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Everything posted by icey

  1. Best: FE10, Part 2. Even though the chapter was easy, controlling a fleet of flying units up in the clouds was just awesome. Plus, the clouds moved around, which added *some* strategy. I wish there were more chapters like this. Worst: FE8. Lyn's prologue was bad too - but Eirika's was a carbon copy of it. At least Lyn's critical animation was flashy, Eirika's animations just looked crappy.
  2. icey

    I'm new!

    Hi everyone, My name is Tim and I'm new here. I've been playing FE since FE7 came out in the US (so 2003. Wow! 7 years!). I've played FE8 and FE9, and have borrowed FE10 from a friend and am in the process of completing that (got through the DB chapters. Phew!) Because I'm too lazy to type in paragraphs, I'll just use the profile template you gave in the other topic for my introduction... hope no one minds! Online name: icey Real name: Tim Location: Toronto, Canada DoB: May/1990 Favourite FE Game: Blazing Sword Favourite Game (other than FE): That's hard. I'm going to say Paper Mario. It left the biggest impression upon me. Favourite FE Character: Ranulf. Least Favourite game: That's hard too. Well, my parents bought me a Chicken Run game on GBC a long time ago, that was probably pretty bad. (Though they were very well-intentioned ) Favourite music: Country, classical, electronica/dance. Really, I'm open to any kind of music though and have a bit of every genre on my playlist Favourite artist/band: Dixie Chicks Favourite song: There's too many! But a few are "Not Ready to Make Nice" by Dixie Chicks, "Frozen" by Madonna, "Grafton Street" by Dido, "Good Mother" by Jann Arden, "Telephone" by Lady Gaga (who else?) Hobbies: Reading the newspapers, playing games, playing piano, writing... Good Point: I'm a pretty laidback person and I can hold a conversation with almost everyone. Bad Point: I can be overemotional. Also, I sometimes can't see from other peoples' point of view. Trying to work on that. Anything else? I'm gay and out and not ashamed to admit it. *waves rainbow flag* Looking forward to meeting y'all!
  3. Using Rhaan's system... I'm 5' 8"... so +5 Male.... +0 150 lbs... +3 My BMI is 22.8. According to the BMI calculation, my body fat percentage is 16%... so +0. and I just turned twenty in May. -1. My constitution is... 7. I guess that makes sense. I'd have 9 con in eight months time though! I've been working out recently, so I suppose it all works out
  4. Hi ^_^. How are you?

  5. I stumbled onto this thread today, and I just wanted to let you (Life) know that I really enjoyed reading your thread. I've been following the FE7 tier debates on GameFAQS for a long, long time, though I never posted. I never really fully agreed with the tier list though, and your play log kind of helped me realize that there are a LOT of misconceptions that people still have about S Ranking right now. For instance, a lot of the arguments on GameFAQS were about how the Snipers and Lyn sucked, but you used Snipers/Lyn quite successfully in your playthroughs. Also, the GameFAQS arguments put a lot of emphasis on supports... I can see from your play logs that supports might be kind of overrated - though I guess how useful supports are depends on play-style too. Another thing I noticed is that you adapted the units you used or promoted according to how RNG-blessed/screwed they were. On GameFAQS, some of the debaters made it seem that one should *always* be using a "fixed-team" (Hector, Raven, Guy, Erk, Serra/Pris, etc.), and I can see from your play logs that this is not the case, considering that you used many characters that they would consider conventional... e.g. Wil, Rebecca, Louise, Rath, Nino, and so on. Also, I enjoyed reading about the differences in the ranks between all the modes . When I get around to S-Ranking HHM, I'll be sure to keep a close eye on my exp rank, and when S-Ranking the normal modes I'll keep a closer eye on funds. tl;dr version: I really enjoyed this thread and it really opened my eyes to the misconceptions I had about S-Ranking. Keep it up .
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