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  1. I play on a cart, so video and screenshot would be difficult. I can describe it. Basically, if all the extra units move forward, they'll get hit, except for whoever stops on the bridge. Caeda is not in range on turns 1 or 2. When they're wounded (the undrafteds), the AI targets them first. Caeda is positioned E of the forest tile to recruit Castor. You can count that Castor is 2 spaces from Jagen, who is 10 from Gomer. Marth can be next to Jagen or just behind. Ogma is killed on turn 2 EP after making the battle save. Draug hung back to stop the enemy around Darros from being irritating, then he went onto the fort. He's too slow to be of any use otherwise. Gordin didn't do much either. On the final turn he goes as far north as possible on the peninsula. He can be hit once if the pirate attacks draug from the north on turn 3 EP. Castor moves NE of Caeda, killing a pirate and freeing Marth and Jagen. Jagen takes his movement to Gomer and uses the vulnerary again. The three fighers move SW, S, and SE of Caeda. It's important that the one who was on the bridge is not directly S of Caeda, or she will be targeted. Don't ask me why it works this way, I guess the AI likes to be able to group up on beefier units if possible. Cain/Abel (whoever it was) is also still alive, though I can't remember how or if he needed to make a dodge. He was always around on turn 3, though, so the odds must have at least been pretty decent. From here, the pirates attack the undrafteds. The archer goes after a nearly dead guy, and a pirate or a horseman attacks Castor (he can't fight back). Oh, Caeda also was traded to equip the Wing Spear by an undrafted after pointlessly using a javelin. I believe the javelin strike was irrelevant. Who knows, maybe it made the horseman that she targeted behave differently. On the final run, Cord survived. I can't remember if this consistently happened or not, but after failing the hits a few times, forgetting how to line up my units, missing, and getting a lucky crit, I felt the chapter was finished when the run went as planned and they all hit normally.
  2. I never required Caeda to dodge, because she never was targeted (with proper positioning of my meatshields). I admit, it's not a great chance of success. I had to have 3 hits of .6 (about 1 in every 3 runs). I don't think it's outrageous. In fact, I got a crit and threw out that run and did it until I got the 3 normal hits.
  3. Eliwood 20 Lyn 20 Hector 21 Sain 20 Kent 20 Florina 20 Wil 20 Dorcas 20 Serra 20 Erk 20 Matthew 20 Rath 20 Nils 20 Lucius 20 Wallace 20 Lowen 20 Marcus 18 Rebecca 20 Bartre 20 Guy 20 Oswin 21 Canas 20 Priscilla 20 Raven 21 Dart 20 Fiora 20 Legault 20 Isadora 20 Heath 20 Hawkeye 20 Geitz 18 Farina 20 Pent 20 Louise 20 Karel 20 Harken 20 Nino 20 Jaffar 20 Vaida 20 Karla 20 Renault 18 Athos 20
  4. This has been happening to me quite a bit, too. You didn't have to restart, it would have kept us in suspense!
  5. Chapter 5 4/30 turns Castor reclassed to Pirate to cross the river. Jagen went to Swordmaster. Strangely, it said he was really close to B swords, but as a Paladin he’s barely made a dent in his sword rank. I’m not sure what the deal was, but I was hoping that he would get to the point where he could wield Silver Swords during the chapter. That did not happen, but he can still use a killing edge. I had been trying to fight through the enemies, but I just don’t have enough firepower to keep Caeda safe from the archers and to push through the knights. Instead, I drew the enemies away as much as possible. I still had to have Caeda kill one knight, with help from Castor. Caeda needed to take less than 3 damage to survive an encounter with the boss, which basically means not getting hit. Jagen killed a cavalier that should have tried to kill Vyland. I surround the archers and the remaining knight and Marth gets into position. I have enough wounded guys to target, keeping everyone pretty safe. Caeda ORKOs, and Marth can seize after everyone gets some exp and Matthis goes shopping for Javelins. Unit CLS LEV EXP MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES SWD LNC AXE BOW TOM STF Marth LRD 2 42 19 6 0 3 8 8 7 0 D-- - - - - - Jagen SWD 3 81 24 5 1 17 14 1 7 3 --C - - - - - Caeda PEG 5 83 19 5 1 8 15 11 7 6 - --D - - - - Gordin CAV 4 34 22 5 0 3 7 6 7 0 E-- -E- - - - - Castor PIR 4 67 22 7 0 1 6 3 5 0 - - E-- - - - Matthis CAV 2 50 20 5 0 2 6 0 7 0 E-- D-- - - - - Wolf HRS 3 22 22 6 0 6 8 5 6 1 E-- - - D-- - - Chapter 6 8/38 turns Sedgar takes up a spot in the doorway as a general, while my team works their way around. Matthis and Gordin are primarily on thief duty, though Marth and Castor help out as well. The cavs missed a lot…I got the Armorslayer and physic staff. Judicious use of shields allows the first 3 enemy groups to be defeated easily. The final group is not as easy. I try to get Jagen to counter with an armorslayer, but that fails as the armors attack the final generic in the area. This requires everyone to team up, but they also need to stay out of range (except for one brave unit) of the archer and mage to draw them in. It’s fairly amazing, but my units can barely kill the two. I also look and notice that Caeda will be 1HKO’d by the boss (19/20 HP). This is a new and startling development. She has a vulnerary, and uses the last of it. She needs to hit twice and then Jagen can finish, as Jagen cannot survive a hit either (He had also already used the last of the second vulnerary earlier). My general plan to kill stuff was to have Wolf use the Devil Axe if he could 1HKO. Jagen could ORKO most things, while Matthis and Gordin could help wound or pick off wounded enemies. Castor could really help out with knights for Caeda to finish with the Wing Spear. Marth helped out a bit as well. Oh, I guess he only attacked a thief once. Caeda crits the boss. On the one hand, she gets valuable exp. On the other, I lost a vulnerary for no good reason. Well, everyone else gets some exp and wexp on random stragglers before Marth seizes. Unit CLS LEV EXP MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES SWD LNC AXE BOW TOM STF Marth LRD 2 52 19 6 0 3 8 8 7 0 D-- - - - - - Jagen SWD 4 28 25 5 1 17 14 1 7 3 B-- - - - - - Caeda PEG 7 70 20 5 1 10 17 13 8 6 - C-- - - - - Gordin CAV 5 17 22 5 0 3 8 6 7 0 E-- --E - - - - Castor HUN 5 64 23 8 0 5 6 3 4 0 - - - -D- - - Matthis CAV 3 64 21 5 0 3 6 0 7 0 E-- -D- - - - - Wolf WAR 3 64 28 7 0 2 8 5 5 0 - - D-- E-- - - Chapter 6x 20 free turns/38 Well, I started this chapter, and quickly realized I needed a healer. Sorry Gordin and Caeda, you will have to get strength growths some other time. Caeda -> Myrmidon. While this may seem strange, I wanted her to work on her sword rank for future paladin fun. Further, her strength growth is equivalent in all physical classes she can currently access. Her speed growth suffers (slightly), but as a Myrm she has capped speed anyway, so she won’t grow that. She has 17 as a Pegasus Knight, though, so I don’t really care about her speed. +10 HP growth over archer is pretty boss as well. I left Jagen as a swordmaster because I want him to work on his sword rank and speed growths so he might actually double something as a paladin. It would also be nice to use armorslayers as a paladin, though that might be a while in coming. I figured out why he reached B swords so quickly as well. Swordmasters start with C rank in swords, and Jagen also starts with an extra 30 wexp in swords. This results in a D as a paladin, while as a swordmaster it is a C and then some extra (halfway to B). This means that he has C in swords as a paladin now. Wolf remained a warrior, in the hopes of +2 strength and +2 HP, as well as working toward wielding hammers. Castor went to fighter, for the growths and axe rank. Ideally he’ll be a hero on promotion. Matthis stayed a cav because he sucks. He needs strength and weapon levels. Gordin went to curate because his growths are worse than Matthis’s for being a cav. Can’t wait for Radd. I can have a 3-way competition for worst cavalier. The chapter itself was pretty trivial, though humorously I almost couldn’t defeat the boss. Wolf and Matthis attacked from range. Caeda had 9 ATK and couldn’t damage him. I had to have Jagen use the silver sword. There are plenty of silver swords in this game, though. Unit CLS LEV EXP MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES SWD LNC AXE BOW TOM STF Marth LRD 3 61 20 6 0 4 8 9 7 0 -D- - - - - - Jagen SWD 5 11 25 5 1 18 15 1 7 3 -B- - - - - - Caeda MYR 8 90 20 4 0 15 20 14 7 0 --E - - - - - Gordin CUR 8 10 20 0 1 4 7 7 3 7 - - - - - D-- Castor FTR 7 27 26 8 0 2 7 4 4 0 - - --E - - - Matthis CAV 5 14 23 7 0 3 7 0 9 0 E-- C-- - - - - Wolf WAR 4 49 30 8 0 3 9 6 6 0 - - --D -E- - - Chapter 7 6/44 I need bow users, so Castor and Gordin go back to their natural classes. Castor and Gordin kill Minerva, then the other dracoknight. Wolf and Caeda take on the majority of the Pegasus knights. A generic peg knight stands on the western fort, while the northern fort is easy to blockade. Wolf and Jagen kill the armors mainly to protect Caeda who needs to wound the boss, then Jagen finishes. Unit CLS LEV EXP MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES SWD LNC AXE BOW TOM STF Marth LRD 3 61 20 6 0 4 8 9 7 0 -D- - - - - - Jagen PAL 5 56 25 7 1 12 9 1 9 6 C-- --B - - - - Caeda PEG 10 42 22 7 1 12 19 16 8 6 - C-- - - - - Gordin ARC 8 23 20 5 0 6 7 7 6 1 - - - -D- - - Castor HUN 7 49 24 9 0 5 6 4 4 0 - - - -D- - - Matthis CAV 6 24 24 7 0 4 7 0 9 0 E-- C-- - - - - Wolf WAR 4 88 30 8 0 3 9 6 6 0 - - --D -E- - -
  6. Yeah. Alternatively make them required... lol, no. Free is fine. Also, my localization is NA (I'm using a cart) but I couldn't remember how to spell his name, so I just went with what I could find online.
  7. I'm kind of thinking of having a draft without restarts. Whoever gets the farthest wins. Tiebreaker would be turns taken to get there. Good luck with this LP, I hope I'll be able to follow along regularly. Given your LP history, it should be a great experience.
  8. Macellan and Ymir don't cost any turns to recruit, as opposed to everyone else who is left who won't be recruited at all. So even though they're not that good, they're quite literally better than nothing. But that's splitting hairs, I guess. Edit for turncounts. Well, I guess we all want to know the score to beat. Here's mine so far. It's not bad. Not great, but not bad. I probably should have gone for Bord over Wolf. One day I will figure out how this drafting thing works. Chapter 2 4/10 turns All but Cord die as they protect Marth on his way, and I use a lot of the Silver Lance. Worse, I use two vulneraries so that Jagen can dish out damage and survive a hit from Gomer. Castor is recruited and kills pirates. This is where most of my meatshields died, by protecting Caeda so that she can attack the boss and survive. I do manage to get the village, at least, and the boss is killed by an EP hit from Jagen, then Caeda, and then finished off by Jagen. Unit CLS LEV EXP MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES SWD LNC AXE BOW TOM STF Marth LRD 1 60 18 5 0 3 7 7 7 0 D-- - - - - - Jagen PAL 2 15 23 7 1 11 8 1 9 6 D-- B-- - - - - Caeda PEG 2 62 17 4 1 6 13 9 7 6 - D-- - - - - Gordin ARC 2 50 18 5 0 3 5 5 6 0 - - - D-- - - Castor HUN 3 60 21 7 0 3 6 3 4 0 - - - D-- - - Chapter 3 10/20 turns With all of my protectors dead (except Cord), I don't see a way to reach the boss very quickly. I grab the Killing Edge and the Devil Axe (probably Wolf will have a use for it…I wish it had extra wexp like in other games). Gordin and Castor actually prove mildly useful as they help pick off units from relatively safe positions, hugging the mountains and peaks. Jagen sits on the final fort to wound the enemies while Gordin and Castor help out from behind. Jagen gets a vulnerary and uses it twice (later). Once that’s done, Jagen stands and heals next to Reynard with the Silver Lance and counters. I’m not sure what I was thinking for this turn, but I switch to Steel Sword and heal once more. It’s only a net of 1 damage, but I guess Marth wasn’t in range anyway? Can’t remember how it worked. Anyway, the only way to go from here is to have Caeda hit. If she can’t, Gordin can try his luck, but he has a chance of death so I'd rather not. Caeda was able to hit. Then Marth has to hit with Steel and dodge at least one of two hits. Finally, Jagen finishes with a Steel Sword. It’s really the only way to do it without a drafted axe or sword user, barring a couple of misses from Reynard on Jagen’s first attempt. I couldn’t remember how to spell the boss’s name, so I used Reynard from this site and wod. Unit CLS LEV EXP MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES SWD LNC AXE BOW TOM STF Marth LRD 2 12 19 6 0 3 8 8 7 0 D-- - - - - - Jagen PAL 3 10 24 7 1 11 8 1 9 6 D-- -B- - - - - Caeda PEG 3 14 17 4 1 7 14 10 7 6 - -D- - - - - Gordin ARC 3 00 19 5 0 4 5 5 6 0 - - - -D- - - Castor HUN 4 20 22 8 0 4 6 3 4 0 - - - D-- - - Chapter 4 6/26 turns Fresh recruits allow a lot of freedom for my damage dealers. Jagen went to the fort to counter on EP. Knight!Cord sits on the nearby fort and delays the enemies. Matthis is worse than Gordin at being a cavalier. Seriously, these two are barely better than generics. Castor went Fighter, but whether that was helpful or not I’m not sure on. At the very least he didn’t need protection. Jagen used the Javelin on the knight, then countered again on EP. Marth killed the knight, and some sacrifices were made to the horsemen. Caeda and Gordin team up on a Horseman while the other is distracted way to the east. Matthis and Jagen wound one of the archers. The other archer is with the horseman to the east. Not many worries, but nonetheless I put units across the river as targets, and Caeda is free to attack the boss with impunity, while everyone else collects exp. Gordin got a nice level up to make up for the crap that he had been getting, and Caeda finally got some strength. Unit CLS LEV EXP MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES SWD LNC AXE BOW TOM STF Marth LRD 2 42 19 6 0 3 8 8 7 0 D-- - - - - - Jagen PAL 3 50 24 7 1 11 8 1 9 6 D-- --B - - - - Caeda PEG 5 10 19 5 1 8 15 11 7 6 - --D - - - - Gordin CAV 4 04 22 5 0 3 7 6 7 0 E-- E-- - - - - Castor FTR 4 57 24 7 0 1 7 3 4 0 - - E-- - - - Matthis CAV 2 20 20 5 0 2 6 0 7 0 E-- D-- - - - -
  9. Well, I didn't think either of them would make it back around. I am slightly upset that Crash gave JB two extra units, though. You never know. Tiki.
  10. Marth Embarks, Part Deux Turn about is far play Well, a few things about my last strategy. Apparently, it requires that Gazzak does not proc 9 speed. It also apparently required the hunter to have 21 HP instead of 22 HP. I didn't realize this until it failed. Horribly. I guess I got lucky. Since I figured it probably wouldn't happen again, I tried a new strategy. Chapter 1 - 6/6 turns Let's see...this time I put Jagen on the fort and hold Marth back one space. This forfeits a turn automatically, but does provide me with some leeway. For one, I can guarantee that both pirates attack Jagen on the fort even if I move Draug his full move. Handy. For another, it allows Marth to help kill pirates as needed, since I have 6 spaces to concede before I lose another turn. I had been trying to hold Gordin back, but with this new strategy, I advanced him, protecting him when possible, letting him get hit by at most one pirate when not possible. Gordin proves quite critical, killing a pirate that would have suicided into Marth on the penultimate PP, saving Marth from near certain death. I was worried about killing Gazak, but Jagen got a crit. I'm not resetting. I still don't understand drafting...that took me an hour to figure out, and even then it had a significant chance of failure. How do you guys do this so quickly? The AI isn't always predictable. Unit CLS LEV EXP MHP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES SWD LNC AXE BOW TOM STF Marth LRD 1 30 18 5 0 3 7 7 7 0 D-- - - - - - Jagen PAL 1 62 22 7 1 10 8 1 9 6 D-- B-- - - - - Caeda PEG 2 30 17 4 1 6 13 9 7 6 - D-- - - - - Gordin ARC 2 30 18 5 0 3 5 5 6 0 - - - D-- - -
  11. Well great, now I feel like an idiot. I am really sorry everyone. I think the issue has been resolved and does not need further discussion.
  12. Well, it's like rigging the Prologue of FE8. If you don't do it, you're screwed. Ah well, it's not like I have to throw out all the strategy I used.
  13. I honestly expected most others to do it as well. (Not you, though, Eclipse). I am sorry, I will start over and I will not battle save for any criticals, only for unit positioning. But then I may as well not battle save at all. It'd be more useful to have a unit in combat. So it really should just be prohibited. I personally will not object to anyone else using battle saves for any purpose. I shouldn't have even asked about it, I guess.
  14. I understand that. Normally, I wouldn't bother with it myself, but I want to do the best that I can for my team. It only takes a few seconds to reset, and you can only do it once or twice per chapter, so I figured I'd give it a shot.
  15. 1. Yes. It's a 1 in 20 chance, basically rolling a icosahedron. I draw the line exactly there. Anything less isn't worth my time. Maybe I should draw the line further, though. I ran the numbers and there's only a 78.5% chance of seeing at least one after 30 tries. Guess I got lucky and my patience didn't run out. At any rate, I don't see myself needing to rig anything like that for the rest of the game, as it should be all strategy/stat gains now. If you want me to restart, I will. It's not like I'm rigging Caeda to dodge everything, though. That would be insane. 2. Nope, they are not mixed up. I reclassed first, then posted stats. I figure that's more relevant. EDIT: Confused my dice.
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