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Posts posted by Selena4Lyfe

  1. Considering all NOJ vids showing it off were taken down/made private after NOA started breaking the news, alongside the internal debate over it and the fact that what was in the Japanese version was a compromise forced by Nintendo, I think it's safe to say that it won't be back.

    In general, I'm intrigued at where they can go: Fates really pushed the envelope with fanservice, Nintendo's fully aware of the Soleil controversy, and then there's the skinship issue. I've got this feeling that, at the very least, some stern words have been exchanged between Nintendo and IS.

    J personally wouldn't mind if the My Castle feature returned, in some form in the next one. If the skinship stuff does get shelved, and especially if IS tones down the fanservice (ignoring the scramble instances, they're fun and harmless enough), maybe they'll think of some fun little minigames or alternate activities that can be used to further flesh out characters. I seriously want a chess-equivalent minigame. It'd break the monotony of gameplay and could make for some great table-flipping moments. xD
  2. It also looks like Corrin and Hinoka are going for five children. Now, the question is if they're going to put them in the baby oven as well or let them grow up naturally...

    Have you handled a little shit during their first five years? 'Cause I haven't, and would sooner pay for an adopted brat at 8 years than suffer through the infant/early ado years.

    It's baby oven or bust, trust me.

  3. No, just one: Where did you get this?

    Don't you mean "Cowmilla"

    Sometimes worry about the sanity of this communi-


    I cannot unsee...


    Knowing about this joke now, I find it hilarious because I can now clam that Lissa somehow got pulled with Severa and the gang without them knowing, and assumed the alias of Peri after her mind caved in as a result of post-war PTSD.
  4. I just realized this: you max out the Fire Orb in My Castle to unlock Flora.

    ...Couple that with certain My Room lines of hers, and it feels like the game is deliberately joking about her fate on Birthright.

    Is that only in Conquest, or the other paths too?
  5. I really hate when it's a rout map, and a couple reinforcements appear at the other side of the map, when I only have an enemy unit or two left. I waste 2-3 turns just getting back to kill them. I really think the rout objective was overused.

    Is it ever like that map in Birthright where you're going through Dragonfall, trying to make your way to the boss, and every turn you're hit with more weak-ass faceless to slap to the side? 'Cause those are annoying aswell. I just got through that map, and had to repeat it twice, only because first, Sophie got slowly smacked to death 'cause I didn't have a healer nearby in the north, then again because the faceless that in retrospect was obvious magic-user bait killed Orochi 'cause of that magic-counter skill. Otherwise, it's just a slow crawl to the boss; not difficult, just slightly cumbersome.

    Here is an annoying nitpick for this thread. Every time I scan over the title, my eyes pick up "Annoying Nohrian Knight" and my brain fills in the second word so it reads "Annoying Neko Knight". It has happened 5 times already and each time I think "Wow, rude." lol

    Sorry man! xD

    Do you need me to change the title a bit? I'm sure i can come up with another alliteration string, if need be.

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