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Posts posted by vazful

  1. So im new to the FE series. I have only played Genealogy of the Holy War which and i find it way better than this one in every aspect, beside the gold/item/inventory management.

    Now regarding FE7 (im in chapter 7).

    Sound -> nothing special (i dont even count it).

    Main story idea -> whatever, its so generic that i dont even care it.

    Characters/dialogues -> very bad, childish, uniteresting, no personalities, just generic stuff and characters with random reasons to follow a female just because she is a female :wtf: in a world where you cant be sure for anyone.

    Graphics -> i cant say they are good, i actually thing the visuals are bad. just too bright. SNES visuals ARE wayyy better.

    Last but not least, the gameplay. Here i need some honest opinions.

    So far i cant say that im impressed but im not underwhelmed either. Ofc i would prefer big maps like in GOTHW but well.... Anyway....

    What if i skip FE7 and The binding Blades. Do i miss anything regarding the gameplay? something special that exists only in those games (or even all 3 titles in GBA) that is worth the time?


    Something i forgot to mention about FE7. The stats arent really realistic. Lyn lvl 5 has 7 DEF while Kent and Sain lvl 6 have 6 DEF when they are supposed to be knights with heavier armor. Even Florina lvl 2 has 5 DEF... really WTF!.

  2. Another question. Again related to this subject.

    Which FE has the fairest stats grwoth system? For example. A slow heavy armored warrior gaining magic very very rarely since its totally useless to him.

    Or in general which is the FE game that rewards stats with more balance. What i mean by this is that it always rewards on leveling up (not "empty" lvls).

    I guess those 2 aspects combined would make the FE i ask.

  3. what's the problem with it

    FE9 has a mode with stats fixed to the averages after you completed it the first time and there's a patch for FE7 (or all the GBA games? don't recall) somewhere that keeps the stats at average when leveling up, it's called tony mode.

    Many thanks for your reply!

    If anyone else has something else to add, PLEASE do so!

  4. Hello.

    Lately i have been interested in this series but after some research i learned that you gain random stats every time you lvl up. This is totally game breaking for me. So my question is this: Is there any FE game that doesnt have this system? (random stat gain on lvl up).

    thank you in advance.

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