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Everything posted by Rethel34

  1. @Zera: I have yet to be able to get into MTG, and I've had many people try to teach me to play. I just can't get into it. So "mediocre" is kinda just an opinion. @Satin: Indeed, but of course Devpro can't easily be targeted. lol Too many servers. Many are already migrating there, but I am concerned about whether I can use it. My internet's bandwidth is veeeerrrrry limited as-is. DN almost kills it some days, even on the low quality setting, so unless I get a really top-notch yugioh patch or whatever for LackeyCCG (heh, as-if), my online card game days may be limited if things go south. :'( Eh, it was fun while it lasted, though.
  2. Yeah, a lot of the lesser members are verbally attacking the admins and Konami, but their blame is ill-placed. Admins can't do anything about it, and Konami isn't at fault. NAS is. I would say they should Duel for the fate of the site, since everything's Yu-Gi-Oh! related, but I know that's childish.
  3. I think online TCG counts as gaming, right? Anyone else here a frequenter of the Duel Simulator? Just this morning I was online and everything seemed fine. I returned only a couple hours later to find most of the images removed from the site. Just a few minutes ago, I decided to look into the forum, hoping answers might be given on how the situation was being handled. While I had no such luck, I found that the site owner had been given a cease and desist order from NAS. Details from YGOrganization go as follows: This, to me, is depressing news. To the best of my knowledge, two key factors play into this order. Firstly, the root admin of the site, under the username BlackLusterSoldier, appears to have taken donations to help ease costs for the url. This exchange of money is regrettably a factor that the company can use against him should things be taken further than simply "remove the images". Secondly, from what I have heard, a Yu-Gi-Oh! video game has been in development that NAS is involved with. Thus, NAS saw DN as "competition", and since DN did not own legal rights to Yu-Gi-Oh!, the C&D was filed. Luckily, it doesn't appear Konami is involved directly, so should it remain that way, perhaps things will blow over and eventually calm down. Luckily the admins are doing what they can to get the site back to where it can be used, but I am concerned that this may end with the removal of DN. This is especially depressing for me, as DN is perhaps one of the most up-to-date and complete Duel Simulators (at least in terms of card listings), and as I am rather poor and cannot afford to put as much into this hobby; there are also rather few locations in my immediate vicinity where tournaments are held, so my only RL opponents are my siblings, which can get boring rather quickly. Even should I be able to participate in a tournament, my RL Deck is . . . underwhelming at best. So, while we as users can't do much other than sit back and pray the admins find a solution, I was wondering what other people's opinions/feelings were on this. Assuming, of course, that there are other members here who may be users of DN.
  4. Helps to know when the problem appears and where, but 1) Did you insert a clear objective in the Script "Chapter Data"? 2) Do you have a properly formatted Chapter Change map preceding the map you plan to test? 3) Do you have the info event on the map and is it properly formatted? 4) Are the maps named properly (i.e. "Prologue Chapter Change", "Prologue BATTLE", etc.)? All of what I have explained above are things that can cause major issues with the tiniest of mistakes. FEXP being incomplete means many people don't use it. You have to be incredibly good with code (or have someone working with you who is) to be able to do anything truly worthwhile with it. I have been learning the scripts and such and even so I am left with a glitch every time I turn around. Not necessarily because I did anything, but because the engine is so incomplete. Also, there is practically no support for this engine anymore. Only a handful of hopefuls who think they can tame this incomplete beast, but no one has truly conquered it yet. Everyone's pretty much sitting on their hands waiting for the much more complete FEXNA. And given beta testers have managed to get more out of FEXNA than I've ever seen come out of FEXP, I'd say it's likely well worth the wait.
  5. Yay! April 1st release lol That Ointment seems pretty neat! No more healing than a Vulnerary could grant, but the fact that it's automatic and virtually none of it is really wasted is nice. I'd imagine it's quite a bit more expensive, though. Definitely giving Lex at least one of those. He never was one of my most used units in original Genealogy (of course, mine were what everyone uses in terms of lead cavalry: Sigurd, Cuan, and Finn; they're just too gooooooood), but this new stuff may just end with him seeing a LOT of action lol Seriously pumped for that release date, tho. Hype train is hyped!
  6. Note that Immortal Sword is the only one of these that currently is not a hack. While it doesn't earn a top spot for me as far as a favorite among fangames (honestly, I'm not big on the characters), it is nothing short of impressive considering all that was accomplished with it, so I do have great respect for it even so. IDK if FEIV counts since it's essentially just a Genealogy of the Holy War remake in GBA-style, but it still looks pretty good.
  7. Part of not having many replies could be due to you saying you were without wifi for a week so everyone may have been waiting for that week to be up. Lion King Caineghis from FE9/10 is one of my votes, as is the Battle Prep theme from FE8. Though it'd be different, I think they'd make . . . interesting piano pieces.
  8. Even such a tiny nudge made that eye look much better. Well done!
  9. Ok, how about the fact that in the games' timeline, this particular feat earned him great renown on faraway continents? Yeah, it has everything to do with it. And if I need to go further and give an out-of-universe example: He was the first (and until Awakening, only) FE "Lord" to be involved in a form of 3D FE game. Point is, Lief has done nothing worthy of renown. Whether in-universe or out of it. His game was not nearly as popular as Genealogy and really did very little to further the franchise, and he defeated no great baddies, as opposed to Seliph who proved himself greater than the heir of Loputo. Really and truly, other than the number of installments in the series, I feel like Fire Emblem would not be much, if any, different if Thracia hadn't been included in the series. Maybe we wouldn't have two characters in Fates with a capture skill. Maybe. But it's two chars. Not the entire cast. Wouldn't make that much difference to me, honestly. So all things considered, I fail to see how the Lord of said game could be so important to the series if the title he is a Lord in itself is so expendable.
  10. Using your logic: Eliwood and Hector are also massively important to the whole series simply because they appeared in both FE6 & 7. Roy did the same. This doesn't make them important to the franchise, or even important to the tale of FE in it's entirety. Marth is important to the franchise because he's the face that started it all. He's important to the story because he killed Medeus--twice--stopped Hardin's insane tirade, is a major wielder of the sacred Falchion, and is an ancestor to another prominent member of Fire Emblem history: Chrom (and by extension Lucina). Though not directly a "Lord" class (he was never featured as a unit in any game, but has lordlike qualities), the Hero Anri, one of Marth's ancestors, is also prominent to the FE storyline because he was the first recorded wielder of Falchion and the first person to vanquish Medeus. Ike defeated a goddess with A WEAPON SHE MADE. Does anything more need to be said about him? Does anything Lief has done hold a candle to these two? Do his actions warrant being put on the same tier of importance, or even relatively close? No. He defeated a relatively minor villain of a relatively minor plot point that was there to fill in the lesser details and create a gaiden plot for Genealogy.
  11. The new version (left) compared to the old version (right). Shaded his face like you said, and I think I edited the correct fold you were speaking of. Might still have some minor tweaks later, but hopefully this will suffice for the time being. EDIT: And now I have a relative fix on Nila. Again, new on the left, old on the right. Still got some stuff I'll fix later (like that hair is ugly to me), but hey, at least she's better than she was.
  12. 25,425 My contribution to the forum
  13. I doubt this topic will get locked now. Tangerine has had waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy too much fun with the "buzz off" thing for this to end XD Oh . . . oh no. THE DREADED QUESTION REVERSAL!
  14. lol Hardin barely looks it, though, by the time the Dark Side gets done morphing him XD Indeed, there's only one FE game (or rather, pair of games that form the same story) that I feel has fleshed out some of the enemies in a way FE8 did, or maybe moreso, and that's the Tellius series. When you consider the fact that Lehran and Ashnard, two of the major antagonists, get their way EVEN WHEN YOU WIN, it's kinda funny. The Imperial Six are a major part in the story, and the fact that they are so in-depth, particularly Valter, Caellach, and Selena, makes me wonder why people don't like this game a bit more.
  15. The issue is that it's all based around the number 10, and if the answer isn't the number 10 or directly related to 10, you have to make it relate to 10 and find your answer from there (at least the way her textbook seemed to say it). So the reasoning was that it's easier to tell a first- or second-grade student that it's "easier" or "more proper" to take 5+6, change it to 5+5+1, because 5+5=10, then add 1 to make 11 instead of doing the simple thing they try to show on children's television programs where you simply "count it out" on your fingers or a number line or using some other visual is simply absurd. To teach a child, one must think like a child, and common core doesn't do that.
  16. So, the thing about Common Core on page 1: I was raised without it. This worked well all the way through school. I knew what I was doing, scored really well on my ACT compared to most in my high school class, and aced some of our school's top math courses (which don't hold a candle to most, but I went with the most complicated classes we had). My younger sister has been raised with it. From the time it was introduced to her, she struggled with math. The circular reasoning used in the textbooks baffled even the teachers as to why one would use such reasoning to figure something as easy as 5+6=11. However, she is now in the middle of her Junior High years, the teachers don't care as to whether she follows Common Core or not, and now that this is the case, my parents and I have been able to teach her the fundamental points of math that she didn't grasp using Common Core, this time teaching her the way WE learned, and now she UNDERSTANDS it and math has gone from her worst subject to one of her best. @ The OP: I am a volunteer instructor for my school system's marching band, similarly to you, and what I've noticed is very similar, despite being a number of states away from you (I'm in Tennessee). Many students come in looking to not give much effort and simply are looking for ways to blow off steam. Having been in their shoes only a few short years ago, I do understand how they feel. Yet there are also those few students who give their best effort and tend to "carry" the band. I believe this form of attitude stems from a number of things: 1) Much of the problem begins at home. Many of these students' parents are looking for every possible thing the child does wrong, wanting their children to live up to their expectations. The parents inadvertently begin what I consider a form of abuse, though a court system is unlikely to recognize it as such, not disciplining them for things necessarily done "wrong", but rather punishing or grounding them for not living exactly the life they expect to live (i.e.: ONE low grade on ONE test). This is something present in nearly every household across the U.S. 2) This "abuse" is further encouraged by a government which places education at a high value. But my question is "why?" What do we hope to gain by this? Yet it is a constant thing that the government at some level is looking to start education earlier, lengthen school hours, remove recess and the all-so-needed nap time from younger students, and all manner of things which detract from children enjoying their childhood. Instead we force them to take standardized, state-oriented tests and standards that the teachers can't even live up to, let alone the students, and say "this will make our country smarter!" In reality, we are doing the exact opposite. Students are so engrossed in preparing for all these big tests that they are, indeed, professional test takers rather than students who are actually learning anything worth using in the real world. I speak from experience. I came out of high school and went straight into the workforce. I was ill-prepared. School didn't teach me how to do anything I've used as a working citizen (barring teaching students of the marching band) save one thing: discipline. This discipline didn't come from my teachers, though. And I hardly got it from my parents. The only discipline I got was from marching band. I learned in there, after having been a follower for many years, a leader my senior year, and a teacher now, how to follow. I don't mean just taking orders and/or giving them out. I mean being dedicated to what I do, giving my best effort, and always striving to improve what I'm doing. If schools were required to teach this rather than how to calculate the best trajectory for a rocket flying around the moon, society would likely be better off because of it. 3) The third point is the students themselves. Sometimes, there is a lack of interest in learning. Sometimes--many times--this is due to the factors above. They are so worn out by the expectations of their parents and their government, they enter a state of self-preservation in which they don't care. Why? Because caring means living up to impossible goals, which previously has literally been killing them. They can lose out on sleep, food, and other necessities most of the time because they are so stressed trying to achieve these goals, as well as trying to be their own definition of "normal", yet despite possibly not eating as much, they still become overweight as a side effect of stress, which makes them feel lesser of themselves, and when they find nothing they do can live up to the big goals, even the small goals begin to look like too much effort and thus they enter into this state where they don't care. Not caring means they don't have to worry, because nothing matters to them. This results in a circle where test grades drop, parents become angry, the government increases schooling again, the child sees more impossible goals, and they care even less. This same mindset will be passed down to these children's children, and so on and so forth, until the world is destroying itself. While yes, video games also have become less interesting, they are following the exact same trend as society. Can you look at the above and tell me why Fire Emblem has introduced the "casual" way of doing things? Kids don't care. They want something they can beat, something where falling short of the goal doesn't always mean failure. So these video games that aren't what they once were are another means of blowing off steam for students. Something they can feel accomplished at without giving much effort. Why? Because in the real world, giving their best effort still resulted in failure and punishment. They are given many times more negatives than positives. "Discipline" comes from shouting, red-faced old people that more than likely have some grudge they're taking out on the wrong person. I guess I said all that just to get to this major point. Society teaches that you have to be successful. They don't teach you how to be, though. It says, "You attract more flies with honey than vinegar," then goes and pours vinegar everywhere. Society is good at telling people what to do, but without an example to LEAD, we're falling apart at the seams. If telling people what to do means we're "hand-holding", then yes, we're doing far too much of that. People are more likely to follow and do what you want them to do, if you can do it yourself. Lead and love. I've never put that into words until today, but that's my new motto. If those of us who are "in-charge" can't do that, then why are we doing what we're doing?
  17. The almighty citrus has spoken. Resistance is futile.
  18. Thanks for the criticism. I'll look into fixing those details, particularly the CoD ones, though I may or may not touch the FETSS sequel ones; depends on if I actually decide to do that project in the end. Right now FEXP is too annoying and I don't feel like messing with it. Glad you like Cormag, though. He's perhaps one of my favorite ones I've done, despite being an extremely simple edit. If I edit any of the TSS sequel ones, he'd be first because I like his. Altan would prolly get entirely redone from scratch because he's ugly XD And yeah, I really was iffy on Franz and how much I should change his hair. In the end I decided on getting rid of the childish knots in his hair that stuck up all over the place and prayed it would be enough. Isn't having words kind of the point in a forum, though? Never made sense to me why people would do that XD And yeah, sorry the stuff's not that amazing. Though some of what you pointed out seems to be minor details and easy fixes which makes me happy. I half expected these to be torn apart. I maaaaayyy have pillow shaded a bit too much around them. That and my pallet for these sprites is a lot different from normal GBA FE. My outline is jet black, for example, rather than really dark violet or grey or whatever you see in the GBA mugs, which I know is weird, but I like the contrast, so I went with it Will do, and I'll experiment with the fold to see what looks best. Yeah, she was painful putting together. In fact, probably the most pain-staking out of all mugs I've done in my life. I'll see what I can do to fix her. Prolly will look at whatever mugs I can find that make good examples for what I was trying to accomplish with her. lol Was trying to imitate his DS portraits as much as possible. Guess that turned out to be a bad idea. Will fix soon. Again, thanks so much! This was all super-helpful.
  19. So, I've been debating actually revealing some of the sprites I've done, and finally decided to just go with it. First up: a battle scene with a Raichu I made! So now to get to the serious stuff. The rest of this is mugs for now. Be warned that many of these may break the 16-Color limit, but this because they were not intended to be involved in a hack, but rather FEXP and FEXNA projects, which are a little more lenient on color limitations (well, IDK for sure about XNA, but I'd imagine it would be akin to FEXP in that aspect). Also, these mugs prolly aren't that good in the eyes of some people. I have gotten to where I try to avoid directly splicing a sprite, and have begun only splicing portions of the outline (literally just the outer lines), then filling in the inside based on what I want it to be. However, as I tend to have issues making eyes look decent, I tend to use other eyes from the series as guides, and as a result the eyes of some characters may look strikingly similar to others from the series. First Set - Some mugs for my Chalice of Dreams video game, postponed until the public release of FEXNA: Quinn, the main protagonist of CoD. A treasure hunter in search of the Chalice. Quinn with his hood raised. Nila, an assassin with knowledge on the Chalice. She still needs a bit of work before I call this mug "done". You all know Marth, the Hero King. I was considering using Einherjar in the game, and of course he would be among them, but this mug is a WIP currently (thus why he's shorter than the others). Second Set - Some mugs for a project that was planned to be a sequel for FE8, only a handful of years later. Was planning to do this in FEXP until FEXNA came out so I could do CoD, but it seems every time I turn around there's some other glitch flaring up with the system. IDK if it'll actually go anywhere anymore, but I made some mugs already, so I'll go ahead and post them: Altan, some noble from Grado who is the main protag of the story. Supposed to be an axe-wielding Lord, but I made his build far to thin to serve his purpose. And dang do those arms suck. Hoping this one's recognizable. It's Franz, about five years older. Hoping he actually looks to have aged properly. And yes, it's just an edit of his old mug. I didn't feel like drawing a new one at the time, though I prolly could. Again, hope you can recognize him. Cormag, again supposed to be five years older. He's now wearing his brother's armor, possibly wielding a special lance from Duessel, and is the Jeigan for this game (yeah, a Jeigan on a Wyvern. He was the best candidate I could find, and it fit the plot I came up with). Again, just an edit of his old mug (and kind of a splice b/c Glen's armor). Could draw a new mug, but didn't feel like it at the time. I'll prolly end up making some more CoD stuff in the near future, maybe updating Nila and Marth. Might add a few maps to the mix. Anything's possible, really. I might be slow at doing so, but I'll do what I can. And if I seem half-dead and not really excited about any of this, it's because at-present, that's exactly what I am, so please forgive me. Got a nasty head cold and haven't been sleeping well to boot, because I can't breathe well when I lie down. I'll update this post to be more upbeat when I feel better. And I'll try to post new stuff on this post as well when it comes.
  20. It's just the way I am. I've gotten to where I start recognizing even some of the most obscure parts of a splice just accidentally. I've been around mugs too long XP
  21. So, Marisa, Tana . . . oh, sorry. Actually, that's a very interesting coloration for a Myrm. One that could turn out well. I feel like her POV left eye should be not so close to her ear, yet moving it too much could result in a very derpish face . . . Could prolly move it 1-2 pixels toward the center without too much damage but I'm not entirely sure.
  22. Feel free; I made it to help in any way possible after all. ^_^ And I understand it's easy to mix when you're first getting started. The others might, but I haven't really checked. I'll take a look later today and if it is an issue, I can fix it for you. Just be careful on future mugs. :)
  23. That . . . is a lot of map to take in. Wow. Not too bad, though.
  24. Eh, I don't consider my stuff all that great. That's actually why I don't have an art-related thread on here. I just know what needs fixing on her so I figured I'd take care of it. Might *sliiiiightly* edit her pallet, too, to get things to flow easier. I think she uses a darker outline than the others? EDIT: Optical illusions are mindblowing sometimes. Here I thought you had used an FE8 outline on her and FE6/7 on the others. Turns out she used the exact same. Huh. Well, I fixed her up a bit. I'm tired since I didn't get to sleep until 5:00 this morning, so this is far from my best stuff, but anyway, here she is: Had to do a bit of a forehead transplant from Lucius to make things look better (would have customed it, but again, half-asleep here). Also, a little piece of advice: do NOT mix skin tone pallets. I found out you had after downloading the image. If you want these sprites to be usable in a hack, you have to keep the colors within the limit of 15 (16 if you count BG), and that includes the outline. Mixing skin pallets can easily use up as much as 10 or more of those colors. I did the best I could to fix this as well, but even then, I may have missed a spot or two, but it is largely more consistent now.
  25. Those little northern edge pieces? Certainly, since it's simply the overhanging peak of the mountain, and about 90% plain anyway, there's nothing that could really make a unit be stopped from passing.
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