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Everything posted by Bobhorton

  1. I don't think anyone is acting hostile or upset due to you dropping the project really. I would presume it's more due to your rather unpleasant behavior and how you seem to find it amusing to withhold things. Either way, as you said, you have no need to justify your actions here, since you weren't being paid to do this. However, I will warn you about saying that you're dropping the project and allowing others to continue it. Doing so, by US Law, means that you forfeit any credit to the project due to you officially marking the project as abandonware (since you have not filed for a copyright, nor can you due to the nature of the project). In other words, anyone else could pick it up, slap their names on it, and say they fully made this project on their own.
  2. Now see, that right there is going to get you a lot of flak. I personally find that to be downright obnoxious, but ultimately it's your decision what you do with your progress. If you want to avoid a huge mess, I'd just throw whatever you've finished out to the public, along with any partially unfinished work and a "to-do" list. Of course, you could also just be yanking our chain out of pure spite, but whatever I suppose. I am probably out of line here, but I will say the lot of you (not all of you, though) have been acting like complete drama queens in regard to this project. Again, you by no means owe anyone anything, but you were held to a certain standard due to claims you (as a team) made. Sure, as you said, the original project was for menus only. However, there are quotes from you and other team members saying that you would translate things such as all the supports. Saying such things means people expect such things, and to act like this now (completely childish with "HAHA WE HAVE STUFF WE'RE NEVER GIVING YOU NOW") only hurts whatever little goodwill you still had with people. Regardless, I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.
  3. Well, as I said, you are absolutely welcome to do whatever you please. However, giving a response like "we're not going to tell you what we're doing" is exactly why you're getting pestered. The only possible reason you wouldn't want to show progress (dare I suggest it) is because you haven't made any progress. As for transparency, that's not what I meant. What I meant is to show people exactly what you're doing, not let them modify your script. Given the fact that this very thread is over 90 pages long, I would say that means people care about the project. As for dropping it, that's fully up to you. I will say that you could avoid a LOT of this by just throwing out weekly small updates. Even if it's only supports for a single character, at least you can say you made some progress that week. Alternatively, simply dump the raw translated text on a pastebin, tell people which file it belongs in, and give a link to FEAT so people can add it themselves. I personally have done this for a lot of the supports using one of the various pastebins filled with translated supports.
  4. To play devil's advocate, all you have to do is keep a weekly change log that has a very simple list such as "completed supports for Camilla", "working on supports for Sakura", "15 characters left to translate supports for" and so on. That alone would silence the complaints in regards to "when is it gonna be done" since people could just simply make their own estimates for themselves (instead of "badgering" you) based upon how much is getting done per week. As someone who has personally worked on fan translations in the past, I definitely know where you're coming from. However, I can also say that when I was doing my project, I would actively post a public log so that people could see what's going on. I personally believe complete transparency is key to keeping people happy, and this project has been basically the opposite of that. Hell, we initially had lightning fast updates, only for it to go to a brutally slow crawl with no communication. There's also the argument that you could just use the various pastebins filled with translated support dialogs to speed up the process (hell, I could implement those myself using FEAT and a free afternoon). You are certainly welcome to do whatever pleases you; I am simply making suggestions that could help you avoid any future "badgering".
  5. Putting the US script into the JP ROM effectively would give you a US ROM that has all the amie minigame. You could even change the region of the ROM if that tickled your fancy too.
  6. Your best bet for "restoring" it would to simply lift the US script and put it in the JP ROM. The required work would be minimal, but it would obviously have to be done on a site other than here.
  7. In regards to the last two options, that's a "legal gray zone". It is technically against copyright (NOT illegal in America, that is) to simply lift and use assets from a copyrighted product without permission. However, nothing is stopping you from simply doing creating a similar copy using it. That is to say, you could create a patch using the script as a base, editing all the names, fixing censored dialog/content, and so on. This is because you would technically not be using the original script, but rather making your own script that was quite similar. This is kind of like copying pages from a book or taking pictures. So long as you are not selling it for profit, and it isn't the original, it is technically "legal". Note that the terms "legal" and "illegal" do not even apply here, at least for US law. Copyright is a civil matter (not a criminal matter) and thus, by definition, cannot be legal or illegal. Of course you could be sued for it, but I could also sue anyone for anything.
  8. CFW like Rei and rxTools have zero issues with the DLC and patches. The most you'll need is to also use something like NTR region-free to enable your 3DS to detect the DLC. Other than that, everything will run perfectly.
  9. One easy way to do it is to simply decrypt the US ROM of the special edition and to build a ROM using the JP assets with the extracted US script (basically, kind of like how you currently build a JP ROM with a modified script). It's a pretty darn simple method, but it would require names and messed up lines (memes, changed supports, etc) to be corrected, along with translating any cut content (Amie, etc). Anyway, I'm eagerly looking forward to seeing the supports translated, along with any general typo/translation fixes (especially for IK).
  10. Unsigned CIA's can technically cause a brick due to installing faulty code/programs to the system. Gateway keeps this check because the base 3DS has it in place. CFW's remove it though, which is why they can install it. Their alleged claim is that they can make Gateway run on a 10.3 3DS without any sort of downgrading, thus eliminating any possibility of a brick. As for why I would even use a Gateway, I've owned one since way back in the 4.5 firmware days (I actually bought my 3DS on launch and simply waited for a backup loader to appear). I also use it because I have over 100Gb in backups in .3ds format that I've collected over the years. Going through all over them to convert them to cia format would be a nightmare, not to mention having to install them all one by one. The other thing I do appreciate about Gateway is that games that receive constant updates (such as the fan translation of Monster Hunter X) means I can simply drag and drop the game, as opposed to putting it on the SD, uninstalling the old version, installing the new version, and then deleting the cia from the SD card. .3ds format, in my opinion, is considerably easier to handle than .cia format. There's also the matter that Gateway can automatically play DLC from out of region, meaning there's no need to use things like HANS or NTR. Anyway, I doubt the translation team is going to be putting in the effort to fully make the IK patch work with Gateway, so I'll just dualboot and use a CFW like rxTools to play it.
  11. To put it in simple terms: 1.) You must find (or dump) a .cia of the IK DLC. 2.) You must decrypt the DLC using the proper tools/methods. 3.) Once it is decrypted, you'll get a few files which then must be disassembled using different tools/methods than the above (AKA more work). 4.) One you have it down to the raw files, you can replace them with the translated files. 5.) You then must go through the steps backwards to reassemble the files, re-encrypt the files, and then install the .cia file using the CFW + cia installer of your choice. 6.) Once it is installed, you must boot NTR CFW on top of your current CFW, along with having the NTR language plugin. 7.) If everything is fully and properly configured, you'll be able to see that IK is installed when you boot up the game (there won't be a "buy another path" option). 8.) You'll have to double check that the IK path is translated (assuming you did all the above correctly) by playing the IK path. Yes, I am well aware that the above doesn't sound simple at all. The fact is that is it a giant pain in the posterior to set all of this nonsense up. NOW, as for getting this to work on Gateway, it currently is impossible (or we haven't found a way yet). The reason being here is that the way the translation team set all this up is arguably one of the worst ways to go about it (just a basic file swap). Doing it this way breaks the signature on the cia file, which in turn makes Gateway not want to install it. If you want to not break the signature, you (or the translation team) would need to actually create "homebrew" by decompiling both the base game and the IK DLC and rebuilding it as its own unique game that doesn't have the original signature/ID/header as the untouched version. In other words, they (the translation team) would need someone who has the brains to know how to build their own 3DS "homebrew" out of the base game and IK, along with uploading it somewhere for people to access it (NOT a patcher, the full game+DLC).
  12. Thanks. If you could also make some sort of guide too, that would be fantastic.
  13. I'd actually like to see a video of IK (translated) running on Gateway if you have the spare time to do so.
  14. You can legally dump a CIA too though, assuming you have a Japanese 3DS to purchase it in the first place. Granted, it's more restrictive due to requiring a Japanese 3DS (unlike the base game, which you can dump from the cartridge on any region 3DS), but it is still in fact possible.
  15. I'm aware of how it works, since I have it running now on a dualboot of Gateway and rxTools. However, you are incorrect in saying that Gateway can't handle modified DLC CIAs. The modified NSMB2 DLC CIA is proof that it can, but it must be done in a very specific fashion (actually modifying the CIA instead of a simple "overwrite" to give it a unique ID, and modifying the base game via patch to have the same unique ID). Alternatively, simply making the patch properly function with HANS or so on would also solve the dilemma. Point taken, but that's somewhat irrelevant here, given that they already released a patcher for the base game. The only way you can use the base game patched (with the patcher they provide) is via piracy/CFW methods, which are the exact same conditions required to run the IK DLC with a patch. I figured out how to patch the DLC with a bit (read: a lot) of research, but it was still far more difficult than it should have been, and they really shouldn't be advertising IK in a topic that is called "Menu + Chapter Patch" anyway. At the very least, some directions (or a vague hint at where to go for directions) would be appreciated.
  16. That seems a bit silly to me, to be honest. Releasing a patcher is not piracy in any form, unless the patcher contains material that you did not create (e.g. the patcher has parts of IK built into it). As it is, you're basically telling people to go pirate on their own time. Note that I am not being ungrateful for the work you and others have done, but I am saying that this entire IK situation is downright silly. It has shoddy compatibility, and it's obnoxiously hard to set up even if you can run it. At the very least, the OP should have a disclaimer noting all of this. For the record, it is in fact possible to make modified CIA's run with Gateway, but due to the fact that I do not have extensive knowledge in the subject, I cannot pinpoint why your patch for IK messes things up.
  17. In regards to the IK DLC, is there any way you folks (translation team) could 1.) make it actually easier to patch the .cia, and 2.) get it functioning on Gateway (either directly or using HANS or so on)? And yeah, I've noticed a lot of supports are missing, but some are in fact translated.
  18. What exactly are you fixing in regards to IK? Stuff like grammar/spelling/translation? Or technical stuff like making it work with Gateway?
  19. I don't mean to bother you, but could you please explain how you got everything working (including the translated DLC of IK) with Gateway?
  20. That's a solution I guess, but that's still horribly tedious to do for a single game's DLC. I suppose there's no other way to go about playing it translated?
  21. I'm having the same error when trying to install it on Gateway. On that note, is there any way to make it work on Gateway? I seriously do not want to have to move over to CFW and have to convert all my .3ds files into .cia format, transfer saves, and so on.
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