

    Skip revelation? How so? Does it have any real problems compared to the other 2 routes besides the different story?

  11. I'm going to be working my first ever job soon and the first paycheck i get will be getting a fire emblem game. But here's the problem: Concidering Fates has some problems around the plot department and Echoes is around the corner i'm wondering if i should actually bother buying Fates or not. To be specfic: I'm not too sure if i want to buy Conquest/Revelations or if i should just skip it. What do you guys think?

  12. Okay, this will be a bit of a Text wall but please, bear with me. First off, the games i can mainly recommend to you if you intend to play either the Persona or Mainline Megaten series is a bit of a repeat as the other people said but i will make a brief non-spoilery synopsis of the games.

    The Persona 2 Duology (Innocent Sin & Eternal Punishment): GREAT games. They are a good bridge between the "classic" Persona games such as SMT: IF which set the foundations for the series and Persona 1 which is the first "real" Persona game yet it is infamous for it's botched original English translation known as Revelations: Persona (Mark danced crazy!) and the Modern Persona games such as 3 and 4, despite not having the Social Link system. You can play the latter half (Eternal Punishment) without playing the Former but you will get special data if you have both original Japanese copies and the plot will be much more..."Complete". It also has vibes and some times directly references the Cthuhlu Mythos. (You can even get the King in Yellow as a persona if you know where to look!) Either play both via emulator or play Innocent Sin via PSP, you won't regret it.

    Strange Journey: Despite the gameplay playing like Etrian Oddessy (Some of the guys from that game worked on this one) It is a very great "spinoff" that can stand with the other main titles. I won't lie, the game will feel like a maze crawler at times (ESPECIALLY at the 5th area, fucking teleports) and you may have to look at a guide at times for Fusion due to them not really giving you a manual about what fuses with what. (example, Genma/Fiend via converter = fuse a Megami with a fairy or deity) but the story is great and not only that but the soundtrack is FANTASTIC. I got into the mainline series via this game and i have never looked back.

    Shin Megami Tensei IV: THIS was the game i played when i wasn't busy with Strange Journey, and it plays more in line with the modern games due to it having a press turn system. You play as a CASUALry who became a Samurai via the "Gauntlet Rite", a ritual that a person takes once they become young adults. You meet Walter, a fellow CASUALry who became a samurai, Johnathan (joestar) who is a Luxour (rich person), and Isabeau, the sole female main character who is also a Luxour. Demons and wacky antics ensues. The early game is an utter pain in the ass due to how hard the demons hit you and you aren't given any real Breathing/Grinding room until you hit the main portion of the game which is guarded by the "Minotaur" who is this game's Beefgate who will ruin your day unless you know how the Press Turn system works (where you can get bonus turns and "Smirk" if you have hit an enemy's weakness, same rule applies towards demons themselves mind you.) Unlike the other games however, you can determine what demons get what skills when in fusion. It is a nice start but please be careful during your early game time in Naraku. Apocolypse, the "second" part of SMT4 expects you to have played this game so watch for spoilers when you look at this game OR Apocolypse.

    Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne: Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series. This was the game that introduced the Press Turn series and is arguably the "Magnum Opus" of the Mainline Series. You play as a High School Student that goes to the Hospital to see his teacher, Yuko Takao. Stuff happens and you wake up in the "Vortex World" shirtless transformed into the "Demi-Fiend", a being that can help tip the scales of the fate of the new world towards a "Reason". It has the classic demon fusion and recruitment yet it also has the "Magatama" system, which allows you to gain skills via level ups and determine what is your resistance towards magic or physical attacks. It's difficult with bosses that can kick your ass alongside with confusing dungeons BUT it is also a very enjoyable game. There is a side dungeon called the "Labyrinth of Amala" that is accessible via fight difficult side bosses that if you beat them you can unlock them via Demon Fusioning, but it also tells you of the Greater Plot of the game and it also allows you to recruit Dante from the Devil May Cry series himself! Just be careful around skeletons.

    Whatever game you decide to play, just grab a drink and have fun. Also, GET THE BUFFS.

  13. Jamestown (nice top down shooter that can ease you in to the wonderful world of bullet hell that is on steam), Ikaruga (Gamecube, XBOX360 and Steam) and there's also the wonderful tried and true R-Type series. I personally Recommend Delta and Final (but Final is a bit hard to find nowadays. Delta is a PS1 game while Final is PS2.) Best of luck in your journey into the world of Shoot em ups.

  14. Admittedly, I haven't played a whole lot of SMT games--and most of them have been spinoffs. Those have been Persona 3 and Q, but I've played SMTIV, at least!

    Now, I didn't play these games for very long, but what I have, I've liked. I hope to get back to them some time. I'm pretty bad at games, so I'm sure that eventually even SMTIV will give me a tough time. I like the idea of negotiating with demons, and how your choices actually affect the game (right? With the Neutral, Chaos and Law routes?).

    Protip: Naraku is the main bane of everyone but once you get through it and you have access to the main game OR the Dance of the Dead (which is a quest that's a bit hard at that stage of the game but it has a NICE payoff) It will be a whole lot more funner. Also DLC is honestly acceptable if you need a bit of coins via it's gold DLC. The EXP and App points DLCs break the game like a cookie dunked into milk though.

    Yeah, dialog choices will effect your alignment and your eventual route, in SMT4 there are Bars where there is a dude who generally gives you a hint on your current alignment thankfully.

    I had to actually look up a guide on getting towards neutral, wasn't fun in the slightest honestly. But when i did get it i was so overjoyed to the point that i literally fell asleep on my bed once i finally got the sign that shown "hey kid you dun did good, enjoy yo neutral route".

  15. Honesty, Nocturne would be way more frustrating than Strange Journey, given how difficult Nocturne as a whole is. IV too would be bad for a beginner, since the early game is really difficult.

    I'll have to agree with you on that actually. I've seen people get turned off by the series thanks to Minotaur and the general "early-game hell" that Naraku has going for it. Nocturne has it similar but atleast you can actually safely grind without the occasional smirk and the fact that you have actual decent early game demons instead of 4's trash.

    why they gave you a crappy centaur and your only choice of healer demons is a Pixie-wannabe and an old man duck i will never know

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