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Everything posted by vanguard333

  1. Let me give an example of what I mean: In my Conquest playthrough of Fates, I recently won a My Castle Battle, which enabled me to obtain Renewal for my Corrin at a discounted price (I wasn't searching for a Corrin with renewal). I then played the next chapter, which was chapter 15, which [spoiler (I have not figured out how to make the spoiler box): You can only use Corrin, Azura, and Gunter, as well as the dragon vein creating copies of all three units on the other side of the map] which meant renewal was very useful. So, what is the strangest fortunate coincidence that happened to you when playing Fire Emblem Fates?
  2. So far, my least favourite is Garon, unquestionably. I have almost always preferred the human villains over the dragon villains (my exception being Medeus, in that in New Mystery of the Emblem he got some backstory and wasn't just "Look at Me! I'm an evil dragon and I will destroy everything!") The reason is the human villains are usually more involved in the political conflicts in the games and also get more backstory. If you look at Ashnard in PoR, he is an outright bad guy, but at the same time you learn he was born far from being in line for the throne and instead became famous on the battlefield. You learn that he believes the strong should rule, rather than the nobility. He is a 100% bad guy, but he isn't a 1-dimensional 100% bad guy. So it staggers me that, from what I have played so far, they were able to make a human villain a 1-dimensional 100% bad guy. Part of me hopes he might get some depth, but I know better. Somehow they were able to make a 100%: "Look at Me! I'm evil and will [conquer] everything" human villain that isn't possessed by either a magic book or an orb containing a giant monster.
  3. Repeatedly missing with 90% chances to hit, repeatedly getting hit by enemies with <50% chances to hit, and almost no one gaining any HP when leveling up! Seriously, what did they do to the RNG that would make it act almost in reverse (rhetorical question)!? EDIT: Also; why so many enemy-only weapons? ANOTHER EDIT: I really disliked he enemy dragon vein in Birthright Chapter 23
  4. I agree that in Path of Radiance he does take A LOT of effort (it's not exactly effortless to train Shinon either though). I'm just saying that, once you get Rolf up to level, he is good enough that I at least consider him better than Shinon if one can afford to put the effort into training him; and that makes it hard for me to believe Takumi will be better. (I am surprised that I was the first to mention Rolf in this thread about who the best archer is).
  5. Every time I used him in Path of Radiance he was good too (though him being level 1 in chapter 9 was a pain). Was he just RNG-blessed when I used him in path of radiance? Also, in Radiant Dawn on average he should end up better than Shinon if I recall correctly. So I thought that the only reason to use Shinon was to save experience points for someone else.
  6. What about Shinon's apprentice Rolf? In PoR and RD he took more effort to train than Shinon but was better than Shinon. As such I preferred Rolf over Shinon. I have not yet recruited Takumi, but if Takumi is better than Rolf, I will put strands of my own hair in my supper and eat it.
  7. I'm playing Hoshido to start, but I'm also planning to start Nohr and Revelation (revelation after I beat Hoshido and Nohr). Thanks for the answer. EDIT: Then why is he listed as a shared character (Rinkah's available in the same amount of pre-choice chapters as Gunter, yet she's listed as Hoshido only because she's not available in Nohr post-choice)?
  8. I just started playing my special edition today. After I completed chapter 3, Gunter fell into the chasm thanks to (I can't remember his name) betraying you. I'm currently on chapter 7 so I'm wondering; does he come back, or was that it for him as a playable character (as in is he only available for chapters 2 and 3)?
  9. I remember Avatar: The Last Airbender (sadly I can't find it on Netflix anymore). I remember Zuko was my favourite character; one reason being that there are few good forgiveness/redemption stories anymore (also a reason why I really liked the plot of Path of Radiance).
  10. For my first run of each, where I have no intent on using the 2nd generation or 'child' units: Azura. After that, I have no clue.
  11. As I'm typing this, it is February 16, so three days away from the release of Fire Emblem Fates. So really I'm just hoping that, within that time period, someone will gather the Four Giants before an evil mask crashes the moon into the earth (Oops! Wrong game series!) ;) EDIT: Ah, man; I was beaten to a Majora's Mask joke by the person whose comment is literally right before mine (and his joke's better than mine!).
  12. I have been trying to avoid spoilers for months, and it hasn't gone completely according to plan, as I still needed to go online to find out things like when the North America release date is, when pre-orders for the special edition were available in Canada, etc. I have accidently stumbled upon one or two things, so I have been trying desperately to bury the memories if not completely forget so I still will be surprised (it has sort of worked).
  13. A question I only realized now; since in my first few files I will be pairing Corrin with Azura, that means, from what I've heard, one guy will have to stay single. Which guy(s) in Hoshido/Nohr would be best for staying single?
  14. I have been building a LEGO IDEAS project (Lego has a website where people can submit ideas. If an idea get 10,000 supports within two years and Lego approves of it, it will be made into a Lego product), based on the stone golems in Fates (the big rock monsters with coin faces; I decided it would be easier than making the Corrin dragon form). I have finished designing it, and I just need to submit it. Once it's on the Lego Ideas site, I'll create a forum topic on this site with the link to Lego Ideas. EDIT: I previously made a lego set based on the premonition chapter of Awakening, and that one still needs supporters. Link to that Lego Idea: https://ideas.lego.com/projects/121131
  15. Honestly, while I can't see her as seventeen, I can see Camilla as 18-20. By the way, regarding the beach DLC, we can clearly see her holding a wine glass but we don't really know what drink is in the glass. It really could be juice or water for all we know. Anyway, going back to character ages, here's what age range I think if I had to guess: Marx/Ryouma: 19-24 (No SpongeBob; the first thing you do is start the boat- I really hope someone gets this joke). Camilla: 18-20 (20 only if Marx and Ryouma are 21-24) Hinoka: 17-19 Corrin/Azura: 16-18 Takumi/Leo: 14-16 Sakura: 12-14 Elise:11-13
  16. Does this poll seem just a little... bias to anyone else or is it just me?
  17. For those of you who don't know, a while back Lego created LEGO Ideas, a website where people can submit their ideas for potential LEGO products. If the project receives 10,000 supporters and LEGO agrees to make it, it will be made into a LEGO product! At the start of November, I made a project based on the Premonition chapter of Awakening. Today, I have made a project based on the scene in Fates where Corrin (Kamui) and Azura (Aqua) meet. It has already received two supports (not a lot, but it's some). Please support this Lego idea based on Fire Emblem Fates. To get to the site, click on the link below: https://ideas.lego.com/projects/125201 To support, you will need a LEGO account but it is relatively easy and free to make one. Another project is on its way based on the Golems in Fates.
  18. I am currently in the process of making more projects based on Fire Emblem (this time Fire Emblem Fates). However, I do ask that you continue to support this project.
  19. I pre-ordered the special edition of Fates last week. Ever since this game was released in Japan, I have been trying to determine optimal pairings. However, for my first few files, I have no interest at all in 2nd generation units (apart from the extra chapters), yet almost every topic I have found ends up talking about the 2nd gen units. Ignoring the kids and focusing only on the two units (guard stance stat boosts, how quickly they support, etc.), what are the best pairings in Hoshido/Nohr? The pairings I have already determined are the following: Both: Male Corrin x Azura Hoshido: Silas x Hinoka Nohr: Harold x Effie (not entirely sure about this pairing)
  20. Light magic has been missing for the past two games (Book of Naga in Awakening does not count, nor really does moonlight in Fates) Solas Na Rionnaig [Gaelic for light of the star] Tome - E Might - 14 Hit - 100 Crit - 5 Avoid - 5 Range 1-2 Effective against Dark Mage/Sorcerer/Dark Knight Def/Res + 4 when in possession
  21. Thank you all for your support so far.
  22. I haven't played Fire Emblem Fates (I'm waiting for the localization) so I went with Awakening.
  23. I already posted this in the Awakening forum, but I was informed that it would be better here. For those of you who don't know, LEGO Ideas is an online feature where you can post your own ideas for LEGO products (as long as it doesn't break any of LEGO's rules), and if the idea receives 10,000 votes, it can be made into a LEGO product! A few days ago, I submitted an idea based on the Premonition chapter of Fire Emblem Awakening. Included is the Fire Emblem, the dragon's table, Chrom, Validar, and Robin (comes with male and female versions). Here's a link to the site; when you get to the site, click the support button on the right to vote (you will need a LEGO ID though, but it is simple to make one). https://ideas.lego.com/projects/121131 You can also comment on the product on the site. Getting 10,000 supporters is mainly a question of advertising, so please tell others you know who would be willing to support this. Update (December 20, 2015): It is currently sitting at 14 supports, and it has been almost a month since anyone supported. Please support this LEGO Ideas project.
  24. Okay, it formed a link automatically. Again, I'm new to Serenes Forest.
  25. Here's a link (or at least the website): https://ideas.lego.com/projects/121131 I'm not the best with computers, and as such I can't get it to link, but at least you can copy what's written above and get on it that way. Once you click on the project, on the right there'll be a button called "support". Click on it (you will need a Lego ID, but it's easy to make one if you don't have one already), then answer a couple questions (what age groups do you think this product will appeal to? How easy do you think this product will be to build, etc.) And your vote will be listed. You can also comment on the product. I need 1000 supports by Nov. 3 of next year, and 10,000 votes by Nov. 3 of two years from now.
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