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Posts posted by Enaluxeme

  1. I think that Shaman/Light Priestess is considered as a sort of tier 1.5 class, since it is straight up better than Cleric/Priest in every way.

    To be fair, it doesn't really make a difference since you're unlikely to be able to promote her before chapter 3, where she can't leave the castle and leaves.

  2. Hello everyone!

    Here’s a little project I started over a year ago, a rebalance of Genealogy of the Holy War.
    At first it was just for me: I was playing around with randomizers and became frustrated with how in FE4 many weapon types and classes are simply straight up better than others, so I decided to get into Nightmare and change things up.
    Eventually I also started to apply japanese patches and even mess with hex editors, so my friend Vivideru suggested I post it for everyone to enjoy.
    Overall, I think this makes for a fresh experience which is also surprisingly challenging at times: since many weapons and classes have been improved, the generic enemies are relatively stronger now.
    Consider playing this not only if you’re a Jugdral stan like me, but also if you tried FE4 and dropped it due to its dated gameplay.

    List of changes:

    • Characters can double slower enemies if they have 5 more points of Attack Speed
    • Ambush is always active, regardless of HP
    • Crit rate is shown in battle instead of Level
    • Weapon weight is reduced by Strength, 1 Weight every 4 Str
    • Sword skills can be inherited and used by everyone
    • Capped stats glow green
    • Skill bracelets now cost 30000 G rather than 40000 G
    • Deirdre can promote to Sage
    • Various balance changes to weapons and classes, the whole list is in the Drive folder
      • It’s now reasonable to want to use Iron weapons or Fire tomes
      • Foot units get +1 move in promotion, and mages have +1 move
    • Added some skills to characters with few or no skills, mostly substitutes
      • Adept to Arden
      • Life to Adean
      • Awareness to Claude
      • Adept to Radney
      • Bargain to Mana
      • Awareness to Tristan
      • Luna to Dimna
      • Astra to Amid (removed Adept)
      • Duel to Femina (removed Adept)
      • Pursuit to Johalva
      • Adept to Johan
      • Ambush to Daisy
      • Adept to Janne
      • Life to Hawk
      • Critical to Hannibal (removed Adept)
      • Sol to Sharlow
    • Minor adjustments to bases and growth rates (mainly adding Str to mages since now they have a use for it and so their physical children don’t suck)

    Some screenshots:


    Link to the drive folder:


    In the folder, you'll find an .ips patch, which is to be used on a japanese, headered ROM.

    You will also find a list of weapon and a list of classes containing the updated stats of each, with cells colored green or red if the new value is better or worse than the original value.

    Things I'd like to change, but don't know how to (yet? Please help if you know how):

    • Axe animations for Dragon Knight/Lord
    • Luck changes:
      • Half Luck to Hit rate
      • Lower enemy Crit rate by Luck
    • Give Luck to generic enemies
    • Crit without Critical skill with Crit rate equal to half Skill
    • Minor text edits:
      • Change Skill stat into Dex
      • Remove “in a pinch” from Vantage description

    And last but not least, credits:

    • Thanks to Lamia for the resources they shared, including the nightmare modules and most of the patches I used
    • Thanks to Mage Fighter for their help with the hero axe animations
    • Thanks to Scrambled for the patch to make capped stats glow green
    • Thanks to the whole team behind Project Naga
    • There’s also the Japanese community to thank for many binary patches I used, but I don’t speak Japanese and I have no idea who to specifically thank!


  3. Wow, it's been a while since I posted on this forum. Hello there!

    So, I've been fiddling with FE4 lately, which basically means that I scavenged into Lamia's Stuff with the help of the humble google translate.

    Speaking of Lamia, if you read this: the patch that shows crit chance in battle instead of level still disables wrath. Not too hard to fix, the code that needs changing is in the readme, but you said you updated the link with a fixed patch and that doesn't seem to be the case.

    Anyway, through the various binary stuff I found a folder called "handaxe", which has a patch that changes the battle animation 30 (an unused one for the soldier) to a throwing axe animation usable by swordfighters/mercenaries and forrests/heroes. I applied it and it seems to work.

    Problem is: the animation is in, but the actual sprites are not, so whenever a forrest attacks with a throwing axe it basically shows Missingno making the attack.

    In the "handaxe" folder I also found the handaxe sprites for the swordfighter/mercenary, forrest/hero and a third one which looks like a bowfighter or sniper but whatever.

    For each sprite there's three files: a .png showing the final product, a .png all cut up in 8px by 8px chunks and a .bin file.

    I tried to search around but I really found nothing, so I ask you: how do I put those sprites into the ROM so that I can assign them with the "battle sprite editor" nightmare module?



  4. If your concern is hit rate, give every weapon a 5% hit boost and lower enemy skill. This way you didn't change the hit rate of playable nor enemy units but the critical rate is lowered. Unless of course, you do want to keep a high crit rate for playable units, in which case you do you.

  5. The stats from the games assume that the weapons have might. If you want your weapons to have 0 might you'll have to add more power to everyone. Maybe make it so that myrmidons and thieves can deal no damage to knights but mercenaries can deal scratch damage?

  6. I believe he was a placeholder for MU. 

    Speaking of MU, how much customizable will they be? I suppose there's no way to change hairstyles, hair color, eyes and accessories, but are you planning any kind of cosmetic choice? Also, what about the stats?

  7. I have a suggestion: add an option to make it so that physical classes always have higher STR growth than MAG growth and vice-versa. Basically after randomizing, check if that's already the case and if not swap them.

  8. You should rather express your level as average, average+x or average-x just in case it changes before you join. It's 3 right now, but it may change if someone drops in/out.

    Anyway, I think my approach of "yes everybody can join at any time" it's a bit unclear. The truth is that you'll have to wait for an entry point that makes sense so hopefully you'll still be interested when that happens. Still, it's a good idea to post your sheet anyway so I can start thinking about this entry point.

  9. Look, there won't be any more enemies.

    Cecilie and Sully moved, this leaves Lowe, Solare and Rekia.

    Radle still has his Master Key. The cell keys can only open those three cells, you can drop them once you are done with this map.

  10. Personally I think you can have a bunch of different promotions to give pegasus a different sub weapon, keeping lances as the main weapon. Like Falcon Knights with Swords, Seraph Knights with Staves, Dark Riders with Anima/Dark.

    Lances and Axes (specifically poleaxes) just seem like easier weapons to use on a flying mount than swords, it doesn't suit low-tier classes to use swords IMO.

  11. Regardless of con, I said that mounted units can't be rescued but can rescue any unmounted unit.

    The penalties to skl and spd are equal to Solare's con, but each is capped to half of Radle's original stat.

    Since Solare has 3 con when dismounted, Radle gets -3 to skl and spd. If Radle tried to rescue someone with 7 con he would have had a -6 to skl and spd since he has 12 skl and spd.

    Edit: do you guys want a support?

  12. I'd say that opening the door would trigger an event in an actual FE game. Regardless, you can talk as much as you want freely, the talk command is only mandatory when you expect it to have an effect on the game (turning an enemy into an ally, or if it's the objective of the map Fargus-style).

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