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Hell Cat

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Everything posted by Hell Cat

  1. I think Leo is gonna give Corn a run for his money
  2. My contributions I know you are all in awe of my horse drawing abilities
  3. My Azura is pretty decent at fighting except that she can't take hits very well I don't use her singing that often so now I'm considering making her a great lord, but I'm not sure I want to give up he singing. I wish songstress had a promotion or that we had another dancer unit, but their ability is pretty op and most games only have one or two anyways
  4. The real reason I even care about drawing is so I can draw yaoi this was a harder and more complicated pose and I'm not used to drawing people either so I'm kinda proud of this... BRAND NEW REFERENCE FOR MY FURSONA as well. I'm in a place where I'm satisfied with my art but I won't be here for long
  5. I can't believe Forrest has so few votes... but I mostly can't believe how Ignatius has NONE. He's just as cute as his dad if not cuter, and Benny is THE CUTEST!!!
  6. I don't think that has anything to do with Awakening. I got all those things and they're listed under "path bonuses" so I think the number indicates how many routes you have to play to get it. I have the special edition so I have 3 save slots each on a different route, so I think that's why I got those things. Might be wrong though
  7. Exactly what it says on the tin Here's my cat. His name is Cinamo, he's 11 years old going on 12, and I think the older he gets the more active and mischievous he gets
  8. I'm laughing so hard this is the most surreal feature I've ever heard of Immediately after reading this I messaged my friend screaming at him to make a baby with me. In retrospect I could have worded that better
  9. I can't believe how many people don't recognize 11...it's one of my favorite games this is so saddening omg
  10. I've only actually gotten into playing video games in 2011 or so and I'm not that old to begin with so I'm probably going to be wrong on a lot of these but I might as well try hahha I actually didn't do as bad as I thought I would....
  11. Apparently it was considered that Awakening take place in modern time, so I wouldn't say that guns are completely out of the question. Fire Emblem has always taken place in a medieval setting, and considering how badly Genei Ibun Roku ♯FE bombed, which took place in modern times, I don't think we're getting anything like that anytime soon (although there's probably a billion other reasons it flopped harder than a fish tossed off the Eiffel Tower) This is SerenesForest, so I'm sure IntSyst could release Fire Emblem: Dancing all Night and everyone and their dog on these forums would play it. I'd be interested in a game that took place in a different time period, no matter if it was modern times or the 17th century or whatever they decided to go with
  12. Actually, for anyone of any body type and gender I wanted to wait until I had more presentable art before I started an art thread but every moment we are closer to death, so why not start it now!?!?! I do take requests but I'm very lazy so I'm gonna be picky with what I draw. I literally draw at a snail's pace I take commission too which means I'll most definitely draw what you want in a reasonable amount of time but I don't have a paypal and can only take Deviantart points Art trades are open as well, no matter your skill level Most Recent Drawing Finally finished the reference sheet of my fursona and I think I'm satisfied with his design and my art finally.... Some older art I'm proud of Fire Emblem stuff I don't have a whole lot here but since FE has taken over my life I'm probably gonna be drawing a lot more of it I tried to make a sprite edit once. It's BAD but I've never tried to edit a sprite before. It's supposed to be Kano Shuuya as Corrin I wouldn't really call this art in any sense of the word but look at it. Look
  13. I've only been here two days so it hasn't been TOO long. I thought that with Fates just coming out it would be a good time to join Online name: Hell Cat Real name: Momo DoB: Dec 15th Favourite FE Game: Genealogy of the Holy War Favourite Game (other than FE): Persona 4! Or the Megami Tensei series in general Favourite FE Character: Fury/Ferry and Niles Least Favourite game: Dunno Sports: Absolutely not Online friends: No one here Favourite music: I'm emo trash and like FOB and PatD. I'm a big Vocaloid fan too Favourite artist/band: Pinocchio-P makes the good good Favourite song: I've been listening to Lost in Thoughts All Alone and the Sm4sh remix of it constantly Country: United states MSN/Yahoo/AIM: I mainly use Skype which is Persona4sucks Hobbies: Drawing, playing video games (obviously), learning about animals, taking care of cats, singing (badly), and playing the violin Good Point: Uh, I'm a cat. Who doesn't like cats? Bad Point: I'm pretty blunt and have absolutely no tact. I come off rude a lot even though I don't intend to ;_: Anything else? Can't think of anything...feel free to ask though
  14. They confirmed a Western release before they even released it in Japan, so they really have no choice but to localize it even though it bombed hard. I'm kinda glad since I sold my soul to Atlus a long time ago and I'd be disappointed if I couldn't get my paws on it. I can't say I'm not disappointed about how it turned out after what the very first trailer promised :( At least this means no one can steal Toma from his position as my husband. NO ONE
  15. Azura in Revelations Xander in Conquest (how could anyone resist him?) Yukimura in Birthright All the units that can only marry Corrin are so cute but apparently they make cruddy Kanas...Reina is perfect and Izana is so cute MY HEART COULD BURST. I'm trying to put some more thought into my stats since I've never been able to get far in any game above normal and I wanna try to play through on hard and maybe lunatic if I think I'm ready for it. I think finishing P4G on very hard mode gave me a superiority complex when it comes to difficulty settings
  16. The Gamestop in my area is the only one here, and when I preordered my SE they told me I was lucky since they only had 3 slots left even though I went the day after it was announced in the direct, and they've had midnight releases before so I can only assume they will for Fates. I had class on Friday, and then work, and then a doctor's appointment so I won't be able to pick my copy up until Friday night unless I get some extra time between school and work and even then I wouldn't be able to play it. I kinda wish it would be released on Saturday instead so I don't have to be jealous of my friends the entire day. BUT I have the SE and they don't, so I guess that equals it out lol
  17. This gets the blood pumping... TO MY LOINS

  18. Forrest and Siegbert's were super cute.... Just about all of Niles supports are great because he's, well, Niles. I think his supports with Odin are my favorite though. I don't know why Leo decided to make these idiots his retainers
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