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Posts posted by Valiare

  1. I remember having to do a 20 page report on Final Fantasy for one of my sophomore English classes. I hated writing that paper, but when I finally finished I was so happy with myself that when I asked the teacher if I could have it back and I framed it and it's now hanging on my wall. It's called "Final Fantasy: A Legacy of Fantasy". (Please don't ask, it was 3:00 in the morning when I gave it that title and printed it.) I later had to write a short story, so I used an abridged version of the first three chapters of a book I've been writing for a number of years.

  2. I found out that, aside from my brothers stealing it (and my e-mail), it's a rather unique name. It's a last name too, so I found a few links to people on MySpace and FaceBook.

  3. (Walks up to a podium, and taps the microphone) Testing, testing, 1,2,3. (Slight pause, as I read the cards in my hand. Another pause. Throws cards out the nearest window.) *clears throat* Hello, I am Valiare. I saw FESS and wanted to join, only to find out it closed down. But I was reading something on it and it mentioned this site so I thought I'd check it out. I like what I see, so you'll be seeing alot more of me. Thank you! (Bows slightly and exits, stage right.)

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