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General Horace

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Everything posted by General Horace

  1. TURN 5 Lissa's RENEWAL heals her by 20HP (80/80) VS Cherche @Yewfelle attacks Pothead @Balmung! 19 damage, 71% hit, 0% crit (25, 53) Donnel takes 19 damage! (13/80) Anon's turn. Anon Nintales 8 00/80 Cherche 80/80 Libra 55/80 Lissa 80/80 Maribelle 00/80 Olivia 00/80 Donnel 13/80 Someone 80/80 Tiki 80/80 Kellam 80/80
  2. TURN 4 Tiki's BOND heals Pothead's health by 10HP (32/80) VS Libra @Forseti attacks Lissa @Superior Jolt! 20 damage, 94% hit, 0% crit (80) Vengeance (30, 70) Lissa takes 20 damage! (60/80) Lissa counters! 25 damage, 70% hit, 0% crit (10, 49) Libra takes 25 damage! (55/80) Nintales' turn. Anon Nintales 8 00/80 Cherche 80/80 Libra 55/80 Lissa 60/80 Maribelle 00/80 Olivia 00/80 Donnel 32/80 Someone 80/80 Tiki 80/80 Kellam 80/80
  3. TURN 3 GALEFORCE VS Olivia @Superior Edge attacks Pothead @Balmung! 23 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit (11) Olivia's ASTRA activates! Pothead takes 11 damage 5 times! (12/80) Pothead counters! 29 damage, 55% hit, 0% crit (30) Pothead activates SOL! (9, 45) Olivia finally dies! Pothead heals 10HP (22/80) Anon's turn. I'm gone for a few hours though. Gotta lose to icesage more in smash Might try to update between games or something though Anon Nintales 8 00/80 Cherche 80/80 Libra 80/80 Lissa 80/80 Maribelle 00/80 Olivia 00/80 Donnel 22/80 Someone 80/80 Tiki 80/80 Kellam 80/80
  4. I clearly thought it was part of some master plan. all according to keikaku.
  5. I questioned it a lot too. TURN 3 Cherche's BOND heals Olivia by 10HP (21/80) VS Olivia @Yewfelle attacks 8 @Brave Sword! 24 damage, 92% hit, 0% crit (2) Olivia activates ASTRA! (23, 88) 8 dies on the first hit though. Olivia activates GALEFORCE! She must move again! Anon Nintales 8 00/80 Cherche 80/80 Libra 80/80 Lissa 80/80 Maribelle 00/80 Olivia 21/80 Donnel 67/80 Someone 80/80 Tiki 80/80 Kellam 80/80
  6. TURN 2 Tiki's BOND heals Donnel by 10 HP (67/80) VS 8 @Brave Sword attacks Olivia @Superior Edge! Olivia's VANTAGE activates! 31 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit (20) Olivia's ASTRA activates! 8 Takes 15 damage 5 times for a total of 75 damage! (5/80) 8 counters! 28x2 damage, 39% hit, 0% crit (85) Luna (21, 65) Miss! (75) (25, 31) Olivia takes 28 damage! (11/80) Nintales' turn. Anon Nintales 8 05/80 Cherche 80/80 Libra 80/80 Lissa 80/80 Maribelle 00/80 Olivia 11/80 Donnel 67/80 Someone 80/80 Tiki 80/80 Kellam 80/80
  7. TURN 1 GALEFORCE VS Olivia @Superior Edge attacks Pothead @Balmung! 23 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit (36) Astra Donnel takes 23 damage! (57/80) Donnel counters! 29 damage, 55% hit, 0% crit (82) Sol (31, 99) Donnel misses! Anon's turn. Anon Nintales 8 80/80 Cherche 80/80 Libra 80/80 Lissa 80/80 Maribelle 00/80 Olivia 39/80 Donnel 57/80 Someone 80/80 Tiki 80/80 Kellam 80/80
  8. TURN 1 VS Olivia @Brave Sword attacks Maribelle @Book of Naga! 24x2 damage, 86% hit, 0% crit (37) Astra (32, 88) Maribelle takes 24 damage! (56/80) (43) (12, 87) Maribelle takes 24 damage! (32/80) Maribelle counters! 41 damage, 89% hit, 0% crit (75, 48) Olivia takes 41 damage! (39/80) Olivia doubles! (10) Olivia's ASTRA activates! (83, 40) Maribelle takes 12 damage! (20/80) (94, 41) Maribelle takes 12 damage! (8/80) (87, 64) Maribelle falls! Olivia's GALEFORCE activates! She must move again! Anon Nintales 8 80/80 Cherche 80/80 Libra 80/80 Lissa 80/80 Maribelle 00/80 Olivia 39/80 Donnel 80/80 Someone 80/80 Tiki 80/80 Kellam 80/80
  9. i can be around to host for around an hour now if you guys wanna blast through it. After today i'm gonna only be around for 2 updates a day or so.
  10. am I just blind or has nintales posted a move yet? thanks for the stats guys.
  11. just copy one of my old charts, put it in notepad, replace the stats you copied with the stats from your team, then paste it here, and surround it with code tags [code.] [/code.] (without the periods. It's the <> icon in the postbox too.
  12. i'm just too busy to update currently, sorry guys. It would help if you guys initially sent me stats (with hit/avo/crit) so I wouldn't have to do that myself, but it's not necessary.
  13. it begins! they had weird rules I can't be bothered to list out here, which is why there are so many CHUMPS TEAM ANON hey, Libra is actually good! What's he doing here. VS TEAM NINTALES too lazy for random.org but as i'm typing this it's 5:49 which means Nintales goes first because it's an odd number. also don't have time for stats currently, maybe if you guys gave me them they'd be here UNIT HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS HIT AVO CRiT ASSASSIN!8 80 41 30 48 45 47 33 29 95 91 24 SORCERER!LIBRA 80 30 45 39 40 44 41 45 80 82 19 SAGE!MARIBELLE 80 27 48 44 42 48 28 42 90 87 22 HERO!DONNEL 80 43 29 45 41 48 41 35 91 85 22 BRIDE!TIKI 80 40 38 42 43 47 42 42 86 88 21 ---------------------------------------------------- UNIT HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS HIT AVO CRIT BRIDE!CHERCHE 80 43 39 41 41 45 43 38 84 84 20 WALKYRIE!LISSA 80 28 44 37 43 47 29 46 79 88 21 ASSASSIN!OLIVIA 80 40 30 49 47 45 30 29 96 93 25 HERO!SOMEONE 80 44 30 49 39 44 42 36 95 80 20 GENERAL!KELLAM 80 51 30 42 33 43 53 35 84 71 20
  14. I could get the match up, but I likely can't start hosting till later tonight (well I just won't be around because im gonna be playing SMASH BROS). Anyone else here have free time to get the match started?
  15. I actually like a lot of what you've done here, I'm gonna give this a spin later on tonight and i'll try to give some feedback when I beat it. Just looking at things though, some dudes like Duessel probably don't really need much of a nerf (any point in speed he loses is HUGE) when the enemies are getting better, although I won't really be able to tell for sure until I get to his chapters. I'm guessing Kyle and Forde are going to be a lot worse too (especially Forde) since their stats are VERY underwhelming for their level. Sure, they're cavaliers, but in just an every day run of the game, they're already kind of a letdown in the main game. With better enemies, i'm sure they'll be much weaker here too.
  16. As in how they work? Each unit can have 5 support points, A support points count for three points, B two, and C one, meaning a unit can have an A support and a B support, or two B's and a C (or any combination you can find really). As for the bonus's they give, they're all listed here: http://serenesforest.net/blazing-sword/characters/supports/calculation/ Note if a support gives 1.5 attack, it's rounded down to 1 (or any decimal really) So if you had Renault (an anima affinity) with an A support with Bartre (thunder), both units would get 1 attack, 3 defence, 15 avoid, 7 crit, and 15 critical avoid.
  17. FE8's will be a bit different, there are different S ranks and some different normal weapons too, and they might have different MT/hit too, i'm not toally sure.
  18. TURN 15 VS Chrom @Brave Axe attacks Sully @Brave Bow! 26x2 damage, 80% hit, 0% crit (70) (27) Luna! (60, 67) Sully dies and Nintales is the victor!
  19. TURN 13 VS Walhart @Brave Axe attacks Sully @Brave Bow! 39x2 damage, 59% hit, 0% crit (11) Walhart's LUNA activates! (52, 72) Miss! (88) (18, 58) Sully takes 39 damage! (41/80) NINTALES CARMINE SWORD THARJA 80/80 RICKEN 00/80 VIRION 43/80 CHROM 00/80 FLAVIA 00/80 BASILIO 00/80 CHROM 80/80 THARJA 00/80 WALHART 05/80 SULLY 41/80
  20. TURN 12 VS Sully @Brave Bow attacks Walhart @Brave Axe! 0x2 damage, 99% hit, 0% crit (3) Sully's LUNA activates! (79, 65) Walhart takes 25 damage! (55/80) (57) Walhart takes no damage! (48) Sully's LUNA activates! (36, 55) Walhart takes 25 damage! (30/80) (34) Sully's LUNA activates! (96, 4) Walhart takes 25 damage! (5/80) Nintales' turn. NINTALES CARMINE SWORD THARJA 80/80 RICKEN 00/80 VIRION 43/80 CHROM 00/80 FLAVIA 00/80 BASILIO 00/80 CHROM 80/80 THARJA 00/80 WALHART 05/80 SULLY 80/80 Needed a quad Luna proc unfortunately, 39 strength too good.
  21. TURN 11 VS Virion @Celica's Gale attacks Chrom @Brave Lance! 18x2 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit (68) Chrom dies! Virion's LIFETAKER activates! He heals 40HP (43/80) Carmine's turn. 'Twas a thing of beauty! NINTALES CARMINE SWORD THARJA 80/80 RICKEN 00/80 VIRION 43/80 CHROM 00/80 FLAVIA 00/80 BASILIO 00/80 CHROM 80/80 THARJA 00/80 WALHART 80/80 SULLY 80/80
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