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Everything posted by Kos

  1. Okay we have to keep in mind. Sunwoo is right, this rarely stays limited to fiction. With that in mind we have to understand this is fiction based on a time period and place that is reality. In this case Nohr is based off of the Medieval Europe. What we do know of this time is that if you insulted your nobility or royalty, you generally did have a date with the ax man, or if in France, the guillotine. In our modern period of time where we actually have a more sensible understanding and do not believe royalty are chosen by gods (or as some cultures claimed, are in fact gods). However in that time it was not the case, they were the closest anyone got to God and insulting them was borderline blasphemy and treason against the crown and dealt with as such. So I do see why they chose to mimic that state in this fictional recreation and I can understand why Sunwoo gets heated and does not like it. As for the comment of apathy I have not played the part and can not comment if it would bother me or not, all I know is after the first time walking the Law Path in Tactics Ogre I really had to insist on Chaos every other turn. I figure it was said best in a totally unrelated game, "Do not hate humans. If you cannot life with them, then at least do them no harm. For theirs is already a hard lot." it is an interesting quote and one I feel that anyone with power and is in a better position than another should give thought. You do not need to help them if you do not want to. However consider that their life may very well be much harder than it appears and do even a little part by not adding to their potential hardships. From what Arvilino said I can actually understand what may be going through Corrin's mind and why they act the way they do. I have to agree the whole scenario of Nohr does not come off as shoddy writing as much as it comes off as having a bad plot device. It may also only be me but I have found most Fire Emblem games have always had a problem with plot devices.
  2. I must be a total jerk... I am not sure if my reasoning will change but I was going Nohr for the looks of it and well... Luna. It does make me a little sad that Corrin is acting the way they do but on the same token I did not expect much from the team when it comes to the protagonist. I have a bit of hope that maybe in localization that at least wording and some explanations will be fleshed out or have a bit of liberty taken to an overall better effect.
  3. Ah true. I really liked that game cause regardless of route you never felt 'helpless'. You always had a choice and your character felt more human due to it. Even in the massacre part you did not come off as spineless. Though you definitely came off as a 'following' orders, even if they are insane, type. Might be off of me but I would rather Corrin went through with the orders and bloodied their own hands, which maybe eventually leads to them questioning the King than the whole stand-on a side-line and mope. Now granted I have not played the game so I am working with limited information I have found in the topic and further, may have remembered somethings incorrectly as I slept afterwards.
  4. So I read through most of the topic and for some reason I can not help but feel that the Nohr route would of benefited from the writer having played Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together. Maybe the Chaos route is too dark but it seems more like what they kind of wanted to go with.
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