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Everything posted by Skipper

  1. I already have revelations but I haven't beaten Birthright yet and haven't even begun conquest yet either lol, these games are hard!! I find it much harder than Awakening!
  2. At chapter 15 Birthright, so fun!! I really like most of the characters the only one I don't care for is Azama. Things are getting serious! :D
  3. At chapter 11 Birthright, so much fun!! I like pretty much all characters, it's hard to decide who you want to invest in! As for Azura, there are numerous stages where you can just wait before you kill the boss and have her sing for as many turns as you like! Atleast in Birthright!
  4. Store opens in 9 hours, time to watch LOTR trilogy or something!!! AAAAAHHHH Hope everyone has a great time tomorrow!
  5. Goddammit!!! :D Tomorrow my boys!!!!!!!
  6. I'm also adding all of you if it's alright! My FC: 2122-8143-5602 Name: Adam Can't wait!!
  7. The hyyype!!!!!! I'm also adding you guys if that's ok!! My FC: 2122-8143-5602 Name: Adam 3 days! Finally!
  8. Gamereactor has always been bad in my opinion I really don't like them
  9. 12 days my boys! Got the special edition
  10. Just a little over 2 weeks! Almost here guys! The hype!!
  11. Cool! I like it! Good luck man! Alright! Hopefully you can reward yourself with Fates when it comes out after all the studying!
  12. 2 Months left my friends! What are you going to play in the meantime?
  13. Maybe it's a preliminary thing, but you can call them yourself if you want
  14. Just got my Special Edition pre-ordered! Hype is nuts!! Check your gamestop's people, Sweden's gamestops just recieved word that only 1 Special edition PER STORE will be available, don't know if it's the same in other countries but if Sweden has recieved word then maybe the others have as well!
  15. Jesus man I don't know if I can wait 2 months and 11 days it's too much!! Thinking about importing a 3ds!
  16. What Fire Emblem Fates Stream(s) do you think is the best/funniest/most entertaining? Would love to watch a good stream of the game! I have seen the first part of EWNetworks Fates stream and I think he's really entertaining but he doesn't stream so often so I was wondering which you guys think are good streams :) Also this thread could be used for other people who want to watch good streams to get recommendations!
  17. May is going to be insane though, Uncharted 4 May 10th and then Fire Emblem may 20th!
  18. European Hype train has officially left the stration my friends!! 77 days! ( I Think? :))
  19. I feel all of you guys! I still think it would be more fair if there was an early English release, I don't think that would be unfair for non-english speakers because naturally it will take longer time to translate, but they're waiting for something they will actually use, right now I'm just waiting for something that I can't even use lol Swedish won't even be in the game. If I had something I actually was waiting for it would be easier but now I'm just waiting to play the exact same game as the US version but I just have to wait longer! I feel you, just enjoy it! Yeah you're probably right! If we only had a release date so we'd know for how long! But just keep away from spoilers and play other games then the release date will pop up - hopefully not too long from now! Yes exactly! I would never ever play it in Swedish if that would ever be possible lol it would be so wierd. I feel you! There are other games to play sure but we just want Fates lol! * joining hands* It's going to be a damn party when the game releases in Europe/Australia! I thank you! Yeah you're right, could have been alot worse! Hopefully we might get it before summer! Yeah the experience can differ quite alot when it's translated and with new VO! Cool Games! Might give Shin Megami Tensei a shot! Yes I understand now that Australia is in the same position! Cool! Yes I agree! A release date would really help, when it's just up in the air like this it just feels harder! Cool that Xenoblade has kept you busy, always wanted to try it! I feel you man! Yeah I don't really think we will get any bonuses either.
  20. As we are approaching the very exciting but still heartdrenching US release date for Fire Emblem Fates, I thought we should have a thread where we can unite and together go through this difficult time. Spoilers everywhere like landmines, temptations like Livestreams and walkthroughs in every corner. It's tuff living in Europe right now. Not only do we have to wait, but we don't even know how long we're going to have to wait. Everyone who is living in Europe right now - how do you deal with all this? Have you decided to go media blackout or have you decided to watch a playthrough of someone you enjoy watching? What games are you going to play in the meantime? I'm currently deciding whether to watch a playthrough or maybe just the beginning or if I should go full blackout, but it is damn hard to wait! Playing through Bravely Default for the first time right now since Bravely second comes out earlier in Europe so I decided to give it a shot, absolutely recommend to check it out if you want a RPG to play while waiting! I feel especially frustrated about one thing - and that is that in Europe we probably have to translate the game to German, French etc. Which I'm pretty sure is partly the reason to why it is taking longer but I'm from Sweden, I will only get the English version anyway. I feel like they should release the english version atleast digitally beforehand and then have a retail release with all the languages, it just feels so irritating and meaningless to have to wait ( If this now actually is one of the reasons to why it takes so long) Leave your thoughts!
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