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Posts posted by FoxyGrandpa

  1. Pretty sure this is fake, but Celica's sprite being different than the one in echoes isn't really good justification. The sprites between awakening and echoes have really different styles in general, so a new sprite could have been made to match fates/awakening's style.

    Lyn being in the game would make sense since she was by far the most popular female character in the poll, so the devs could have added her last minute.

    What prevents me from believing this is real is how shadow Dragon has so few characters. Unless they do something like give Caeda whitewing skins, I don't see how they could justify this.

  2. I know that this probably won't happen, but I really want that one Ballista map from Shadow Dragon. Don't know why, but I found it to be one of the most memorable maps from that game.

    The final map of Shadow Dragon also needs to be in this game. Its probably the best final map in the series.

  3. FE2 / FE15

    Dread fighter: Like this class a lot more than the Swordmaster class and would like to see it either replace the Swordmaster class or be a third tier promotion to it. Way more useful overall due to possessing the same high speed and skill as swordmaster, while also having higher movement and being much better mage checks.

    Priestess: Very nice class due to being incredibly versatile and strong. Might need a few changes however, like improved movement. If the magic weapon triangle is present, I would like to see them wield Light Magic

    Cantor: Summoning enemies is still a pretty cool gimmick and I do feel it can lead to some clever map design. I think the devs should work on making the number of monsters able to be summoned a fixed number rather than completely random, however. I would like to see them wield Dark Magic

    Witch: Teleportation is a pretty fun gimmick, especially in the hands of the player, though it needs some obvious changes. Would like to see them use Dark Magic.


    Baron: This version of the Baron class is pretty interesting in that its able to weld a ridiculous amount of weapons, namely Magic. Magic based Armor Knights seems really interesting and I would like the Switch game to give us an Armor Class capable of wielding Magic. Baron's themselves should be enemy exclusive units, mainly for bosses and the like.


    Monk: Light magic wielding base class is pretty cool and I think Monk is generally the best one.


    Mage Knight: This version of the Mage Knight is my favorite one due to wielding Staves instead of swords. Would be like the valkyrie, but wield Anima Magic.


    Dark Knight: Same class as before, but reworked to use Dark Magic.


    Spear Master: Cool S-Rank spear fighting class.

    Maids / Butlers: I like these guys as healers. IMO they should be changed to be the default promotion of the Cleric class.

  4. Pretty much every class in this game is good. Baron's are sorta the exception since they have bad movement and warp was ultra nerfed, but they still have their uses as tanks on some maps and are probably the best users of combat arts due to their superb attack and lowish speed. Mages / priestesses also suffer from bad movement, but their ridiculous damage output and good range makes them really good at softening up / killing most enemies in the game and utility spells like heal always lets them contribute.

  5. Wasn't expecting Elise, but I'm glad she's in. Out of the 4 Fate's sisters, she was always my favorite and I think they did her justice with her moveset. The way she attacks with her staff really differentiates her from Leo. 

    Music is also sounding superb, though there seems to be an overemphasis on the guitar.


  6. I liked the class system a lot more than other games in the series. Most classes usually have some solid balancing factor that still makes them feel very powerful, but limited in some regards. For example, the Sage has ridiculously high power and range with the ability to heal, but is balanced by low movement + spell HP Cost. Other classes have this sort of  balancing in place as well and though some classes are better than others, almost every class feels powerful. The one exception is the Knight / Baron and that's largely since their pros (Tankyness, amazing Stat bases) are either not useful or not exclusive enough to make up for their 4 movement. If they had 5 movement, or a much better skill, then I probably would be singing a different tune, but alas. 

    Some classes having only one rather than promotions is kind of a let down as well, but at the very least, most of the classes that do have 1 promotion end up getting some really neat perks (Falcoknights with banish for example) and usually the base class is still has a strong enough niche to still contribute (Mages still have ridiculous power, clerics have great utility, Pegasus Knights still have amazing movement). 

  7. Clive

    I like his character quite a bit, especially after the rise of the deliverance DLC. Definetly portrayed him as a strong character and a good though somewhat flawed leader. His role in the story is pretty good too I feel. Most of his initial encouragement of Alm comes off as empty praise to make him continue forward and he does later question Alm's methods without being portrayed as a villain, which I like. The moment where he lets out his rage on Alm for Mathilda's death and other things is probably one of the most emotional moments in the game and its a shame that it won't be seen by most players. I also liked the subplot with him and Fernand, though I do wish it was expanded on.

    As a unit, I think he's probably the most underrated unit in the game. For the early and mid game, his bulk and attacking stats make him really useful as a mobile tank. Even after mathilda joins, he's still retains a pretty solid niche over her thanks to his higher defense and HP. It was only around Act 3 when everyone reached their third tier class that I found him somewhat underwhelming, since Mathilda's HP and Defense problems were fixed and her higher Speed stat began to show its importance more clearly.


    I hate is design, but I think his character is pretty fun. His support conversations with Deen and Saber were somewhat decent, but I wish there was more substance to them. The memory prism with Silque was also pretty decent as well. Shame he doesn't have a support with her (or Est for that matter). Personally, I like him less than Inigo / Laslow, but that's largely since he doesn't have as many supports as Inigo does to show more of his character.

    As a unit, I found him to be the most unnecessary character in Celica's route, largely because Deen, Atlas, Saber, and Kamui all performed most of the roles he was trying to fulfill already. Even Nomah was more useful just because of his innate 1-3 range with Arrow and healing ability with staves


    His plan was really questionable, but I do like how he was portrayed in the story. A large reason that he's believed to be a tyrant in the story is just because other characters call him one and he's sending troops to Zofia (which are valid reason to assume he's mad). In the discussion he has with the other antagonist, however, he doesn't really portray himself as an overly vicious ruler. Most of the stuff he says usually has a somewhat evil undertone to it, but not overly so, and he only agrees to do what others suggest rather than suggest things himself. This makes it more believable when his, again questionable plan, is revealed.

    My biggest problem with him is that alot of his character behind the scenes isn't really shown in the story. It would have been nice to see him pray for his son's success, or mourn his lost troops or worry about Berkut, but all of this is just implied, not actually shown. 

    As a boss, he's only somewhat difficult in Hard Mode. 

  8. 11 minutes ago, thecrimsonflash said:

    Do you honestly think people are so stupid that a simple hate comment is enough to deter them from buying a game can you, let me know about anyone that you have me who said something along the lines of "Yeah I was going to buy this one game but then some guy on a forum said they didn't like what they saw and that it sucks, so I'm not buying it now."? If someone has decided to buy the game what could I say that would deter them from buying the game, I have already concluded that I will be getting FEW day one and if you could think of anything that you or anyone could say that would make me not buy the game I would love to hear it. If the game bombs it will have nothing to do with a few hundred jerks on serenes forest saying they don't personally approve of what was decided upon for the character selection, it will be because the game was poorly advertised or it just being bad.

    TMS#FE was a great example of poor advertising killing a game. The game was announced one year then vanished with no mention for way longer than should have been considered acceptable by any reasonable consumers, then by the time it launched you needed a person who was following the project from day one to translate to you that this was that shin megami tense/fire emblem crossover that was mentioned all those years back, regardless of the games quality it never boasted the fire emblem name in any way that the common consumer could understand, this doesn't appear to be the case with FEW at least so they are already ahead there in that regard. The Fire Emblem name alone will sell copies and nothing I or anyone else on this forum can say anything that will change that.

    Also on the topic of constructive criticism I am beginning to think that constructive criticism only constitutes you dancing around the real issue and never actually criticizing the person's work, I fail to see what's wrong with saying "no Ike no buy" the person is saying very clearly what their problem is and offering a solution, "I want jugdral characters" an acceptable problem with an equally foreseeable answer, "this game sucks until roy is in it and I will not buy it until he is" Perhaps not the nicest way to put it but once more a problem and an answer. Whether these problems can be rectified now is debateable but this could still be solved in a hypothetical sequel which may or may not come, I feel that it is best to get our feelings on the matter established now rather than have them fall into the same pitfall next time. 

    And looking at the reverse, would blind optimism boost sales to any degree, if everyone collectively on this forum just started saying "this game looks great, they don't need to change anything, god I will never miss those pre-shadow dragon characters" would that make this game sell better than the wii in its entire lifetime day one? 

    Negative aura surrounding a game's launch generally lowers people's interest in buying the game. I know alot of people who didn't buy Paper Mario Color Splash and star fox zero just because of massive backlash that the games were receiving in the comments section of their trailers. With Fire Emblem Warriors, this is a bit different since the problem has less to do with the gameplay and more with the roster, so I can concede to your point that it ultimately won't affect sales.

    Doesn't matter that it wasn't advertised, it still bombed hard. Yeah, it was ultimately on Nintendo for advertising the game horribly, but all they see is that the numbers were terrible. If they see that the numbers on this game are terrible as well, then Fire Emblem crossovers / spinoffs are pretty much done, outside of maybe having a few simpler mobile titles like FEH every now and then. Yes, Nintendo is doing a much better job of advertising this game, but it still runs into the possibility of not doing terrifically well based on the trailer's view count.

    As for complaints, I can't help but feel they come across as extremely petty just because that's all that's talked about. Like I agree that some criticism should be talked about now and then so that the developers can address it eventually, but when that's all thats talked about, it gets really annoying just because it overshadows a lot of other elements of the game that might generate interesting discussion, such as each character's moveset, potential stages, etc. 

    And I do think optimism is a good element to have, though not for sales. It creates significantly more interesting discussion than just one blanket negative element. Maybe "blind optimism" isn't the way to go, but mixing some positive elements in addition to negative elements about the game makes discussion much more interesting.

  9. I'm excited to play as Leo and Takumi. Camilla and Hinoka seem pretty fun too.

    Voice acting and lighting seem pretty meh tho. I'll probably enjoy the game in spite of these issues.

    16 minutes ago, thecrimsonflash said:

    if you never voice your opinions on a matter then the creators will never improve and if you don't do so often enough, you will never be heard.

    when the charging port on my 3ds broke, it took my dad two weeks to help me fix it, and he would constantly forget about it, it would still be broken if I hadn't pestered him about it as much as I did.

    The squeaky wheel gets the grease and this fanbase really wants grease.

    MMM... grease.

    No sales = No profit = No sequels / DLC. Yeah, you can complain now, but ultimately you are discouraging a lot of people from buying the game, meaning that the developers won't be able to make a sequel since the game didn't make enough of a profit. Nintendo will probably stop making FE spin-offs as well if this flops, given that the last game, TMS#FE, bombed after years of development.




  10. Since the next game won't be on a dual screen handheld like the past five games were, how do you think the UI for maps will change? Will character info be moved to a second screen like in the GBA games, or will it be present on the side like in Fire Emblem heroes?

    Also, do you think the control scheme will be tweaked as well with the franchises move to switch? Since the System uses a single capacitive touchscreen, moving characters like in FE heroes will be possible. Additionally, the games control scheme is simple enough to be played on a single joycon, making 2 player local co-op and battles possible.

  11. Since the next game won't be on a dual screen handheld like the past five games were, how do you think the UI for maps will change? Will character info be moved to a second screen like in the GBA games, or will it be present on the side like in Fire Emblem heroes?

    Also, do you think the control scheme will be tweaked as well with the franchises move to switch? Since the System uses a single capacitive touchscreen, moving characters like in FE heroes will be possible. Additionally, the games control scheme is simple enough to be played on a single joycon, making 2 player local co-op and battles possible.

  12. Alm: I like him. He has a lot of really solid banter with the supporting cast that humanizes him and I really like how when other characters like Clive question him, he convinces them with the results of his actions rather than words alone. I also love how characters like Luthier and Clive want him to be king based more on his achievements rather than his station of birth.

    Alm "being perfect" doesn't really bother me that much since his initial situation is fairly dire and I do believe he makes a few notable mistakes in the main campaign itself, like being lured in by Nuibaba, killing his father, and possibly not saving Mathilda. Additionally, he was the driving force that led Fernand and Berkut to both die, though it can be argued that that was more their own fault rather than his.

    What does bother me is the hard on he develops for Celica in Act 4. I didn't really feel his reasons for this were explained particularly well and I think he and Celica should have had some sort of meeting or confrontation first before these feelings developed.

    I'll probably talk about Celica later when I have more free time

  13. My opinions have either stayed the same or generally rose for most elements of the game. Only element where my opinion has somewhat declined is the dungeon crawling and that's only because you can't immediately run away / retreat from the battles, something a sequel on switch can easily fix.

    My opinion on how much "better" this game is compared to the other 3ds entries has generally declined, however. Its not because this game is underwhelming, but rather, I've begun to notice a lot more positives in the other games. I would still say that this is my favorite 3DS entry, but I can certainly see where people are coming from if they think Awakening or Fates are better games

  14. Colosseum mode seems like it will be p. cool. Still hoping that a mode w/ standard FE gameplay makes it into the final game somehow.

    Based on the interview, it looks like we are getting 25 to 30 characters, which is a pretty good amount. And it seems like there will be a fair amount of characters from all three games, which I'm pretty happy about.

    *Insert generic complaint about all games in the series not being representative"

  15. I think the characters that will be revealed are pretty much guaranteed to be Takumi and Camilla. Just looking at the popularity polls, they clearly surpass every other Male Archer and Female Rider, respectively.

    I'm pretty happy if Takumi makes it in since he was one of my favorite characters in Fates overall. Camilla is more of a mixed bag, but I didn't feel that she was as terrible as most people let on. 


  16. I want a mode that uses the grid style of gameplay Fire Emblem is know for in tandem with Dynasty warriors gameplay, with things such as character locations on a map affecting what environments are rendered when switching to the dynasty warriors style. On player phase, battles with enemies will switch to the dynasty warriors style of gameplay, while on enemy phase, your characters just take damage.

  17. This bond conversation looks really good. Hope more bond conversations between awakening and Shadow Dragon characters take a similar direction to the one presented here.

    Also, might just be me, but the way these models look in these conversations is really good, though Marth's hands look way too large.

  18. FE6 easily. The core game is good, but the game has an insane amount of smaller issues that a remake could easily fix. Things like Roy's extremely late promotion, class specific promotion items, reinforcements instantly attacking the player, etc. etc. are all little things that can be remedied by a remake. Roy's an extremely popular character too in the west, so marketability would be much easier than it would for other games.


  19. Personally, I would like to see the next game bring back dismounting, but alter it so that the player's initial Sword Rank starts at D-Rank when dismounted, combine Attack and magic to one stat, bring back Skills, but alter it so that certain skills are exclusive to a class while others can be passed on to other classes (i.e Swordmaster's get exclusive access to Astra, but can pass on Swordfaire to other classes), let the player be able to choose whether they want the game to use the weapon triangle or not when starting a save file, bring back weapon weight, but use the system present in FE1-3 rather than the one used in FE5-11, and bring back weapon durability, but alter it so that the weapons break rather than be completely destroyed and allow the player to repair them for a price.

    Pairup could be brought back, but stat bonuses should be nerfed and Guard Stance charge time should be increased. Magic should function the same way it does in Echoes and Gaiden. Inventory Space should be more limited, allowing the unit to hold 2-3 weapons, 1 Food Item, and one "Other" Item, like an accessory or star shard.


  20. 8 hours ago, Tolvir said:

    Interesting. I really hope this is carried over to the Switch. Allowing exploration and movement like this would be such a huge step forward for the series. It is what I hope SoV's success will show to IS. As it is I really hope dungeons are carried over to the next Fire Emblem, it was so much fun for me even though the controls werent great.

    Honestly, controls felt as good as other RPGs where dungeon crawling is a thing, namely Persona and Shin Megami Tensei, but that's just my opinion.

    Personally think this is interesting, but I'm glad villages were handled the way they were after seeing this. Being able to freely explore villages would bring a whole host of new issues like wasting time coding colliders for houses and other objects, making it harder and more time consuming to talk to villagers, limiting player control with things like invisible walls, etc. The view the game gives you in the visual novel style makes minor nuances and issues with things like textures and polycounts stand out a lot less as well.

  21. Mae from my experience was pretty good, though my Mae ended up getting really good stat gains in defense, which may have contributed to her usefulness. Her ability to ORKO most enemies in the early game was extremely useful in maps like Grieth's Fortress, where she was able to easily dispatch the snipers with Thunder. She falls off quite a bit in the later game though since her movement, range, and spells don't really improve too much after getting Aura, but she still has her uses with the recover spell once she promotes.

    I gave Boey 2 Speed boost from the lion head statue in the early game, so he started out pretty decent there. However, my Boey got stat screwed hard, to the point where his only good stat was strength in the mid game. He ended up being a terrible front-lines unit since his defense was pretty low and he got doubled by everything. However, his 3 range chip damage from thunder was still incredibly useful since he could take between a third to a half of the enemies health, making him invaluable to help train weaker units like Est, who struggle to ORKO enemies early on. Once he promoted to a sage, his usefulness as a chipper improved due to the Arrow Spell Allowing him to chip 60-75% of the enemies health, which was extremely useful against the Hi-Knights use encounter later in the game. Recover Spell also gave him a bit of added utility as a healer. Overall, not as good as Mae or Celica, but he still is fairly useful.

    On 6/10/2017 at 3:56 PM, L9999 said:


    Damn, this guy rivals Boey in terms of purely awful bases. Doubled by everything in the map and on top of that innaccurate? Screw his growths, he won't be of any help when he arrives and you keep getting much better characters after he joins. You can live without an archer in Alm's route, its not like Celica route with BS cantors and archer/witch spam. I guess if the RNG blesses you with his so called good growths Python can turn out good but that is relying on an unreliable computer system. He gets a 3/10 from me. 


    Disagree with this statement completely. There are a several hordes of Sorcerers on Alm's Route and their ridiculous damage output makes them very dangerous for most standard units to go up against, especially if you can't kill them all in one round of combat. Archer's ability double attack them (assuming they have Mire) makes the class really valuable on Alm's route.

    I will say that Kliff winding up being a significantly better Archer than Python for me since his Resistance, Speed and Skill stats were significantly higher (allowing him to go up against horders of Sorcerer's much more safely and wield heavier and less accurate Bows with less penalties) but Python was still a strong contributor for a majority of the game as a mage killer. Outside of his ability to kill mages, he's still decent for being able to deal decent chip damage to things like Terrors, Paladins, etc. 

  22. My three top picks for games that should get remakes are Binding Blade, Tharcia 776, and the Sacred Stones.

    Binding Blade, while a very good game, suffered from a few general problems, with things such as poor character balance, somewhat poor character development, Roy's late promotion, etc. Additionally, the story while good, isn't fleshed out as much as I would like. A remake would really help fixing these things. Roy is super popular in the US too, so having an official localization of his game would be nice for western fans of Fire emblem.

    Tharcia 776, like binding blade, also had a fair share of issues, such as a nearly nonexistent presence of the weapon triangle, nonexsistent character developement, etc. That being said, it would be a bit harder to remake this game since its a side story to FE4 and Leif is significantly less popular than Roy, but it did have a ton of cool features I would love to see return, like dismounting and capturing units.

    Sacred Stones is sort of the odd one here since its a game that has already been localized. However, I feel that I lot of elements in this game weren't fully fleshed out due to the game's length and a remake could help alleviate that. Make the end game longer, add phantom versions of generic units, maybe take a bit more influence from Gaiden / Echoes and allow the player to fully explore locations like the Tower of Valni, etc. 

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