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Everything posted by QuirkiDigital

  1. I see, then if that's the case it'll be more efficient if I do the same. Not sure how many supports have been done as of now, but I'll drop by to help when it's time to scrub (If it's needed). Hm, hard modding isn't really an option considering where I live, and from what I've seen it involves soldering and all that and I would rather not have something so invasive done on my hardware I guess. But if I do get my hands on a cartridge I'll test out the Hans method again, I guess. Though the posts below do raise some concerns... I kinda also need my firmware version updated as of now so I could access the eshop, a few other titles I'm interested in are getting released soon (such as haikyuu cross team match haha), so downgrading isn't an option for me since I'll miss out on downloading the first release bonus stuff. But thanks anyway :) From what was mentioned here, this would mean that, even if I do get a cartridge, I won't be able to access the other path plus the dlc path, since all 3 of my versions are downloaded from the eshop. If that's the case, then i guess I'll just stick with my unpatched Japanese copy then. I'll probably watch linkmstr's playthrough to satiate my curiosity nonetheless, thanks so much for the help everyone ^^
  2. Thanks for the prompt reply. I went to read up a bit after your comment- so it seems I've driven myself down a rather steep slope, having to hardmod my 3ds if I were to downgrade from 10.5. Hopefully it'll be possible to dump files of higher encryption versions in the future. Not sure if the reason for the red screen on both Braindump and Hans was due to my copy being an eshop version or that it's more of my firmware version. Might get a 2nd hand physical copy to verify, eventually. I've seen accounts (well, one) on youtube claiming they managed to run the english patch on 10.5 so far. Thanks again. Also, by scrubbing, do you mean comparing the English script with the Japanese one and make changes to the translation if needed?
  3. Hello, I've been lurking around for some time and only just decided to create an account. Thank you to the team for the hardwork on the project :) As one may expect, I came with a question. So, the background here is that I cleared the game in Japanese on my jp 3ds, but I got an eshop copy of the game due to a tight schedule at that time. I've been reading this topic and others for a while and I'm pretty sure that braindump would not be able to extract the romfs from my copy due to the 9.6 encryption in newer eshop downloaded games. I've also verified it on my own and while menuhax worked perfectly on my 3ds (currently firmware version 10.5) I was only greeted by a red screen when trying to run braindump, hence no romfs files. My question is then to ask, are the extracted files from braindump technically the same across all versions- be it retail or eshop? Then, if I were to borrow a retail cartridge from a friend, run braindump on it, extract the files, run the remaining steps- return the cartridge; would it yield the same results? Or, if I were to somehow obtain the dumped files, drop it in my sd card containing my game and run the remaining steps on them, would it yield the same results? On another note, not sure if you guys are still in need of translators, since the whole game's translation has been practically complete. But I could offer some help with translating the supports, if it's needed. Thank you and have a good day. edit: I also have another question- as mentioned above, I'm (unfortunately) on firmware 10.5, will the final patch be available for those above firmware 10.3? This is to help me consider if I should get a physical copy of feif instead, thanks.
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