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Everything posted by vanguard333

  1. I predict that, in some part of the game, the number 30 is used as an allusion to the 30th anniversary of Legend of Zelda (similar to the nod to the 25th anniversary in Skyward Sword). ...Wait, are we predicting what will be in the game, or just what they'll reveal at the E3?
  2. I miss light magic users (and I'm clearly not the only one who misses them), sword-wielding flying units, and warrior. While not exactly a class, I also miss the capes paladins had in Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn (otherwise they just look like cavaliers with a bit more armour).
  3. Here's my idea for a character: Name: Alec Gender: Male Starting Class: Mercenary Reclass: Apothecary Available: Revelation Only Recruitment: Talk with Azura Description: A former young retainer to the King of Valla and survivor of the destruction of Valla. Always looks like he has seen a ghost. Personal Skill: Atonement (grants hit and avoid +10 against invisible enemies) Age: Late twenties to early thirties Background: A young retainer to the King of Valla who wanted to accompany the King into the cave where Anankos was hiding, but the king ordered him to stay behind. After the King's death and Anankos' rampage, the queen ordered him to flee, which he did, against his better judgement, and it continues to haunt him. The king had given him dragon blood in case he ever needed it, but he has not touched one drop of it. Personality: a blunt young man nearly consumed by grief. Appearance: A tall thin build with longish red hair and a scar on his left cheek. Wears silver and brown armour. Critical Quotes: "For Valla!" "I am running no longer!" Death Quote: About time I joined those I left behind... I'll see you soon; my king." Retreat Quote: "Once again; I'm forced to run... as if once wasn't bad enough." Supports: C-S with most female units. C-A+ with... (I haven't figured out that part yet). Unique weapon: Fang of Valla (sword) A sword forged in the breath of the silent dragon. Once wielded by the elite in the Vallite army. Mt: 11, Hit: 90, Crit: 0, Range: 1-2
  4. I would make a Smash Bros. Class based on Villager, but, well, villager already exists... So, instead; a joke class: Raccoon Businessman An Outrealm Class devoted to shop-keeping and real estate scams. Wields gold bars, daikon radishes, and parasols. HP: 15, Strength: 5, Magic: 2, Skill: 35, Speed: 1, Luck: 10,000, Defence: 5, Res: 2 Skills: Skilled Shopkeeper: Visitors must spend twice as much for items from mycastle but can purchase two items. Twin son employees: May summon two smaller Raccoon Businessmen with the same skills at business but are far more effective at attracting customers. Visiting Foxes Impede Business: Instantly reduce enemy kitsune HP to zero if attack hits. Reinvent Houses: Increase customization options for Mycastle but at perpetually-increasing prices for each customization.
  5. I'm not sure. The multiple paths I feel should remain unique to fates (like it was unique to Oracle of Ages/Seasons), but, at the same time, I'm not sure how else Nintendo would create a game that can appeal to fans of the older games and those who started with Awakening. I personally would prefer one full game with only one version, but still had the same amount of content that Fates had. IS clearly put a lot of effort into the game, but they had to split that effort between effectively three different games, and it showed (especially in the plot). I honestly think that if they put that same amount of effort and content into one Fire Emblem game (preferably on the Wii U since we've had two 3ds games in a row), then it would almost certainly be a fantastic game.
  6. I think it depends: Greil in his prime, or wounded Greil. By Path of Radiance, he's past his prime and has almost no use in one of his arms. He also has vowed never again to use a sword; which he's better at using. So, statwise, I think he would be a level 20 hero with the same sort of stats Ike on average has at lord class level 15. However, when Ike defeats Ragnell in Radiant Dawn, Zelgius tells Ike that he (Ike) fought with the same skills Greil had in his prime (if not slightly better). As such, at his prime, Greil probably would have had stats well beyond any non-laguz could obtain in Path of Radiance.
  7. A couple Smash Bros. Classes: King Koopa An outrealm class. The evil king of an otherworldly kingdom. Wields beaststones (up to S rank). HP: 65, Str: 40, Mag: 25, Skl: 28, Spd: 27, Luck: 27, Def: 36, Res: 29 Skills: Flame blast: may unleash a 1-3 range breath attack (uses magic stat). Cannot double attack. Spinning shell: May attack all adjacent enemies (Uses strength stat). Cannot double attack. Defence Taker: After defeating an enemy, Def +2 up to +10. Fire Breath: after attacking an enemy; adjacent enemies lose up to 20% HP. Kid Icarus An outrealm class. The winged guardian of a realm in the skies. Wields bows, knives (both up to A rank). HP: 55, Str: 32, Mag: 28, Skl: 35, Spd: 35, Luck: 30, Def: 29, Res: 33 Skills: Back Shield: Takes half damage when unable to counterattack (counter skills equipped to this unit still deal full damage). Gift of Flight: When this unit is a Kid Icarus, Mov +1 and all terrain costs 1 unit to cross. (I admit I have never actually played any of the Kid Icarus games, and as such I'm having trouble coming up with two more skills. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Please note that these skills are not necessarily in order).
  8. I really liked the plot of the Tellius series. Path of Radiance is my favourite of the Fire Emblem games, and a big part of that is due to the game's plot. The worldbuilding is fantastic, the story is great, and the characters, apart from a few minor characters, are great. Ike is my favourite of the Fire Emblem protagonists, and I really liked that, unlike the others, he's a peasant. Not only that, but he has no desire to ever be nobility. It really helped his character as well as the overall plot. I liked that the main villain is actually human for once without being possessed by some evil one-dimensional being whose one-dimensionalness bleeds onto the human and the rest of the characters (cough- Julius, the villain of Sacred Stones, future Robin, and Garon- cough). Ashnard, unlike some other human villains, actually had depth to his character. I liked the laguz storylines; the serenes forest storyline was pretty much perfect, right down to the Herons forgiving the Begnion people and the rebuilding of the forest. I liked that it actually had some amount of political stuff in the game. Almost all the support conversations were really well written. Overall, I'm more than willing to say it has the best plot of any Fire Emblem game that I have played. Radiant Dawn's storyline was... good. It wasn't as good as Path of Radiance, but it was still good. The thing that really made me cringe was "Ike set off for parts unknown and was never seen again." That is the STUPIDEST ending they could possibly have written for Ike! It felt like it was written during a coffee break. "Oh my gosh! The boss needs an ending for Ike in the next five minutes! Ugh... how about... set off for parts unknown (even though we just wrote that the whole planet apart from Tellius is flooded) and was... never seen again!" "Don't you think maybe it should be something else?" "Too late now to change it. We'll add changes from A-support with Soren or Ranulf so it looks like we made an effort." Ike accidently impaled himself on a bowling ball would have been better written! Speaking of Ike x Elincia, that seemed really well written in Path of Radiance, and then it seemed like it was dropped suddenly with no explanation in favour of Geoffery x Elincia when I got to Radiant Dawn. It was only afterward that I found out about the whole localization changes to the script that caused it. I also didn't like the idea of Geoffery x Elincia. Not only did I not really like the Geoffery character, but he seemed like too much of a brother to her for it to seem plausible to me.
  9. I was referring to Dragon Laguz in the case of Radiant Dawn as it was an example of a dragon unit having 1-2 range. I apologize for the confusion.
  10. Okay then. Perhaps to avoid further confusion, since the idea was one type of each DLC dragonstone, maybe we should just refer to them as Dawn/Dusk/Rainbowstone and not have the +. To be honest though, the main point behind my idea was that the stones would change Corrin's appearance as a dragon, and I wasn't really thinking of stats (I only brought up the 1-2 range idea as I missed that from Radiant Dawn and Awakening).
  11. Okay, now I understand. I apologize. I wrongly assumed that, since you referred to the dragonstones as stone+, then they would have a might of 25 like the dragonstone+.
  12. I wasn't exactly thinking of dragonstones that powerful (does a weapon with high weapon might need +20 strength/magic?) Though you probably came up with a better idea for the change in stats than I would have (and you did call them Dawn/Dusk/Rainbowstone+). I think you are right in saying those stat changes are pretty out of control for a mere idea. Also: I'm pretty sure the Rainbow Sage was a First Dragon since (Revelation spoiler: correct me if I'm wrong, but I recall him admitting that, by creating the Yato and the other sacred weapons, he was the one who brought humanity into the war between the First Dragons; presumably before the dragons started offering their blood to humans. This is supported by his chant: I who forged the sacred blade; I who committed the great sin. The great sin, as revealed in Revelation, was recruiting humans to fight the First Dragon war).
  13. I like the idea of DLC involving Sumeragi and Garon pre-Fates. Another idea I had was DLC where the reward is more dragonstones: a Dawnstone, a Duskstone, and a Rainbowstone. Each stone not only provides different stats, but changes the appearance of Corrin's dragon form to look more Hoshidan/Nohrian/(We never see the Rainbow Sage's dragon form or even a statue of it so all the more creativity). Also maybe some of these could have 1-2 range.
  14. I think there shouldn't be 2nd generation units for some time, unless they're well-implemented like in FE4, but even then I think there needs to be a game without them before then. 2nd generation units were badly included in Fates, potentially took time and effort that could have been put elsewhere (such as making Garon a decent villain), and those same 2nd gen units could have instead been 1st gen units in a future FE game. For example; I liked the idea behind Sophie: an optimistic cavalry unit who doesn't get along with her horse could've been great, but it was tarnished by the overall lack of effort put into 2nd gen units among other things that might not have occurred if they saved some of the ideas behind the 2nd units of FE Fates for 1st gen units of a future FE game. Now if they use the idea behind Sophie for a 1st gen unit in another FE game, the result will be Selena, Laslow and Odin all over again. I think that, unless they have it extremely well implemented, 2nd gen units should not return.
  15. I've seen a lot of Zelda classes, and that gave me the idea for some other Smash Bros DLC classes: Homs (Name pending; Shulk) A chosen wielder of the Monado from another realm. Wields Swords. HP: 60, Str: 32, Mag: 25, Skl: 34, Spd: 33, Luck: 36, Def: 30, Res:29 Skills: Vision: On the enemy turn, this unit gains Hit/Avoid +20 Back Slash: When attacking an enemy that cannot counter-attack, damage +5 Affinity: Doubles support bonuses between this unit and all support partners Arts: At the beginning of the unit's turn, the unit may choose between one of four arts that modify stats. Does not take up the unit's turn. Speed Art: Spd +5, Str-3, Skl/Def -1. Skill Art: Skl +5, Str/Def -1, Spd -3. Strength Art: Str +5, Skl/Spd -1, Def -3. Defence Art: Def +5, Str/Spd -1, Skl -3.
  16. I was on another fire emblem website (fireemblem.wikia.com to be more precise), and it said on its article on the First Dragons that Anankos is the true identity of the Dawn Dragon of Hoshido and the Dusk Dragon of Nohr. I have played through all of Birthright, Conquest, and Revelation, read the ancient texts in My Castle, and played Hidden truths 1 and 2, and I haven't read or seen anything in Fates that supports this (if anything the reverse), so, did I miss something? Or is that other fire emblem site incorrect?
  17. Talk to Sophie with Silas to recruit her. By the way, my English teacher taught me that that particular line in Romeo and Juliet ("Wherefore art thou, Romeo") actually means why did his name have to be Romeo, not where is Romeo (she says it because she realized that he is of the family her family has a feud with).
  18. I keep starting this map by placing Takumi next to the wall so he can fire on the opponents below, but on the first enemy phase he gets attacked first by the general with 29% chance to hit, then by another unit with a 19% chance to hit, and Takumi gets hit both times and killed. I even tried putting another unit for them to target but it didn't work. Every other part of my strategy, from what I can tell from turn 1, seems to be great, but I can't seem to keep Takumi from getting killed.
  19. Didn't notice the tags problem (and even then I wouldn't have considered anyone actually noticing the tags). Thanks. EDIT: I also have, up to this point, paired up Corrin and Azura in all my playthroughs
  20. Except Hardin and Nyna, if I recall correctly, were descended from two brothers that lived over a hundred years prior, so they're rather distantly related. Also, I know first cousin marriage was legal in the middle ages but, again if I recall correctly, it was still somewhat icky.
  21. -Are cousins!? Seriously!? Normally, I wouldn't be too surprised by something like this, considering Azura isn't actually related to her Nohrian siblings yet can use Dragon Vein, and Corrin isn't related to Nohr or Hoshido, yet has more dragon powers than every other royal (except Garon). So them both being Valla royalty would explain that. Except there is one problem with them being cousins; they can S-rank support each other! I married my Corrin to Azura at around chapter 10 not knowing this, and every time I have used 'Bond' in MyCastle after chapter 24, I've been finding it extremely awkward! Why is it that in this game, two cousins (not even second or third cousins, which would have been legal in the Middle Ages) are capable of S-Rank Support! Why!? Maybe if they made it that it was only possible before Chapter 24, or that Mikoto and Arete aren't sisters by blood (maybe sisters in-law would make more sense), then that might've been better. Does anyone else have a problem with this or is it just me? EDIT: Forget the sister-in-law idea; I was just grasping at straws (and it would just make them cousins on Azura's father's side, not her mothers).
  22. I wish Corrin had better red hair options. Not more, just better. I mean, there is an entire column for pink hair, yet at least one of the options is practically pink as well. I'm not colour-blind or anything like that, but when I look at the 'red' colour options, I think of characters such as Titantia, Roy, and Hinoka, compare their hair colour to the options and think "Those options aren't really red." I mean, they seem less red than Rhys' hair colour (which is really orange). I am a redhead, and I want a red-haired customizable character without having to give him the Oni Mask accessory.
  23. I don't know if this counts. But I finished my first playthrough of Conquest this morning. I then created a file for Revelations and accidently saved it over my Conquest file... Now it's completely gone. I would use my endgame battle-save to bring it back, but I don't think that will work...
  24. But won't +Magic -Luck lower my strength? Also, you said the +Mag -Luck would allow me to destroy people even with E rank tomes, but doesn't Nohr Prince already have low luck? What would the low luck do to my Corrin?
  25. I'm not planning on using Kana or any of the 2nd generation units in any of my first playthroughs (perhaps I should have mentioned that). I'm asking only about Corrin.
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