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Posts posted by Raccoon844

  1. I've only played Persona 3 and 4. I was planning on getting into the (real?) Shin Megami Tensei series via Apocalypse, but I'm European.

    Feels bad man.

    Going to be honest with you man: You should start in the "real" SMT series via it's 3rd game Nocturne/Lucifer's Call since it has all the general gameplay mechanics such as press turn, recruiting demons and it has the classic demon fusion, compared to SMT4 and Apocalypse where it uses Devil Survivor's Inherent Skill system (choose 8 skills of your own choosing from the demons that you are fusioning) and the fact that it has everyone's favorite, Red Capote wearing, Wake Up Call Boss of a Fiend known as Matador. Or you could get into the series like i have via Strange Journey, it won't really disappoint you at times but it WILL piss you off when it decides to throw you a curve ball like a random fiend via enemy search OR you getting in a puzzle area.

    Speaking of, i am almost done with Strange Journey's first run (neutral). All i gotta do is give Frost Ace his Repel Lightning and give Greg either Jihad (antitichton) or BIG BANG. Speaking of those two i'll make a seperate message just containing my 3 main endgame demons.

  2. Alright, general SMT/Megaten/Persona thread. I've generally never really had a chance to make a thread due to me trying to juggle awakening's DLC and The entirity of SMT4 (All routes, DLC, FIEND HUNTING, fashion and making the most bulls**t demons that i can make) but due to Persona 5 and SMT4: Apocolypse (oh whyyyy do you do this to me ATLUS why) coming around the corner, i think right now is the PERFECT chance to have sit back, have a glass or 2 liter of nice cold soda and play some of the old SMT games. How about you guys? Do you have any relationship/hate with the series? Have you beaten any of them*? Post a reply below and let's just take this brief interlude to talk.

    *You can talk about persona here, but since we have a thread already dedicated to Persona 5's hype train it might be redundant. Frost Ace is best Hee-Ho.

  3. Awhile ago someone made a video about it! https://youtu.be/1OBdh-wipR0

    It feels so weird seeing Minerva as a Pegasus Knight instead of a Wyvern Lord. If they were going to have a S-class Pegasus Knight wouldn't Shiida or one of the Pegasus Sisters be more fitting?

    also holy crap that face minerva PLEASE get some eye drops

  4. I don't think the series should have ended at Awakening, although it did mark a decline in writing quality. I really lament that the story was not good because I love games with good stories, but the gameplay improvements are noticeable and show SOME people on the team are working hard.

    God damn, what an amazing story it could have been.

    Indeed, even though Fire Emblem has always had some...writing problems, it has always shown potential. (I'm looking at YOU, Radiant Dawn.)

    While i have kept myself in the dark about the game itself mostly, i can see the glaring problems. Personally i just think that Aqua has problems with trusting people just until the failed "dancing" scene. Seriously, why keep them in the dark when you had the perfect chance to tell them or SHOW them via the chasm that leads to Touma. And seeing that the IKTrio doesn't even connect the dots is just a slap in the face to me honestly. (Seriously, the guy is named Kamui/Corrin and he can TURN INTO A DRAGON.)

  5. 1: Stockpile on Root beer and Dr. Pepper for the planning and grinding.

    2: Make my Mamui's secondary class Trueblade despite doing Nohr. (Gotta get dat ASTRA)

    3: Save my Mamui's virginity for Anna. (This means jumping towards bro and bro and Kaze)

    3.5: Make Anna become a great lord instead of Azura. I regret nothing

    4: Fulfill my greatest dream since Brawl and Radiant Dawn: transforming Marth into VANMARTH

    5: Punch Takumi in the face.

    6: Stay by my headcanon via making Odin pair up with Luna.

    7: Make my little drilled hair sister the best little sister in the world.

    8: Punch Takumi in the Face.

    9: Buy Revelations/IK whenever i have the cash and time.

  6. Either some news about FE:Fates with an estimate of a release date or time window of it, the game has been out for a while at THE LAND OF THE RISING SUN KNOWN AS HOSHIDO NIPPON since June and besides of some "translations" we have kinda been left in the dark besides some trailers. Either that or Smash info. Smash info about the new characters would be GREAT.

    Please let there be some info about FE: Fates. I want to have a big happy red-haired dragon family.

  7. Hell no for the Lodestar. You only get one Lodestar Seal per save file (at least for now), so you're better off using that on a non-Einherjar/Amiibo character.

    ...unless you're willing to use another save file to give him the Seal there then update him in the logbook and re-recruit him so that you don't have to waste your other one in whatever your main file is, then it becomes a wiser decision.

    Ahh, logbooks. Glad to see that they can still potentially break the game. It's also good to see that i can make my Marth into VANMARTH and then reclass him back into Lodestar with a Parallel Seal.

    (Seriously, it's going to be so goofy having Marth with Ike's body.)

  8. Ehh. I've been wanting to do this for a while now.

    The Iron Branch

    Range: 1

    Rank: A

    9 MT, 84 Hit, 0 Crit, Avoid: 0

    Seems like a normal branch at first, but it's more than meets the eye.

    Can't trigger Astrum, effective on Armored units. Can't be forged.

  9. Honestly, Fates will have a "small" chunk of content changed or removed.

    By changed i mean they will try (and i mean TRY, given FE's reputation of vague Incest tones) to downplay as much incest as they can. While i do believe that they won't go overboard with the censoring like back in the SNES-N64 days the supports will be changed a bit to adjust for overseas mainly due to the different cultures and more strict policies on Incest and Censorship. Dialogue will have to be changed when it gets translated. (ESPECIALLY Soleil's support with Mamui, That stuff isn't going to fly by ANYONE's heads when it comes out.)

    And by removed i am talking about some parts of the Summer Scramble DLC that they have with Fates. Skinship MAYBE but it's a "big" part of the game. Still, we can all look to the future with optimistic ideas of it and hopefully it won't go too bad.

  10. How the hell did you have an Anna with Aegis, Luna and Pavise? Buddy seal?

    (Also, i've noticed that a few of the female units have Aether. How is this a thing? I thought you could only get 1 great lord seal.)

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