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Posts posted by Sykil

  1. Am I the only one that LOL'd at FESD being called the most balanced FE to date? Cain, Abel, Sedgar, Wolf, Merric, I mean yeesh, come on... You get most of them like, super duper early, 2 of them from the start of the game!

    Yeah, I'd say it's far from balanced. Caeda + forged Wing Spear = luls. And there aren't even words for how broken Sedgar is. Not to mention that resistance is nearly nonexistent. In terms of mechanics, sure, I guess it's more "balanced" in that it's much more restrictive, but that makes it much less interesting and limits your actual tactical options. All the skills, supports, etc. don't necessarily make Radiant Dawn an easy game to complete, and they add much more depth to the gameplay.

  2. I have to agree with the OP, skills being reusable isn't good. I like the idea of skills being personal and they make characters unique, not something that can be removed and given to someone else.

    I agree, but I like being able to reassign the skills that I acquire. I think the best solution would be to have removable skills but lock the ones that come preassigned to new units like Vigilance and Insight (and/or just make those self-destruct if they player tries to remove them with a warning dialog, but I like the first option better).

    Personally, I loved just about everything about this game... until part 4. That, along with the BK's identity being revealed, was just, IMO, one of the worst things I've ever seen happen. I feel like the game peaked in mid-late part 3, slowly went down hill, then fell off a cliff at part 4. And then another one for endgame. I've done a bunch of playthroughs of this game (far more than any other FE), but I almost never finish since endgame bores me to death.

    And then I wish there'd been real support conversations. But, on the other hand, supporting anyone is really nice, and means that you can use just about any team and support people, which is nice. Character development is my one other complaint about this game.

    Edit: Also, what's with everyone thinking Masteries are overpowered? IMO, they're actually worse in this than PoR simply because you're FORCED to have them, when removing them would allow for some much better skill combos.

    The only Mastery I would say isn't necessarily beneficial is Bane. It's absolutely retarded. Otherwise, who is going to argue with (generally) 20+% chance to do 3-5 times damage in one hit?

  3. This is why I refrain from defending my favorites. Narga probably looks like the only one in the FE5 tier lists that likes Karin since I have no intention of arguing her up.

    On topic, from the arguments I've seen, it appears to be Mia. I prefer Stefan though, rather fond of good lategame doods with awesome base stats like Percival and Galzus.

    Yeah, I'm not surprised that Stefan isn't winning, but I'm surprised that he hasn't gotten a little more love. His bases are pretty good (in both games, in fact - save for luck), but I guess the idea is that by the time you recruit him, you could easily have a just-as-well-trained Trueblade already. Still, he's a pretty fool-proof replacement of anyone that failed at the RNG game. Also, a second Trueblade for the endgame isn't a terrible idea since they have such good speed (+Wyrmslayers for the dragon chapter), and there are two SS Rank swords available. And since Stefan is so fool-proof, he's a great candidate for your second Trueblade. I believe Mia's definitely better than Stefan (and all of the others) - being at least just as helpful more of the time, the Ike support, etc., etc., but it's a potential case for Stefan being higher.

  4. What you just is slightly invalid to me since you obviously didn't read everything I said. Who is the best is an opinion*, not fact since, its based on percents not straight numbers not all ziharks growths > lucias, i gave a strong defense as to why Lucia was better then zihark on my playthrough. next time try actually saying something useful instead of being smartass. no offense. <-- best way i could put how I was feeling.

    for sport or not its still annoying being shot down even though it was the best way for me as you clearly just stated it can change on every playthrough.

    *waits patiently for nagra's speech on how im wrong* lol

    Wow, nevermind. You're a lost case. I was trying to get you to understand that debate is kind of what this topic is about, but... whatevs.


    For the record, I actually read every word you said.

    I digress.

  5. Personal experience is the only realiable thing that helps a player get through a game.

    Just because someone jumps of a bridge and survives does not mean that everybody else should do the same thing.

    If you weren't prepared to defend yourself, you shouldn't have tried to make arguments for Lucia. From where everyone else was standing, that meant that you were prepared to defend your position should they criticize some of the things you said. Sure, every unit has potential - as long as their caps are good - and everyone can max this and that with enough abuse. That doesn't mean that they're the best option.

    Personal experience does not mean anything when arguing who's better. In my first playthrough of Path of Radiance, Oscar turned out epic. In my second, he couldn't double to save his life. Personal experience really isn't leading me to any hard conclusion; an objective approach is needed. (In my current, he's rapetastic, which is sad because I don't plan on actually using him. :()

    The topic says "Who's the best trueblade?," not "Who's your favorite trueblade?" or something like that. Nobody here has a personal beef with you; these arguments are for sport.

  6. Mia caps only 4 but that's still one ahead of Zihark. Zihark's better because he has more availibility than Mia.

    Mia caps 5, and Zihark does not have better availability. By they time they're both available, Zihark will have some catching up to do, most likely.

    But there are better options, such as the Herons, you are not going to want a healer to waste a turn on them when they could heal another unit, then you could also use a Heron to refresh another character.

    Point is, judging by who caps the most stats is pretty useless, that's like saying most the DB are better than the GMs just because a great growths.

    Yeah, Elincia and the Herons are much better options.

    How does she even reach 51% activation? Adept IS Spd-based after all.

    In one round of combat (should she double, which... she will), she has a 48.16% chance of Adept activating at least once with her base speed.

  7. 2 Adept users are better than one.

    Mia definitely gets one.

    And then Ike would be a great candidate for Zihark's, hell, it's even good on Shinon, Oscar, and Titania.

    Hm? I only meant that rating Zihark above Mia because he comes with Adept is silly when she has such easy access to one, even without Ilyana's help (whether you want to bring Zihark's along is completely up to you).

  8. Mist + the Sonic Sword was such a fun combination in Path of Radiance. It's such a shame that she doesn't have access to anything similar in this game.

    She's one of the few characters that I think got worse between the two (Rhys as well - light magic isn't too great in this game). Most improved a good deal.

    Depends on the game. In many maps in this game, 1-range enemies have an overwhelming majority, so lack of 2-range isn't that bad.

    And in Swords vs Magic, it's not so much 'getting 1-2 range' as it is 'getting 1-2 range that isn't horribly inaccurate'. Only Swordmasters are really comfortable with Storm Swords, and even then it's kinda iffy. And also it's 'getting 1-2 range that doesn't key off Strength', in Mist's case.

    Besides the Wind Edge for early-game Edward, I only really use the ranged swords for attacking from atop a gap because of what you just described.

  9. Haar is totally German, dudes. Ha-ar. Like Haagen-Dazs, except without the -gen-Dazs and not as delicious. And also it's German and not wherever Haagen-Dazs is based. I'm gonna have some strawberry Haagen-Dazs later.

    Why is it, when I post in this thread, I completely lose all my trains of thought?

    Haagen-Dazs is just made up to sound like some Scandinavian language.

  10. I'd combine what Andrew said with: wait for when a unit can be expected to gain less than 3 stats naturally. That's usually after capping one or two stats. Don't just do it if they've capped one stat; make sure that they'd be expected to gain less than 3 as a result of that. If they're still expected to gain 3 or more stats, abusing battle saves is probably a better idea.

  11. I think the actual exp rate with Blossom+Paragon is actually +33% or something, so you're still levelling faster than normal.

    And yeah, Astrid, Geoffrey and high level laguz that level incredibly slowly anyway are the only ones that can do this.

    They should just cancel each other out if they just pass through to each other, but if both skills work simultaneously with the true experience you would earn, you should gain 1.5 times experience ((EXP + 1*EXP) - 0.5* EXP = 1.5*EXP). I'm not sure which is what really happens, but either way there's no penalty.

  12. Mia... I would say Edward, but Mia requires no extra effort and always ends up being one of your best units... so yeah.


    Edward averagely caps 6 stats.

    Zihark averagely caps 3 stats.

    Lucia averagely caps 5 stats.

    Mia averagely caps 5 stats.

    Stefan averagely caps 4 stats.


    for me a unit with great growths is a good unit, the more caps the better. sure, in this game almost everyone can be saved from being bad. but at the looks of this Edward is the best, and Lucia isn't as bad as people say if you don't count playing time.

    this makes Zihark look bad, doesn't it? well, good.

    "Who's the best trueblade?" should actually be answered by a fact, I think, not by a poll. now it's just "Who do you like most?"

    There are other things to consider, like the amount of effort it takes to get Edward to that point. I mean, besides Nolan and the other Brigade characters that you have to use, he's probably the best, sure. But Mia requires no favoritism. Also, you may as well say 4 expected capped stats for Lucia. She probably won't be using that magic cap. You can't even say that it's useful for BXP abuse because she's expected to cap it at 20/20/20.

    I'd say Mia > Edward > Zihark > Stefan > Lucia

  13. Right, cause giving +10 hit and +5 str for your units fighting things that many of them 3RKO (the auras, or even the dragons) is totally dead weight.

    Now sure, cards are the best she can do to kill the enemy by herself, but at least she does more damage than Kurth (I think so, anyway). 42 magical mt is better than whatever he's packing (42 physical mt. Only better on stuff like bishops).

    Well, yes, of course, Blood Tide is awesome - but it's annoying that you have to substitute better offensive units for someone with a good support skill and not much else.


  14. I'd vote Vika in a heartbeat if the gal got more playtime. Her growths are retarded, and with her decent bases she could become a great candidate for bonus experience -- if not for her low availability. You're just not going to get her there easily; at least, not without some serious boss abuse or else a hardy dose of catching up when she joins the fray again. So, realisticly I'd go with Ulki for the best Bird Tribe laguz. It'd be a tossup between him and Janaff if not for the ridiculousness that is Vigilance. Janaff's Insight is a big waste of space. Nealuchi might be the worst of the bunch, but there really isn't a single bad Bird Tribe laguz.

    As far as beasts go, there is so much crap to sift through. Skrimir (who isn't in this poll -- I guess he's sortofkindof a royal) is really great until his speed starts to lag, which leaves Ranulf and Volug -- most of the others aren't even worth talking about. Lyre is completely worthless, and I'm glad to see that she has no votes. Anyway, the Heterochromia Cat and Mr. Ab Lounge Infomercial Demonstrator are pretty close stat-wise. Volug has the better caps, though, in everything that isn't named Speed. Oh, and as for Muarim, it saddens me to see such wasted potential! He's another one with fantastic level 40 average stats but with little to no availability. Oh well. Truth be told, tigers have terrible speed anyway, but five expected capped stats (relying merely on combat experience) is pretty fantastic.

    Overall, I'd say the best one to use is... Ulki. The importance of great avoid/dodge can't be underestimated.

    My favorite, though, is either Ranulf or Volug. Or Ulki. They're all so awesome!

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