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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. Not if you're playing efficiently. And I can't remember the last time I haven't got Lloyd's map, since Eliwood and Lyn range from terrible to situational to forced in HM.
  2. Herp, I can't count. Tethys does have 5 chapters on Myrhh, (who is largely useless for half of them), but I actually agree with what you are saying, as free units are generally units that would give a player an unfair advantage if draftable (or are absolutely useless in the case of Wallace/Geitz). I personally don't think either really make a huge difference if draftable, but Myrhh has the uniqueness of flight (I guess) and a monster nuke in endgame. Although without Warp, Tethys might be slightly more valuable. See what the others think, I'm not as good at this game as FE7.
  3. There are 30 units on Integ's list, Myrhh is not one of them, however Tethys is. Personally, I think Myrhh should be draftable, as she saves 1 turn at the most (Fortiimis nuke), while Tethys potentially saves many. Ninja'd by RD with differing opinions.
  4. I would join you on the FE8 draft, but my only draft there is unfinished due to laziness, file deletion, a severely speed screwed Gillam, and a strength screwed Joshua (along with little knowledge of the game). I've only done a semi-efficient playthrough of Ephraim's mode since then (it's logged somewhere in the FE8 section), but if you'll have me, i'll join.
  5. I would rather fight Linus because you can actually double him, and Lloyd can be a bitch to kill.
  6. Prologue turns do not count, unless they take more than 20 turns. I'll put it in the OP. WHAT IF I WANTED GAGGLES
  7. Unless I'm horribly wrong, one of those dudes, or all of them, are free for the chapter. There's no way Lyn can kill the Javelin Peg knights and the mercs (all of which 2HKO her) without someone getting hurt. And it doesn't help that I have both Kent and Sain.
  8. Alright, I'm back. ...only three picks? I am disappoint. Clipsey, I work during the day for the whole week (and weekend) so feel free to draft for me if i'm the one holding things up. I'll edit the OP when I can.
  9. This will house chapter 26 in the distant future, and chapter 27 is recorded as well. I skipped out on Harken for now, but I kept a save file there just in case. Chapter 27 was done in 8 turns, but could probably be done in 7, but Hector would have to survive a round of combat versus the silver sword swordmaster, and take a hit/dodge purge from Kenneth, and my Hector isn't doing either, not even with a swordreaver.
  10. Nah, no penalty there. Nothing you can do about it.
  11. Chapter 25 should soon follow Chapter 24, it was done in 3 turns, without a promoted flier. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oaJi33rv7Q&feature=youtube_gdata Chapter 26 is done as well, and here are my unit stats (well, the ones that might actually see combat again anyway) at the Chapter 27 base. UNIT LEVEL HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WEP LVL Hector 17.08 34 16 12 9 9 18 3 A Axe Marcus ??/13.20 41 19 23 14 12 12 10 S Lance A Axe A Sword Sain 14/03.79 32 16 7 13 7 12 3 B Lance C Sword D Axe Hawkeye ??/07.56 52 19 15 12 14 14 10 S Axe Isadora ??/04.40 30 15 14 19 12 10 6 A Lance B Sword C Axe Priscilla 13/01.00 27 13 12 12 15 6 14 A Staff E Anima Heath 12/01.00 40 17 14 12 9 16 4 A Lance E Sword Fiora 10/01.00 28 11 12 15 7 8 11 B Lance E Sword Raven 15/01.00 41 16 18 19 4 12 5 A Sword E Axe Lucius 13/01.00 27 13 10 13 5 5 12 B Light C Staff Pent ??/06.46 33 18 21 17 14 11 16 A Anima A Staff Serra 09.78 22 7 8 13 10 3 7 A Staff Rath 10/02.96 32 11 13 14 7 11 6 S Bow E Sword
  12. Chapter 24 will be here in a minute. Done in 2 Turns, with the Earth Seal. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fi5kjFiKEuE&feature=youtube_gdata
  13. That's only 4 might less than the Gradivus, which is a bit much.
  14. Yeah, you're right... I like Whitefang's idea of it being based on might, how does a 20 might maximum say to you all? In case you didn't pick up on it, this is weapon mt + str + weapon rank bonus, not might of the weapon itself.
  15. That's normally how Shadow Dragon drafts are. You can win easily (in normal mode anyway) with Marth, Jeigan, Cain/Abel/Frey/Shiida, a decent combatant like Hardin/Ogma/Barst/Cord, and a decent filler unit like Bord/Draug/Nabarl. The rest of the units are pretty irrelevant. Remember, you don't actually need to use all your units.
  16. I think somebody like Oswin should be free to meatshield for those that don't have enough units. Face it, somebody will be forced to take a penalty, because you can't block a chokepoint (without RNG abuse) with Serra or Rebecca, leaving only Lowen, Bartre, Dorcas, Guy, Oswin and Matthew. The odds of each person only having one of these units is pretty low. If Oswin is free to meatshield, there's no penalty needed. Although in Fionorde's case, he should just use Dorcas and Bartre, Dorcas doesn't suck until very lategame in my personal experience, and he can even be useful OHKOing Valks in a pinch with the Halberd, or using the brave axe with decent accuracy and lots of power. Can't speak for Bartre though. EDIT: Forgot Guy existed, and this draft contradicts my whole post But still if you want the gold, you'll need at least 5 units, for a little bit anyway, while Marcus goes to fetch it.
  17. Alright, I'll add it in the OP. Also, I didn't mention, the drafting order is random, not the order you join in. Sorry for the clarification.
  18. Take a penalty. Refer to the Elibe Super draft, I had to there. I disagree with that particular rule though.
  19. Credit goes to Hippoman for the general rules, I changed some up a bit though. It's gonna be a standard Draft competition of FE11, but with one significant catch. As soon as possible after aqquiring a unit, you must: Go to the reclass menu and roll two dice. Press the right direction on the D-Pad that many times. That is the end all, be all class of that unit. (If you fall on a class you cannot reclass to, roll again.) Yeah, it's gonna be pretty deep seated in luck, I know, but still. It should be interesting, and a nice break from most normal playthroughs. General Rules: Marth, Nagi, Xane, and Julian are free. Standard 4 turn penalty for using an undrafted unit. Undrafted units cannot equip weapons, but they may shop, meatshield, and recruit characters. Tiki, Bantu, Rickard, Xane, Beck, Jake, and Nagi are exempt to the random reclass rule. Units you get before reclass is unlocked may stay in their original classes until you can reclass them. Upon recruit, units may stay in their normal class FOR THAT CHAPTER ONLY. This does not apply to units not recruited on the battlefield (Elice, etc.) No Warp. Gaidens: Mandatory, 20 free turns. Generics cannot equip weapons. Each prologue chapter has 20 free turns. Forging: Originally, I thought no forging, but since some people got ridiculous stuff like Myrm!Norne and MageMatthis last draft, I am going to allow forge with the following rule: - Only units with Strength/Magic less than or equal to 12 can use forged weapons. Units with those stats can use them as they please. - Only Iron Weapons and Fire Tomes can be forged, to a max of +5 might. You can go crazy with crit if you want though. - Any unit can use forges, as long as their attack does not exceed 20. No Wi-fi shop, as I don't have access. Game Mode: Normal. So, let's get this crazy show on the road, Draft Order is standard fare (A,B,C,D,E,E,D,C,B,A,A,B,C,D,E,E,D) Etc. Everyone gets 11 units. Let me grab the unit list from Integ's topic... [spoiler=Units Avaliable] Wrys Bantu Jeorge Samson Participants: 1. mmKALLL - Frey, Norne, Hardin, Caesar, Wolf, Dolph, Beck, Macellan, Tiki, Est 2. Whitefang - Abel, Navarre, Draug, Midia, Lena, Vyland, Darros, Linde, Boah, Arran 3. Horace - Cain, Ogma, Sedgar, Jagen, Gaggles, Matthis, Bord, Horace, Etzel, Ymir 4. Quintessence - Caeda, Catria, Cord, Radd, Palla, Castor, Jake, Elice, Rickard, Lorenz 5. Clipseykitty - Barst, Merric, Orange (Roshea), Athena, Green (Tomas), Purple (Roger), Wendell, Astram, Maria, Minerva Dice Roll Simulator
  20. Hmm, odd, the cav always moves every time I try. The AI is odd in this game. Dorcas and Bartre and gonna have to get some exp in the next chapter unless you want a penalty though.
  21. Rath, Rebecca and Jaffar are already gone Also, don't tell us how many points they have.
  22. Know how many points said person has remaining, and what units they have. That's pretty much it.
  23. Uh, are we playing the same mode here? Chapter 13 map. Those cavs in front of Boies. They don't move until you get in their range. You didn't really account for them in your description. You said you had Marcus carrying Hector on the forest which is in their range, and the archer was on the other one, correct?
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