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Posts posted by Frenzify

  1. Not really a fan of most of the Fates children, Kana being my least favourite, to put it nicely, nor do I care for most of the Hoshido characters, though I don't mind Kaze, so... This is a definite skip for me.

    Anyway, on the subject of alts, I don't hate the concept of alts, since alts are a part of many, many gacha games. The issue is that Heroes feels so incredibly slow in getting out characters not yet even in the game. I'd have to check, but it was either Awakening or Fates that was in danger of having more alts in the game the actual unique characters from their games. Hell, it was probably both. And yet there are still a bunch of characters from those games not even in Heroes yet. The execution of alts in Heroes is absolutely terrible, because there are a bunch of people, myself included, who are waiting for characters to be introduced into the game, but then we get alts who take up the space another character not in the game could have taken instead. Just pushing their release back, if they even ever will be released. And it's doubly annoying when it's an alt from a game a character you're waiting for is from, because then you know it will be a while before there's a banner for that game again. At this point the only alts I go for are my top characters, and even then it will be grudgingly.

  2. 3 hours ago, Alkaid said:

    That looks pretty nice! (I think I would have just promoted a Donnel or something to save that Hinoka for another Hone Fliers fodder, though)

    I'd like to get into working on my Peri too, especially since I've finally gotten a few more copies of her. Right now mine's +atk -res with Brave Lance+, Draw Back, Escutcheon, LaD3, Lance Breaker and Hone Cav. I could give her Firesweep too, but I'm not sure yet. Speed Ploy seems like a cool idea on her. I might try that myself if I get a non-res bane one with +atk/spd sometime.

    Saving Hinoka for Hone Fliers would have been the smart thing for sure, but I needed Brave Lances at the time, didn't want to spend feathers, and knew I probably wasn't ever going to use her.

    That's an interesting set of skills, though. I rarely see Escutcheon, or really any damage reduction skills on non-armours, but then with a Brave Lance she'd have it charged after attacking. And since there's LaD as well, having something to mitigate damage taken wouldn't be the worst idea. After all, with a Brave Lance she'd be a player turn unit anyway, so would likely activate it as often as she'd be in play. I assume that would be the plan, anyway. As for mine, thanks. With her IVs a Brave Lance was more recommended, but I just like the security Firesweep Lance gives on the player turn. As for the ploy skills on her, since her res is decent, but not quite in the realm of absolutely amazing, I didn't know if she could make the most out of them, and thought to substitute in threaten skills instead. Then I thought who am I to argue recommended builds? :D At least for now.

  3. On top of +10ing all of team Air Superiority (which is going very, very slowly), I've finally gotten around to trying to build a Peri, since I've been meaning to for a while. As she stands right now...

    +1 Peri  +Atk / -Def (Firesweep Lance+, Draw Back, Luna, Swift Sparrow 2, Draw Back, Spd Ploy 3, Def Ploy 3)

    At least, those are the skills she has, and needs to just learn now. Pretty much just looked up Peri builds, so it will probably be subject to change. I also sacrificed a Sothe to give her Life and Death 3, and Hinoka to give her Brave Lance+... Now that I think about it, over the course of the game I've sacrificed two Hinokas for Brave Lances and another one for Hone Fliers, despite tier lists frequently placing her as one of the best blue fliers. Catria is really the only blue lance flier I need.

  4. Pulled a Nowi, but in the bunny banner. She was +Spd / -Def, I believe. I'm partly thinking of merging her into my +Spd  -Res one, but I'm mostly thinking of giving her Lightning Breath+ to Ninian, despite having quite a few 4* Tikis, but since I'm looking to eventually make a +10 Tiki... Anyway, now that my rate is reset, now I don't feel like I need to draw on that banner anymore, and I start saving again for Maribelle's or Nyx's eventual release...

  5. 3 minutes ago, Sylphid said:

    Outrealm 654 team Alfonse here, things seem to be fairly balanced here at 11-11-8 as of round 4, though Alfonse seems to be losing a bunch of territory soon.

    I'm enjoying this more than I expected to. Still not a fan, but the risk style map seems like I'll enjoy it once I can get some heads and tails of its chaos. At first I thought the numbers you see on a node when you zoom in where what determined who'll get the node, but seems to be the total points instead. My main issues with the mode are same as with Rival Domains, as in the battle maps are still very unfun on a small phone screen, plus all the warping makes me dizzy. Also, this looks like to be another one of those "you'll miss out if you don't check in every hour" types like voting gauntlet with the bonus multipliers, which rubs me the wrong way. I prefer to set my gaming pace instead of the game setting it for me.

    In this mode's defence, you have a stamina gauge that refreshes a single charge every hour (I think), and you can even use them all at once to multiply your score. So it's much less time demanding than the VG, at least, since this is less about voting as often as possible with as many people as possible, and a little more about strategising.

  6. In realm 1028 it's 18 - 7 - 5 (Alphonse - Sharena - Anna) because Alphonse is a terrible brother who won't let his sister win. Meanwhile it looks like this realm's Anna is soon going to be down to only her base, and the two areas immediately connecting to it.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Michelaar said:

    I'm not saying don't say anything. I mean negative posts just to be negative. If people have valid critisisms, keep em coming!

    And practically everyone who's said why they don't like the mode have provided a reason, so this complaint against the complaints is just needless drama.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Michelaar said:

    I totally agree with you. I think a lot of people should just chill. In regards to fanservice and this mode. So what a few characters have big boobs, what does it matter to your life? So what a gamemode you don't like exists, just don't play it or send it feedback.

    The game mode just came out. Why wouldn't you expect people to give their opinion about it? Of course some people may have negative opinions, because of course people will have different opinions. The difference between this and people complaining about fanservice is that this is a new game mode that people are sharing their thoughts about, whereas complaints about fanservice get brought up every single time, and add nothing to the discussion besides just being off topic and bringing the tone of the threads down.

    I sincerely hate the argument of if you don't like something, then don't say anything. People may be leaving feedback in addition to getting their thoughts across on the forum. What's the point of a discussion forum if you're going to silence people with opposing views? I'd say negative posts are only a problem if they're negative just for the sake of being negative. Even then, I'd say that's only a problem if the person clearly has a goal to antagonise people in the thread.

  9. 1 minute ago, VeryAngryBisharp said:

    I really have no idea what's happening buuuuut... I apparently have 2 areas or something? Both Gennys are mine.


    I think that means you're the top attacker, which I think means you've accumulated the most score in that section.

  10. 13 minutes ago, Charmeleonbrah said:


    I agree, its kind of fun so far.  We get to finally have a mode similar to a "regular" Fire Emblem game.

    Of course, it doesn't surprise me that most poasters are complaining about it.  They go into an epileptic fit every time fanservice characters get released, and act like rabies-infected dogs when C*milla is mentioned. 

    I have very little problem with fanservice, but I'm not a fan of the mode, so can we maybe not put two things together that have nothing to do with each other? I just don't care for how it's practically Rival Domains, and how you can't do anything about being in a bad group.

    If people enjoy it, cool, but as a new mode of course people will get their opinions about it out there, whether it's good or bad.

  11. The thing about this mode that I hate the most is what I previously wanted implemented in the VG... I wanted the VG scores to be based on skill rather than just sheer numbers, and this mode does that to some extent, but what I hate most about this mode is that if you're stuck on a team of incompetent players, it's much more frustrating than losing a pseudo-popularity contest to a team that has a bigger army.

    I also wish it wasn't just a competitive form of Rival Domains, rather than something actually new, but it's whatever. What I find the most frustrating though is how this just feels like another mode to farm resources. Tempest Trials, Voting Gauntlets, and now Grand Conquest all feel like modes that you only want to play for the rewards. At this point in the game, I'd prefer more focus on the other aspects of the game than the events modes. I could go well into detail, but then this post wouldn't be about Grand Conquest anymore.

    If nothing else, I'll give them some props for trying to make an interesting mode.

  12. 43 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

    Do people still pick teams based on whether you like the characters rather than whoever you think will maximise your feather rewards?

    Do people still give more than 0.0 shits what team strangers join?

    How quaint.

    If everybody picked the team most likely to maximise feathers, that team would become the team of minimal feathers. Of course a lot of people go for their favourite unit.

    And people apparently do care what team strangers join. As for why, popularity contests bring out the worst in people. Even pseudo-popularity contests like the VGs.

  13. Were people really still complaining about why people voted for certain characters? I've asked this before, but do you guys not get tired of repeating the same thing over and over again? Complaining about the community's tastes isn't going to change it. Then again, at this point I've just come to accept that complaining about female characters not covered from head to toe comes with the community.

    The mode isn't even a pure popularity contest anymore, which just makes these complaints come off as even more whiny.

  14. It's kind of unfortunate that all the characters who I would have preferred to win lost their rounds instead. One character I definitely dislike, and the rest I have varying levels of apathy towards...

    1 hour ago, silveraura25 said:

    Join Chrom. C'mon. It'll be fun for him to teach his daughter a lesson

    Here's my number ; )
    2110485086 redlight

    I'll be happy to add you, but I probably won't join the team that knocked out one of my favourite FE characters, unless it was another of my favourite characters. If anything, his daughter is probably the most likely character I'd go for at this point. :D

  15. 1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

    The problem isn't so much the sexualization itself, it's how over the top and in your face it gets sometimes. Loki is over the top. But Lyn is mild fanservice and doesn't bother me as much (except when she's drawn seemingly underwearless). Then we have Camilla who has a whole cutscene based on shoving her assets in our faces. That's what bothers me.

    Understandable, and I'll even admit that that Camilla cutscene was over the top. And I can't even deny that Loki's design is an obvious attempt to appeal to a certain demographic, but again, they're in the minority, even though they appeal to a large demographic. Amongst the Heroes OCs Loki's the only one so overtly out there. Camilla is the only... actually Nohr does have a strange dress code, but Camilla is the only one so overtly out there, even though it'd appeal to a large demographic. Heroes aside, I seriously don't think fanservice is as big an issue in the mainline games as people try to make it out to be. But with Heroes it's a gacha game. Even if some may dislike it, it should at least be understandable why some summonable characters would be clear fanservice, especially in the case of special units.

  16. 8 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

    Not really. Just offering our opinions on why Loki is somewhat of a forgettable character before book II gave her an official design

    I can agree with that, but she has become much more notable since, really. Certainly much more than Laevatein, who I can't for the life of me understand how she ranked so high in CYL.

    8 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

    it's more about skimpy clothes than about the body shape tbh, Gunntrha is curvy too but she's covered. Nowi is flat but her clothes shows a lot and people make a fuss about it. 

    I mean, even then why is it an issue? With skimpily dressed characters people like to claim they've got no personality, despite the fact that they most certainly do, even if it may be a pandering one. There may be a common reason for why people like these characters, but that doesn't mean there aren't other reasons for people to like these characters. And just to put this out there, unpopular opinion, but sexually overt characters aren't a bad thing. Nor is liking them for that reason. When people throw the term "thot" around all the time, whether jokingly or otherwise, how is that any different from slut shaming? I don't see what's wrong with sexually overt characters, especially when they're a minority in Fire Emblem. I'll concede that Heroes does kind of exploit these characters more, and gives them a bunch of attention, but such is the nature of a gacha. But these characters a marginal number even in 3DS Fire Emblem games, that people like to claim made the games nothing but fanservice.

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