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Posts posted by Patrickzzz

  1. I'm getting more and more discouraged every time I look at these...

    Awesome work! She's looks stunning!

    Now i know for sure i'm not gonna win, but even so these awesome submissions ar ereally inspiring for me. This one is beautiful by the way.

  2. No offense but I always wondered why people kept saying that.

    Average Level 1 Master Lord SoS!Roy:

    37 HP, 33 Att, 52 Avoid, 17 AS/Def, 16 Res

    In chapter 22 HM:

    He ORKOes most Bishops, Druids w/o Nos, sometimes Berserkers and Mamkutes. He's mostly getting 3HKOed at ~50% Hit rates (the player will probably give him at least one Angelic Robe but I didn't include it in this calculation. That would almost feel like I'm rewarding Roy for being so bad that he needs an Angelic Robe in order to avoid getting OHKOed by Bolting). That's neither really bad nor exceptionally good.

    Yes, he ORKOes the entirety of chapter 24 (except maybe Jahn) but the same holds true for any trained unit that uses Legendary weapons and those will all have better stats than Roy anyway. He can get some credit for killing Idoun efficiently but that doesn't mean he's amazing.

    My Roy OHKO'd Idoun but also Zephiel and pretty much anyone on Normal Mode after getting SoS, but then again like i said i didn't check averages back then.

  3. I really like it too.

    My favorite character has to be Toph she is awesome. As for favorite element i would go with Air, it's my favorite element in general not just on Avatar so i'm highly biased xD, and i have to agree with some of you, although the show has many epic moments i think Azula's final battle is the best for me.

  4. Hello my name is Patrick, my favorite FE game is Blazing Sword, and i've been visiting the site for a while but i never noticed it had a forum until the scribbles contest announcement so i decided to join it. I really like strategy games and fire emblem is one of my favorite series.

    Short introduction is short(because i'm lazy) but hopefully i will stick around here and be a part of this community. :Roy:

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