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Status Updates posted by chococoke

  1. Yo, your FE6 draft tourney videos. They're awesome. Make s'more plz.

  2. Yo, just wanted to say: For my Fire Emblem draft run, I have almost the same characters as you, so I've been watching your videos for ideas on strategies. But your Sain, your Matthew, your Bartre... they're all so much better than mine :O and for that, I give you...


  3. Thanks for the support. You've inspired me to give it another go before throwing my gameboy against the wall.

  4. Alas indeed. Thank you.

  5. Why is your youtube account closed? I really enjoyed looking at everything.

  6. It would help if I learned how to quote people :/

  7. Aw, come on guys. I love Fire Emblem. Stop being so depressing.

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