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Posts posted by chococoke

  1. Chapter 24 (6/124)

    Went the long way in order to shop and so Marcus didn't keep dying. Got some nice items to boot.

    Raven promotes at level 18. Devil axe time!

    Chapter 25 (8/132)

    Definitely could've done this one faster, but got some much needed experience. Lyn solos the southwest castle. Fiora solos the northeast castle. Everyone else just lingers in the middle killing cavalier and getting exp. Rejoice! Raven goes from E axes to just under B axes, thanks Devil Axe.

    Name     Level  HP  S/M  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res  
    Hector   18/--  34   19   15   12    8   15    7         
    Marcus   --/13  38   20   21   13   13   11   14         
    Serra    12/--  25    9    7   13   10    3   11         
    Erk      15/--  28   11   13   15    6    2    9         
    Lyn      16/--  25   10   18   20   10    5    6         
    Raven    18/02  42   16   23   22   11   16*   4         
    Fiora    17/--  37*  13   20   18   11    7   11   
    Rath     14/--  31    9   12   14    7    9    3      

  2. Chapter 23 (6/118)

    Marcus solos the non-desert portion of the map easily. The rest of my units form a defensive position (Serra and Ninian both had to eat hits on turn 1, but it ended up working out fine in the end.) After the initial onslaught of enemies, Fiora grabs Erk and heads west. Together they kill all pitiful reinforcements. Pent does a serviceable job, as always. Raven picks up both bosskills and is looking ready to promote soon. Lyn watches from the sidelines as she would've been fucking useless.

    Name     Level  HP  S/M  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res  
    Hector   15/--  32   16   14   10    7   13    6         
    Marcus   --/13  38   20   21   13   13   11   14         
    Serra    10/--  23    8    7   12    9    3   10         
    Erk      14/--  27   10   12   15    6    2    9         
    Lyn      13/--  24    9   17   18    8    5    3         
    Raven    16/--  36   14   20   20   10   13*   2         
    Fiora    14/--  35*  12   17   17    9    7   10   
    Rath     10/--  28    9   10   11    5    8    2      

    Fiora uses the body ring, Rath uses the Afa's Drops. Rath needs to step his game up fast before he gets left in the dust. Also, Erk, why you no defense?

  3. Chapter 22 (6/112)

    Everyone contributed, a lot. Hector stayed in the middle and slapped things around with his Wolf Beil. Raven dodge tanked like a champion and also made use of Isadora's silver sword. He shall be seeing a promotion very soon. Lyn recruited Rath and killed who she could, her Mani Katti uses are starting to wane :( Marcus went down the right side of the map and 3RKO'd Eubans with a Hand Axe. Serra healed everyone she could, and also put to sleep a Wyvern, which ended up being VERY clutch. Erk stayed in the middle and killed Wyverns whenever possible, something he does very well. Fiora went to the left with Eliwood (to recruit Heath) and Matthew. Thanks to her ill combat abilities and pure water, she was able to get to the thief after he got the 10,000 gold, allowing Matthew to pilfer the Brave Axe. Rath got almost a level's worth of experience from shooting at random things.

    Name     Level  HP  S/M  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res  
    Hector   15/--  32   16   14   10    7   13    6         
    Marcus   --/13  38   20   21   13   13   11   14         
    Serra    09/--  22    7    6   11    8    3   10         
    Erk      13/--  26    9   12   15    6    2    8         
    Lyn      13/--  24    9   17   18    8    5    3         
    Raven    14/--  34   13   19   20    9   11*   2         
    Fiora    13/--  27   12   17   17    8    7   10   
    Rath      9/--  27    9   10   11    5    8    2      

  4. I know I said I wasn't going to post here because I had nothing to contribute, but on the self-confidence thing ...

    People with low self-confidence are ... annoying, which I'm sorry to say but it's true. I don't want to hear you put yourself down every other minute. I don't want to hear you asking me why I'm still your friend or whatever. I don't want to hear you say that you suck at everything. EVERY. FREAKING. MOMENT. I know that everyone has self-confidence issues and we all need reassurance. But if you're the type of person who just has no confidence at anything and is always doubting yourself ... urgh. That's just annoying, you know?

    You seem to be describing someone who suffers from a bit more than low self-confidence

  5. Chapter 19 (7/85)

    Raven stays in the central area with Lyn and Serra. Marcus charge! Fiora is obtained, she helps out a little bit too. Erk and Hector follow Marcus, picking up the scraps from his path of destruction. Serra finally gets a little exp, being able to spam the torch staff.

    Name     Level  HP  S/M  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res  
    Hector   12/--  29   14   13    9    6   11    5         
    Marcus   --/09  35   18   19   12   11   11   11         
    Serra    06/--  20    5    6    9    7    3    8         
    Erk      10/--  23    8   11   15    5    2    7         
    Lyn       9/--  22    7   14   15    7    3    2         
    Raven    11/--  32   13   17   20    6   10*   2         
    Fiora     7/--  21    8   11   13    6    6    7         

    Chapter 19x (6/91)

    Marcus dominates the enemies of this map with a hand axe. Everyone else just does what they can to help out. Same old, same old.

    Chapter 20 (9/100)

    I certainly could be doing this a bit faster, but I'm starting to get decent level ups and I don't really care how my turncount ends, I just want to complete this run.

    Anyway, Fiora killed the right longbow archer, then doubled back and killed mages the rest of the chapter. Erk killed the left longbow archer, then killed the archer reinforcements that appeared. Lyn killed who she could, while Serra was nearby to heal. Meanwhile, Hector, Marcus, and Raven charged the middle, killing everything in sight. Hector gets 2 hits in on Darin, Marcus finishes with an iron axe. The hoardes of reinforcements at the end provided a nice little treat to my weaker units, who are finally beginning to get a bit stronger.

    Chapter 21 (6/106)

    Pretty simple. Buy a lot of 1-2 range weapons and pure waters, charge toward Oleg. Wooo

  6. I was always under the impression that Uhai's behavior was similar to other bosses that were on thrones. However, in my current HHM draft run, Marcus crit Uhai with a javelin (from 2 range,) leaving him with 3/36 health. On enemy phase, I anticipated Uhai using his longbow and doubling Hector, who was 3 spaces away. Instead, he retreated 4 spaces to the left.

    Has anyone seen this happen before? I've played through this game plenty of times and I've never seen this happen.

  7. My first relationship lasted 2 and a half years. I took her out to IHOP for our first date.

    Take the girl to IHOP. Also, smile a lot and laugh at her jokes. Smiling + eye contact = victory. Trust me when I say that's the winning formula.

    However, if you're in college... you have to be an asshole to the girl. Sad yet true.

  8. Chapter 17x (6/72)

    Don't know how I managed to pull this off. I needed a lot of lucky dodges, and Raven certainly came in handy (nice to have a unit who has more than 2 defense...) Marcus was, of course, invaluable. Got a lot of experience for my shitwagon of units, so I'm content with this.

  9. Lowen can make a pretty solid cavalier. It's just that the other two cavaliers obliterate his offensive statistics. He can take on the scrubs, but eventually his growths catch up to him. Still, WTC and his defense make him okay. He just won't do shit in the last chapter.

    Which is sad, because I really like Lowen. He's like the unsung hero. The dude that just does what he's told, and has a unique niche that I appreciate; heck, he's too cool to even show his eyes. Plus he was +6 on his speed average and with S Axes in one of my HHM Draft runs.

    EDIT: True to his niche, I am not surprised that the "Neutral" category is winning right now.

  10. Chapter 16 (9/54)

    Marcus kills everything and everyone follows. Hector does what he wants, Erk gets a few kills. The Lyn Squad loses Wil because he sucks and I didn't care that he died because I'm heartless.

    Name		Class	Level	Exp	HP	Str/Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
    Hector    	Lord	09	24	26	11	9	8	6	10	4
    Marcus		Pally	--/5	81	34	16	16	11	10	11	10
    Erk		Mage	05	20	20	6	8	11	4	2	6
    Serra		Cleric	03      85	19	3	5	9	6	2	6
    Lyn             Lord    05      47      19      5       11      12      5       2       0       

    Holy frail units Batman...

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