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Everything posted by Kaladin

  1. Thanks again! Alright, just updated.
  2. Thanks! ^.^ I'll be online for about another hour or so. I'll edit after I grab the skill.Edit: Got it.
  3. Glad I could help! Sure thing! Alright, I'll leave them both up for a couple more days. Good to hear! I'm looking for Shurikenbreaker or Wary Fighter for Ophelia and Grisly Wound or Counter for Oboro, any of those skills would be greatly appreciated C:
  4. No problem, I won't be swapping around my sig units until Wednesday. ^.^
  5. Sure, give me 5 min.Edit: Updated. Should be all set!
  6. I have a Nina with Lifetaker. I'm currently out of the house, I'll update this post after I've added her to my castle ^^
  7. Yes, just updated my castle.
  8. I'll update my castle with her within the hour.Edit: Updated
  9. Yep, I'll update my castle in a bit. Let me know when you recruit her, I need to swap some characters around.
  10. I have Lancefaire for Silas. Just swapped him in and removed Jakob. My castle code is in my sig.
  11. I've got a Caeldori with bowbreaker. She should have it right now, I'll double check and get back to you. EDIT: Should be good to go! Let me know if she doesn't have it. :)
  12. I recently started collecting skills as well, could a couple people give my castle a quick look through? I want to make sure everything is in working order. I'll be updating my list of units in my sig with their proper skills in a couple of hours. Here's my castle code: 02154-65591-00653-65000 (Valla Route) I apologize in advance for the dusk dragon >.> All units should be on hold, let me know if that isn't the case.
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