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Posts posted by Radiance

  1. Dont think thats the case since she is female. Welcome aboard the serenes. Everyone starts off easy. Sacred stones was my first and I played that on easy. Once you get use to the games, you can get more of a challenge. I love this series as well and its cool of you to join us here. My favorite class is myrmidon and mercenary. What was your first FE game? Nice to meet and have a good day ;)

  2. I've tried to learn though, and I end up feeling like I'm not learning anything... I just don't think it's a simple "mistake."

    But I am considering a different approach now. It just happened to cross my mind.

    Every loss is a lesson. When I lose, I find what I did wrong. Trust me, your learning, but focus on a character that you feel good with, then use other characters. Ask for help and search for vids. We all have advice thats unique.

  3. Yeah, I know all of that. Why do you think I use the Pro Controller instead of anything else? I like it best.

    I don't play with equipment either, I don't like it. Custom moves are just fine though, they make some characters better, like Ike. He needs Close Combat, for example, it's way better than regular Quick Draw. I disagree that they should be illegal in tourneys too for this exact reason. It isn't fair to characters who are more viable with them and people that like using these characters.

    But I'm through playing Smash. I'll never get any better. I just can't learn. I can understand things people say as well as anyone, but it means squat if I can't actually execute them, which I never can. And some things are just not possible for me to understand. Smash isn't my type of game, that's that, and I just have to live with it. Guess I won't be buying anymore Smash games either, there wouldn't be any point in it.

    I won't keep playing if all I'll ever do is get beat up and lose horribly regardless of what I do or what character I use. I don't have any fun, and if I don't have fun, what's the point in playing? So, have fun without me, peeps. Don't try to talk me out of this either, I tried my best. It just wasn't enough.

    Personally I think thats false. You can learn, just takes time and effort. If your not having fun, its understandable to not play. Its something that should not be depressed of. I use to suck at this game until I learned and it took a while. Dont act like your bad, any mistake can be fixed. Thats all I will say, but consider before you quit.

  4. Some characters have better frame data then other characters. You must know Neutral if you are gonna play competetivly. Ikes Aether can snap ledge in the front, but they nerfed it so you cant snap behind you like in Brawl. You can also mix up what you do to get your opponet by surpirse. I also loathe equipment and dont play customs at all because I dont like it and its not allowed for tourney unless its a custom tourney. Mario is safe, Ike has good range so use that. Don't use the same pattern as well. Inputs like short hop landing cancel and good movement can be great. Fastfalling Aerials cancel the end lag so thats great. Playing on a controller that suits you is great as well. Love my gamecube controller and it feels good. Search up videos on competetive play, they helped me. Even if I play well, I like to improve more. Dont give up, you can do it. Also I hate regular stages, they kill me for no reason and that's quite confusing. I like tourney legal or Omega.

  5. Disrespect can be narrowed down to two things: exploiting the opponent's habits by using the same method over and over again; and the act of doing something unnecessary (and in some cases flashy) in order to make yourself look good. In both instances, not acknowledging the other player(s)potential options plays a part of it too. I guess an example of the former could be Ganondorf's side special. If someone is hit by it, then they end up on the floor and have the following options: roll forward, roll backwards, get up without attacking, a get-up attack, or staying in place and doing one of the aforementioned options later. If the player always does a get-up attack the Ganondorf could always do a short-hop down air and punish the other player's option. This could be classed as disrespect. Two examples of the latter can be seen here and here

    I'm available to play, if anyone's up for it

    Thats pretty well explained. Elie flame choked me off stage and that was a mess. Some Meteor smashes as well happened. Makes the game so satisfying

  6. Strong character that has great moves and high jump. The only problem is that he has a big hurtbox, floaty, and 2nd lightest. Game and watch is heavier and he's 2d. So logical. He shadow ball is really powerful and can kill early as well. They buffed Mewto and that is good, but the weight along with big hurtbox hurts him and that makes him hard to use. I died by Bowser f smash at 45%. I was shocked. He would be so good if he was heavy. I say he is just a regular character that is balanced. Btw what a bad sport who does not clap with he loses.

  7. Hows it going? It is nice of you to join us and its awesome of you to join as well. Nice of you to post as well. I welcome you to the serenes and hope you have an awesome time here. Enjoy and fight for your friends, because we're all friends. Nice to meet you Nyu. Fire emblem is one of my favorite game series as well. I like Ike.

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