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    Thracia 776

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  1. "Dense" doesn't really mean you're stupid, just that you don't get jokes well. Don't worry, it's nothing serious, I mean it IS hard to read on some implicit on the net. I was actually searching for the bingo, but I couldn't find it. I might have gotten it if we were talking Charlotte rather than Camilla. Depends on what you take a troll for, I just tried to say that pantless designs are attractive in a silly manner.
  2. I was fucking JOKING on that you cannot be that dense. You really thing everything I've thrown out here has been said with utmost thought and seriousness. And I am so amazed THAT was what make you jump on the gun. That's a lot of "I"s, meaning it's your own personal opinion For you
  3. Actually, just like how you're reacting to me defending it, I am reacting to you attacking it. It's a constant cycle. If you really accepted people liking it, you wouldn't have continued this argument for so long. Likewise I keep going on and on about because I know it's an unpopular opinion on this cite, but also know that the ideals of people of this cite by no means reflect the overall fandom, as only those who care are speaking up. We can't be more than 10 people right now, for instance. I do not think battle panties are bad design, and I will never admit to something I don't agree on.
  4. Who cares if they're wearing armor of not, or if it chafes their skin. Their battle performance go off stats that are 100% unrelated to their design. Rinkah has one of the highest defenses in the Hoshido side of the story and she is nigh topless if it weren't for some bandages. It is God's Will that Camilla will go into battle with an ample cleavage and a window for her buttcrack to be shown, for she was conceived that way, and in god's name I will defend that right we have.
  5. I wanna see you cast magic first and then argue how realistic these games are. Come on, like Leo, pull out a tree out of the solid ground. Where are the flying weyverns and the pegasus, mate?
  6. Well I bet to disagree, battle bikinis and chainmail panties are amazing inventions of humanity to serve the world of fantasy. Source: Me, Full on Heterosexual. No, pretty damn lucid. If anything on a slight sugar rush. I also disagree on the last one statement, I much prefer when things go crazy and are not bound by silly things like Logic. I get plenty of that stuff in real life. This is why Guilty Gear and Blazblue are so much better than silly things like Street Fighter. I think this is a lot a matter of opinions here.
  7. Pants are not really as attractive as a lack thereof. I did get bothered how in Awakening generic Hero, Falcon and Dark Pegasus looked far more interesting than Gregor, Sumia or pretty much anyone in the cast. I'd totally marry that generic Dark Pegasus, but alas I cannot. I wish you could marry and have a Kanna from a captured unit in Fates like the generic Maid, but that'd be a terrible war crime.
  8. Something you need to remember is that originally Fighters were THE generic mook class since FE1 and beyond. So naturally they are meant to be unappealing in favor of, say, Myrmidons, Cavaliers and Mages. Their appearance as a class needs to reflect on both, the fact they're easy to doge and easy to take down, but at the same time they will wreck your shit if they actually land a hit on you. Tellius just had the advantage of unique character models and Boyd was literally the only fighter you get in PoR, I don't recall if generic enemy fighters also had his outfit.
  9. The ESRB is not the one in charge of Censoring fates, it's Nintendo's higher ups and Treehouse. I.E. The guys who censored Fatal Frame despite it being already an M rated game replacing it with NINTENDO CHARACTER COSTUMES. Here is a list of things probably geting replaced with garbage like Peach's dresse, Mario's Hats and Link's outfit.
  10. Well Charlotte's outfit fits well her class, as Fighters are usually uncovered. Look at Vaike, he was shirtless all the time. Fighters, which work almost like Brigands in Fates, are known for having high HP and low Defense. Also Camilla has panty gap because nearly all mounted units do in this game, at least the female. You just almost never see it because they're, well, sitting on a mount, but you can see pretty much anyone's asses if they're a dark knight.
  11. Well I have S ranked both Nowi and Nah (Father being Vaike). I will tell you, you cannot find more powerful Morgans any other way and the supports were cute. It was a great experience, so don't judge without trying it out yourself. I even named my avatar when marrying Nah "Ky" Kiske for the kicks.
  12. Do we even know how old Midoriko is? She might be older than she looks, just look at Nowi.
  13. Well if you want to be that way Lisa was like 13 -15, Morgan, Nah and other children characters in awakening potentially are teenagers too. And I am pretty sure Donnel was around 13 in Awakening. Pedophilia is, by textbook definition, sexual attraction to children aged 11 and below, and even then if you want to go further technical on most places being pedophillic is not a crime, committing sexual assault on a child is. So I really don't see what's so wrong with marrying Elise. I'm totally going to marry an Ophelia mothered by Elise in one of my runs and you cannot stop us. He is far too powerful for me to control at this point.
  14. The game is stuffed with characters as it is, such is life sometimes. On the bright now you'll have to put more more thought on who you marry.
  15. Since children now are tied to men instead of women, making a male avatar increases the competence and there just isn't enough 1st gen women for your avatar to marry a 1st gen woman. You can avoid this by marrying a woman that can only marry Kamui (Yuuigiri, Flora, Crimson, etc.) or a children character like Soleil, Syalla or Ophelia. If you make a female character, the opposite is true as you increase the number of fertile women. One of your men is going to die a virgin, choose wisely. This is less of a problem in Nohr, though, since due to the anti-grindy nature of it all you really have to go out of your way to try and get all the children.
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