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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. Actually I'm retarded, Whitefang found an adding error in my turncounts, my actual turncount is 146, which is in fact 1 less than him. Yes, whoever I had as a banner before is gone. I can't remember who it was, but I didn't like them It was Rolf. No wonder I didn't like it.
  2. ... Thanks for your honesty. Looking at your team, you had a whole lot of nothing asides from Abel, so it would have been tough to push through, unless Vyland could use the ridersbane in chapter 12. This was your first draft of SD (IIRC), and this is like, my tenth or so, so I know exactly what to do for the minimal turncounts lategame. In chapter 24, I don't thing any of your other units could have survived the barrage other than Abel, and it hurt not having a Hero or flier to solo that section so Marth wouldn't die. And Endgame, for future reference, just have your overpowered Pally (Cain, Abel, Frey, Hardin, Gaggles) whack Medeus on turn 4, and counter on turn 4 EP. It will always KO, and with boosters, your Pally should be durable enough.
  3. Well, crap, I overwrote my save. Restarting... Prologue 4/4 Turns Same thing, different level up. Chapter 1 2/6 Turns Missed the Robe, but oh well. Ike should be alright without it. Titania ORKO'd the boss, while Oscar cleared a path for Ike after doing a rescue drop on the first turn.
  4. I finished my own Random Reclass Roundup take 2, in 148 turns, 1 less than Whitefang. He had cav abel, its NOT FAIR Corrected Turncount is below
  5. Marth - I hate all you people who get good Marths. Mine always blow chunks. Base strength and speed coming out of the prologue. A liablilty, like always. Cain - Woo, a Bishop with more strength than Magic! Good thing he had all that speed, because he couldn't attack unit chapter 20! Jeigan - Unlike Cain, he was actually kind of useful from time to time, because he could, you know, attack. Gaggles - Thank you for rolling Cav for at least one of my units. He was absolutly atrocious until he promoted, then he suddenly started ORKOing stuff. It was scary. I stuffed him with stat boosters for endgame. Ogma - He actually gained some magic (although he did eat 4 spirit dusts) and combined bosskills earlygame with Jeigan because Marf couldn't do shit all. Turns out in NM you can hand anybody an Elfire or Bolganone and they can OHKO unpromoted stuff. He was pretty good. Bord I was expecting him to do more, with his movement, but his low durability held him back. And when the Pallys started showing up, he couldn't double them. Julian - Absolutly useless combat wise, but he got me some nice stuff. Matthis - Took a bit of babying, but once he promoted, he was pretty awesome. He was a fast, durable swordmaster. (He was like, 6HKO'd by Silver Lances) Sedgar - Thank god I didn't have to use him as a sorcerer. He saved many turns from chapter 10 on. Horace - He's invincible in NM, but the 6 movement held him back. Xane - This is the first time i've ever used him, and he's pretty useful for this kind of run. Etzel - His 100% HP growth kicked in twice. He got nothing else on his 2 level ups. Ymir - His bases were pretty fabulous, but he had lousy weapon ranks and movement. It is very sad that I beat my first SD draft turncount with this team. ALSO WHY WHITEFANG, ONE TURNNNNNNNNNNN Curse whoever gave you Paladin Abel. I also like how I predicted getting Bishop Jeigan and Berserker Etzel.
  6. Chapter 20 - 5/121 Turns Gaggles and Xane (as Gaggles) fired Ridersbanes around, while Sedgar poleaxed Camus. Horace protected my squishies from the paladins. Time to get General Ymir Chapter 20x - 12 Turns Everything was dead by turn 6. It was amusing to see Gaggles sit on a bridge and OHKO 5 paladins while taking only 3 damage in total. They had silver weapons too. Xane copied Julian to speed up the thieving process. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 15.75 36 13 0 11 12 17 11 2 A Sword Cain Curate 20/01.86 39 5 5 15 18 10 4 14 B Staff E Tome Jeigan Bishop ??/13.19 28 1 7 13 8 3 5 11 B Staff D Tome Gaggles Paladin 11/13.04 38 14 1 18 13 15 16 6 A Lance E Sword Bord Horseman 13/06.69 30 16 0 18 12 8 10 3 B Bow E Sword Ogma Sorcerer 13/05.64 37 5 11 14 9 8 5 8 B Tome D Staff Julian Thief 12.62 25 7 0 10 17 13 5 0 D Sword Matthis Myrmidon 16/08.71 45 13 1 16 24 11 13 3 A Sword Sedgar Hero ??/14.36 47 16 1 23 24 7 19 2 B Axe D Sword Horace General ??/06.81 34 16 1 13 9 7 17 3 B Lance D Bow Xane Chameleon 02.48 18 3 1 3 8 9 4 10 Walkin' on Water. Etzel Berserker ??/07.05 33 7 8 14 12 7 9 6 D Axe Ymir General ??/10.00 48 19 0 14 10 5 19 3 D Lance D Bow If Ymir had a lance rank he would be pretty decent. Chapter 21 - 3/124 Turns Gaggles Gradivus rush. Chasia the dracoknight (who has 15 Str 16 Spd and 16 Def) bought stuff at the secret shop. Chapter 22 - 7/131 Turns Gaggles killed stuff with Gradivus, while Sedgar and Bord went around ORKOing and blicking Wyverns. Ogma blicked with Excalibur. Chapter 23 - 7/138 Turns Marth used pure water, and I WAS GOING TO USE BERSERKER ETZEL TO ATTRACT SWARM SHOTS EXCEPT HE'S A ZERKER WITH 6 RES. I used a generic instead. Chapter 24 - 4/142 Turns Sedgar ran over the mountain, and I gave him an arms scroll so he could use the wyrmslayer. He cleared the way for Marth. Chasia bought more stat boosters. Chapter 24x - 8 Turns I just killed everything with Gaggles. Final - 4/146 Turns Gaggles killed Medeus with a Gradivus double, then after Cain and Jeigan fortified, killed him on the EP. UNIT CLASS LEVEL HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP Marth Lord 17.01 37 13 0 13 12 17 13 3 A Sword Cain Curate 20/04.08 43 6 5 16 21 13 4 14 A Staff E Tome Jeigan Bishop ??/15.87 30 1 7 15 9 3 5 12 A Staff C Tome Gaggles Paladin 11/20.00 60 25 1 28 25 20 24 10 A Lance E Sword Bord Horseman 13/08.01 32 17 0 20 12 8 11 3 A Bow D Sword Ogma Sorcerer 13/08.45 42 5 18 15 10 10 5 9 A Tome C Staff Julian Thief 12.62 25 7 0 10 17 13 5 0 D Sword Matthis Myrmidon 16/11.00 48 15 1 18 26 12 15 3 A Sword Sedgar Hero ??/20.00 60 22 1 29 26 7 24 2 A Axe C Sword Horace General ??/08.32 35 17 1 16 10 7 19 3 A Lance C Bow Xane Chameleon 06.34 21 4 1 3 11 13 6 10 Walkin' on Water. Etzel Berserker ??/08.01 34 7 8 14 12 7 9 6 D Axe Ymir General ??/11.76 49 20 0 14 10 5 20 3 D Lance D Bow Unit Analysis in a sec.
  7. Chapter 8x - 11/67 Turns Marcus wasn't at C swords, so the boss took a bit longer. Not making that mistake again. Merlinus stood on a fire tile and hoped he would get hit so Saul could get some much needed exp. Barth soloed the west, and takes 0 damage from axes. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP LVL SUPPORT Roy 07.65 30 7 8 11 11 5 1 C Sword C Marcus Marcus ??/07.85 37 11 16 12 13 10 8 S Lance D Sword D Axe Lance 13.75 26 9 12 15 7 12 1 B Lance E Sword Rutgar 08.94 26 8 14 15 3 7 0 C Sword Saul 06.57 21 4 6 10 2 2 6 C Staff Barth 12.44 28 13 6 6 2 16 2 C Lance Chapter 9 - 8/75 Turns Marcus and Lance ferried Roy around, Saul spammed torch. Recruited Fir. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP LVL SUPPORT Roy 08.02 30 8 9 11 12 6 1 C Sword C Marcus Marcus ??/08.83 38 12 16 12 14 10 9 S Lance C Sword D Axe C Roy Lance 14.36 27 9 12 15 7 12 1 B Lance E Sword Rutgar 10.03 28 9 15 16 3 7 0 C Sword Saul 07.73 21 4 6 10 3 2 7 C Staff Barth 12.90 28 13 6 6 2 16 2 C Lance Fir 02.82 20 6 10 10 4 4 1 D Sword Chapter 10 - 9/85 Turns Geese probably costed me a turn here, but, oh well. He got the swordslayer village, and comes with a brave axe, so it wasn't a complete loss. Marcus killed the boss, then waited a turn for Lance to get Roy close enough to seize. Fir gained a shitton of levels this chapter. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP LVL SUPPORT Roy 08.99 30 8 9 11 12 6 1 C Sword C Marcus Marcus ??/09.93 38 12 16 12 15 11 9 S Lance C Sword D Axe C Roy Lance 15.17 28 9 12 16 7 12 2 B Lance E Sword Rutgar 12.64 29 10 16 18 4 7 0 B Sword Saul 08.74 22 5 6 10 3 3 7 C Staff Barth 13.37 29 14 6 6 2 16 2 B Lance Fir 07.03 25 8 14 14 7 4 2 D Sword Geese 10.00 33 10 9 9 9 8 0 B Axe Chapter 11 - 6/91 Turns The turn Geese lost me on the last chapter he gained back in this one, as he smashed down the wall with ease with the brave axe. Unfourtunately, I didn't have a ton of time to visit the villages, so I only got the restore staff and Orion's bolt. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP LVL SUPPORT Roy 09.11 31 8 9 12 13 6 2 C Sword C Marcus Marcus ??/10.54 38 12 16 12 16 11 9 S Lance C Sword D Axe C Roy Lance 15.17 28 9 12 16 7 12 2 B Lance E Sword Rutgar 13.63 29 11 17 18 4 7 0 B Sword Saul 09.08 22 5 7 11 3 3 7 C Staff Barth 14.39 30 15 6 7 2 16 2 B Lance Fir 08.43 26 8 15 15 8 4 2 D Sword Geese 11.63 34 11 9 9 10 9 0 B Axe
  8. Berserker works well enough for NM, and if he has enough speed to double most stuff, just leave him as a Zerker. I find Hero is useful, because Berserkers miss doubles on lategame dracoknights, and all Heroes.
  9. I'm going to withold them for now, and see what Hawkeye and Marcus's levelups look like in the next chapter. If Hawkeye gets speed, I'm giving them to Marcus, because Hawkeye is sitting at 12AS right now, and 14AS is no better than 13AS. While 16AS is no better than 14AS, some lucky speed proc's could help him. I was also thinking Sain, but his growths should improve his.
  10. Haha, my Roger's first level up was the exact same. Is Wolf a General or a Hero? I'm also contemplating not getting the boots. It's not like Marth will be able to survive anything anyway.
  11. Are the horsemen chasing you over the mountains?
  12. She has enough speed on base to avoid doubles in Normal mode, and going Archer will make it tough for her to get kills.
  13. Alright, so I was cleaning out my computer, and I deleted the FE6 rom with my progress on it, so I'm restarting. Now. I'm gonna get this done in the next two days. Probably not, but I have the time to do so. FE 6 - Chapter 1 - 4/4 Turns Same as before, Marcus picked up Roy on turn 2, and dropped him in range of seizing on turn 3. Marcus silver lanced the boss on turn 4, and Lance got the 5k. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP LVL SUPPORT Roy 01.20 18 5 5 7 7 5 0 D Sword Marcus ??/01.33 32 9 14 11 10 9 8 A Lance D Sword E Axe Lance 02.32 21 5 6 9 3 7 0 D Lance E Sword Chapter 2 - 7/11 Turns Same as before, Marcus picked up Roy, killed shit, then killed the boss with the armourslayer. Bought lots of javelins. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP LVL SUPPORT Roy 02.43 19 6 5 8 8 5 1 D Sword Marcus ??/01.82 32 9 14 11 10 9 8 A Lance D Sword E Axe Lance 04.81 22 6 8 10 4 8 0 D Lance E Sword Chapter 3 - 7/18 Turns Marcus lead the way, while Lance and Roy followed. Roy isn't turning out half bad (so far...) UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP LVL SUPPORT Roy 03.77 20 6 6 9 8 5 1 D Sword Marcus ??/02.40 33 9 15 11 10 9 8 A Lance D Sword E Axe Lance 05.90 22 6 9 10 5 8 0 D Lance E Sword Chapter 4 - 7/25 Turns I formulated a better strategy here, allowing me to recruit Rutgar on turn 7, then feed him the bosskill. Lance got the Angelic Robe village on turn 7, and Merlinus got the steel blade. Marcus got a nice levelup. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP LVL SUPPORT Roy 05.25 22 6 7 9 9 5 1 D Sword Marcus ??/03.14 34 10 15 11 10 10 8 S Lance D Sword E Axe Lance 07.12 22 7 9 12 6 9 1 D Lance E Sword Rutgar 04.90 22 7 12 13 2 5 0 C Sword Chapter 5 - 3/28 Turns This took a bit of thinking, but it was really quite simple. Roy and Rutgar were rescued on turn 1, but I did not trigger the gate. Alan and Thany started to head to the gate. Merlius went to dodge tank the fighters on the fort to get exp. On turn 2, Alan triggered the gate to open, and was rescued out of harm by Thany. Lance dropped Rutgar in front of the boss with the Killing Edge, and Marcus dropped Roy in seize range. Rutgar critted the boss, (he only needed one crit in 4 tries) to save some uses on the Edge, and finished the boss off with an Iron Sword, while Lance and Marcus got exp before Roy seized. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP LVL SUPPORT Roy 05.28 22 6 7 9 9 5 1 D Sword Marcus ??/03.18 34 10 15 11 10 10 8 S Lance D Sword E Axe Lance 07.47 22 7 9 12 6 9 1 D Lance E Sword Rutgar 05.92 23 7 12 13 3 5 0 C Sword Chapter 6 - 4/32 Turns Marcus had to hit two 50% hittrates for this to work. Marcus handaxed everything, and killed most of the stuff on turn 1 EP. Roy killed a knight, then Lance killed a loldier blocking Marcus, who rescued Roy, and countered the Mages in the throne room. He dropped Roy on turn 3, and sat in front of Wagner. He killed him on turn 4, and Roy seized. Decided on another Silver Lance over 2000G. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP LVL SUPPORT Roy 05.76 22 6 7 9 9 5 1 D Sword Marcus ??/03.92 34 10 15 11 10 10 8 S Lance D Sword E Axe Lance 08.62 23 8 9 13 6 10 1 C Lance E Sword Rutgar 06.29 24 8 13 14 3 5 0 C Sword Saul 05.12 20 4 6 10 2 2 5 C Staff Chapter 7 - 9/41 Turns This chapter sucks. Whoever has Walt/Dorothy will have an easier time. Those Wyverns 2HKO'd Roy (even with his Angelic Robe boost), at 53 hit, so a couple turns were sketch. Lance is really defence blessed. Marcus missed the ORKO on the boss by 1HP, and Lance couldn't do any damage to him, so the reinforcements were triggered, which was another pain. Rutgar couldn't do jack shit in the north, so I sent him to get villages, and Saul followed him around. Recruited Noah because I need Fir. It's interesting that if you recruit Noah, Zealot and Treck don't tag along. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP LVL SUPPORT Roy 06.69 30 7 8 10 10 5 1 C Sword Marcus ??/04.89 35 10 15 11 11 10 8 S Lance D Sword E Axe Lance 09.90 23 8 10 14 6 11 1 C Lance E Sword Rutgar 06.67 24 8 13 14 3 5 0 C Sword Saul 05.34 20 4 6 10 2 2 5 C Staff Chapter 8 - 14/56 Turns This chapter is loooooong. Marcus carried Roy around, while Noah ferried Chad to the chests. Rutgar and Lance picked up Marcus's scraps, while Barth took like 6 enemies off of Marcus and proc'd speed. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP LVL SUPPORT Roy 06.69 30 7 8 10 10 5 1 C Sword Marcus ??/06.54 36 10 16 12 13 10 8 S Lance D Sword D Axe Lance 12.42 25 9 11 15 6 12 1 B Lance E Sword Rutgar 08.40 26 8 14 15 3 7 0 C Sword Saul 06.01 21 4 6 10 2 2 6 C Staff Barth 11.01 27 12 6 6 2 15 2 C Lance
  14. Chapter 27, in 8 Turns. I didn't want to push my luck with Hector dodging Purge and two Silver sword strikes from the swordmaster while avoiding being critted, so 8 Turns it is. The Sleep staff at 20 something percent was lulzy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyGXP4zoDg4&feature=youtube_gdata Also, near then end, Hypercam crapped out, and you missed Heath carrying Hector near the throne, and then dropping him. Who should get the speedwings?
  15. Sedgar and Wolf both make better Heroes than Generals in Normal mode. For Abel and Hardain, Dracoknight is almost always better due to the +1 Str +2 Def, but if you're in a map where bows are an issue, obviously go Paladin. Barst should go Fighter --> Hero, He's not going to hit the strength cap anyway, and Hero offers C Swords and more Speed/Skill. Merric and Lena can go whatever. I prefer keeping Merric as a Mage because of Excalibur. Ogma obviously does fine in his starting class.
  16. I can do it for you if you send me a list of who you have, and maybe a couple units you want. And how many points you have.
  17. The music didn't really change, but it took a bit of a hit: And yeah, there is a DKC3 GBA port.
  18. Happy Birthday. Hope it's a good one.

  19. I was talking about Horace > Vyland and Dolph, not lolTomas. Tomas is 100% useless.
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