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Everything posted by Naziro

  1. So, I'm new to Serenes Forest and I heard something about a "waifu war"? Basically people would fight over which waifu was better? If anyone was in that, could you tell me, what was it like and who was your waifu? Personally, mine would've been the all mighty boingy Tharja! ;)
  2. What is your favorite critical quote? Please only talk about the Awakening critical quotes considering Fates hasn't come out yet. I'd have to say mine is between "Errr...Rage!" and "Checkmate!"
  3. I main him. I think I'm pretty good with 'em.
  4. Fire Emblem is trying something new with the avatars. I think it is kind of cool. Especially since they added avatar voice acting in the cut scenes. But yes, the avatar has attracted more people to the "waifu simulator" mechanic
  5. It's come to my attention that a lot of people do not like Roy. To me, Roy was my best lord. Stat wise to be exact. But some people said his stats were trash. Here is my Roy: I only used one dragonshield from a secret shop. I didn't take picture from before promotion or after.
  6. Marriage adds depth, yes. But do we need skinship to marry someone? No.
  7. When the weebs discovered you can marry whoever you wanted, they got into it. Now that's all they want to do. In Fates, I think there is one character who has to S Support someone or they'll be killed (?) Don't quote me, something I hear on the street. But for you and everyone else, it is optional.
  8. Well it is nice to know that the only one who thinks that it isn't worth canceling your pre-order over
  9. To be completely honest, to me at least, Fates' skinship removal doesn't affect me. I feel neutral about it. I never thought as Fire Emblem as a waifu game anyway. But what do you guys think about it?
  10. A couple days ago. Here's link: http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Rhajat
  11. It was just announced that Syalla/ Shara from the upcoming game, Fire Emblem Fates, has received a name change for the North American release. Her new name is Rhajat. How do you feel about the name change? (Yes, I know I am a little late) Previous Name Changes: Kamui~Corrin Aqua~Azura Joker~Jakob Cyrus~Silas Marx~Xander Leon~Leo Ryouma~Ryoma (Not that big of change) Zero~Niles Beruka~Belka Suzukaze~Kaze Luna~Selena Harold~Arthur Elfie~Effie Mozume~Mozu Rinka~Rinkah (Another small change) Yatogami~Yato (Sword) If I missed any, tell me. What do you think about Syalla, now Rhajat's, and the other's name change?
  12. So um, everyone got one shot....do I just rely on Fredrick for the whole chapter?
  13. I really didn't want to make a female unit but ok. I should've also mentioned that I bought DLC "EXPonential Growth'
  14. Usually three or four people die in my gameplay. But I'll try my hardest!
  15. I gotta say the classes and story
  16. Thanks guys. I decided to go with Eirika's and later Ephraims.
  17. So I was going to start playing Lunatic Mode and wanted to know if anyone can give me any tips. Such as, If I should go classic or casual mode. This is my first time playing Lunatic mode. ((EDIT: I have the DLC MAP "EXPonetial Growth." I'm guessing I should grind that right?))
  18. I've gotten to the point where you decide who's Journey to cover. Ephraim or Erikia. Who should I go with and what are the advantages?
  19. Hi! I'm BladeBinder! I loooovvveee Fire Emblem. I've played all the GBA games and Awakening. I've yet to play the ones before them. But I'm trying. That's about it. If you want to know anymore, hit me up :) Here's a random picture of Sigurd
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