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Everything posted by Revoked

  1. I've been thinking, how do Fish Laguz live, anyways? If they transform, they die unless they're in one of the few chapters with water.
  2. Unholy Ritual Capacity : 20 If the enemy unit is lower level than you, it may be sacrificed to gain +20% activation on skills for the rest of the turn. Stackable to 60%. Activation : MAG + RES / LCK. Usable by all. Incompatible with (does not boost activation) : Miracle.
  3. Actually, I've never completed a run on Hard Mode...
  4. Well, how is there barely any BEXP? She's technically my only character. @Radiant Kitty Can't you put other units in the Hawk Team?
  5. Wow, I just realized that I have like, no part 3 characters.
  6. Depends if you wanted to use Titania, she's a really useful unit if you trained her up to that point.
  7. Hm... Worm Laguz Immense SKL, SPD and LCK. 20 HP cap, 5 STR cap, 10 DEF cap. Mastery Skill : Compost - Recycles an enemy, dealing STR x8 damage. If the target does not die, it becomes an invulnerable ally for three turns.
  8. I think that in the character growths section, there should also be a "total" column after RES, so it's easier to do comparisons and stuff, especially if you don't want to do math at the time...
  9. I think it's because this one is on Normal Mode.
  10. Lucia. (First draft, I don't think I would win anyways...)
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