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Everything posted by vanguard333

  1. Hi. I recently started an account on Serenes Forest. As such, I'm not sure if I'm posting this topic in the correct forum for something like this, but as it is the Awakening forum, I think it would go here. Yesterday Lego approved an idea I submitted on LEGO Ideas based on the premonition chapter of Awakening. If I get 10,000 votes within the time limit and Lego then reviews the idea and gets permission from Nintendo, it will be made into a LEGO product! Please support this Lego idea on Lego Ideas. The idea is called Fire Emblem Awakening: Premonition. Update (Dec. 20, 2015): It currently has 14 supports and it has been almost a month since anyone supported. I am in the process of making more projects based on fire emblem, but please continue to support this one.
  2. Ah, so many choices... I think I would want Ike as my mirage. Ike is my favourite Fire Emblem character of them all, we do share some character traits (blunt but honest and caring), I would be learning swordsmanship from the greatest swordsman of all time, and it would be really cool to wield the sword Ragnell (or at least the sword I would wield based off of Ragnell). Alternate choices include the following, but not in order: Micaiah (light magic), Rhys (again light magic and also my favourite healer unit), Ogma (if I have to pick a Shadow Dragon/Awakening character), or Radd (swordsman, Shadow Dragon/Awakening, and a redhead like me). Going back to Ike, I wonder what Ike would look like if he appeared as a mirage. I'm thinking a cool blend of his unpromoted and promoted outfits from Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn (armour mainly Vanguard outfit, build mainly Path of Radiance), with a bit of what they did to Chrom when they made him a mirage. Sad that it looks like Ike won't be in the game...
  3. I have a couple ideas, but this is the only one off the top of my head that doesn't use light magic: Dragonsworn: A peasant dragon-descendant whose powers have been awakened by a dragon of old. Wields dragonstones. Dragonstone- S HP- 65 STR- 25 MAG- 30 SKL- 32 SPD- 34 LCK- 30 DEF- 31 RES- 33 Draconic Wrath: May double-attack with dragonstones equipped and speed is not reduced. Magic Drain: When unit defeats an opponent, magic+2 up to 10. Dragon Fang: Skill x 0.75% chance of dealing 1.5x damage. Mighty Roar: stun enemies within a five-tile radius for one turn. Stunned enemies can't move, counterattack or use items.
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